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BF4L: Old Habits Die Hard ||| CIMZ: R.E.M. ||| Cloud: The Way BackThe Shadows FallBattle the DarkThe Fourth LifeThe End of BlameDiamond in the RoughHope from the OceanFailings of the FathersChasing the Monsters ||| Karena:TM Return ScenariosTo Journey's EndPort Charles ChroniclesTodd's SagaMemories UnlockedThe Mysterious Samuel Toddman (Reissue) • Who's the Real Todd? (Reissue) • Thomas Lord: Cloaked (Reissue) • Enigma (reissue) • Don't Shoot the Messenger (link) ||| MONICA ANN: Dance with the DevilThe Devil You Know ||| MARIA: Spidey Sam


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Memories Unlocked #27

# 27

Vicki wanted to know more about Todd's last few months, and Blair filled her in.  Todd was quiet, just eating and not offering much in the way of conversation.  It made him uncomfortable to talk about his lack of memory and he hated feeling helpless.  He had finally been making strides accepting the changes he would have to make in his life and suddenly Blair and the children showed up and now all he wanted to do half the time was to crawl in a hole and die.  Blair didn’t mean to, but she was smothering him with her concern.  He heard the pity in her voice as she told Vicki what happened to him.

On Guam, he had been able to function without the pitying glances.  The children hadn’t seen someone crippled, they had just seen a friend with issues just like them.  Todd needed that feeling of independence back.  Everything that had occurred at the airport, as well as the drive into town, made him realize he couldn’t go home with Blair and the children, not yet anyway.  He just had to figure out how to make Blair and Starr understand.

Every so often Vicki would glance Todd’s way.  She knew he was out of sorts, it had been obvious since he entered the house.  Although he put on a good face for Starr, she was sure he was dreading something.  He reminded her so much of the brother who had returned home after his Ireland accident.  He had shut himself off and had been afraid to try again with Blair and then when he did try, everything had backfired on him.  The memory loss, notwithstanding, his paralysis was equally devastating. The inactivity alone surely made Todd frustrated.  He had never been one to sit still for long. She looked at the wheelchair and remembered her own time in one.  It had been a challenge for all of them in the house back then. Had Blair taken that into account before bringing Todd home?  “Blair, I know you’re anxious to get home soon.  Have you already made arrangements to accommodate Todd’s needs at LaBoulaie?”

Blair paused and looked at Todd with alarm.  “Oh My God, Todd, I guess I didn’t think that far ahead.  I just wanted you home.  Look, we’ll all go to the Palace Hotel for the next couple of nights until I can get something arranged.”

“Mommy, no!  You said we were going home.  I want my own room.  I’m tired of hotels.  Besides, Matthew is bringing my iguana home tomorrow.”

Blair turned to Starr.  “I know Babygirl, but Daddy won’t be able to get around the house just yet and I thought you wanted to have him home.”  Starr glanced at her dad and pouted, she had forgotten about his chair.

Todd looked at Starr and Vicki and made up his mind. He held up a hand to get Blair’s attention. “Blair, I think you and the children need to go home.  You’ve been away long enough.  I’ll get a room at this Palace Hotel you’re talking about.  It will be fine.”

“But Todd..” Blair’s heart skipped a beat. She knew why Todd wanted to go to the hotel alone and it made her want to cry;.  

Todd shook his head. “I know what you want, Blair. I... I need more time.  Also, I would like to talk to my sister alone.  Now that everyone has eaten, I think we should call the Limo back and you should go on without me.  Please, do this for me.  I’ll be fine at the hotel.”

Vicki reached across the table and patted Blair’s hand.  “It’s for the best, Blair.  It will give you time to get the house ready, but Todd, if you wish, I have a bedroom here on the lower level I used long ago.  You’re welcome to stay here.”

“Thank you Vicki, but no.  I think I’ll stay at the hotel for now.”

Thirty minutes later, Todd watched as Blair, Heddy and the children departed in the lImo.  His bags sat in the entranceway and he turned around and rolled back into Vicki’s library.


Bo sat on his couch staring off into space, his cup of coffee getting cold in his hand.  His mind kept going back to the airplane and the fiasco that had occurred when he tried to arrest Manning.  Damn Rappaport, why had he insisted on the arrest?  Bo felt like a fool.  He had made an ass of himself with Manning by acting all superior and the man hadn’t even known who he was.

The phone rang next to his elbow and Bo jumped, spilling cold coffee everywhere.  “Damn!”  He reached for the phone. “Hello!” he said rather gruffly.

“Whoa there boy, someone’s in a grumpy mood.” said a familiar voice.

Still upset with Sam, Bo really didn’t want to talk to his ex-wife.  Sam had custody of Matthew and Nora was trying to get on with her life with Troy MacIver.  Bo wasn’t happy with either set-up, even though he and Gabrielle were doing well together. “What do you want, Nora?”

“I wanted to ask if there was any word about Todd Manning.  Blair just called me and asked me to have the restraining order rescinded.  Has Manning finally turned up somewhere?
Is he dead?   I can’t think of any other reason for Blair to cancel the order.”

“Yes, there has been some news on that, I’m surprised Rappaport didn’t tell you.”

“Well, you know things are awkward between us right now.  What do you know?”

“First off, I’m sorry to disappoint you but Manning isn’t dead, and he’s certainly turned up somewhere.  He’s right here in Llanview.

“Todd Manning is here?  I don’t understand.  Why does Blair want the order rescinded?  After what he tried in Hawaii, surely she’d want to keep him far away from the children.  Bo, the man is so unpredictable.  If he wanted to kidnap the children before and the restraining order is lifted, what’s to stop him from trying again?”

“That’s what Sam thought when he asked me to arrest Todd this afternoon.  He was convinced Todd was coming home to make trouble. He couldn’t have been more wrong.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Todd Manning is home but without his memory and without the use of his legs.”

“Bo, it’s got to be an act.  He’s playing you.”

“Nora, I thought he was up to something when he fell at my feet.  I figured he was acting out to mess with me, but he made no move to get up and then his pilot Vince came out of the cockpit and seemed concerned about Todd being on the floor.  Vince and Antonio put Todd back into his seat but as they did I saw something shiny under his slacks and I insisted that Antonio pat him down.  I wasn’t taking any chances with him.”

“I can understand that.  Did Antonio find a gun? Although Todd’s usually more discreet with weapons, who knows what he’ll do now.”

“Yes, that’s what I thought at first.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  Nora, he’s wearing a brace on one leg and appears to have no movement in the other.  Then Vince brought out a wheelchair, I felt like a fool.  What was even more unnerving was his blank stare at me.  There was no recognition there at all  He called me Chief Detective and when he rolled off the plane, he didn’t recognize Sam either.”

“Oh please.  Todd having amnesia.  That’s a laugh.  The man’s clever enough to try that.  He had everyone going in circles when he pretended to have DID, this is just another one of his games.  I’m not surprised Sam is suspicious.  He was hurt badly by the way Todd fooled him.  Are you telling me you really think Todd’s conditions are real?”

“I don’t know Nora, I really don’t.  I agree Todd is capable of many things but you didn’t see him in that airplane.  I’m definitely going to follow-up at the hospital.  If he is paralyzed, he’s going to need medical care.  I’ll find out what I can and proceed from there.  You might as well rescind that restraining order.  Blair is the one who brought Todd home.  Obviously, she believes his story.”

“Okay if you say so but if he runs off with the kids, when no one is looking, I’m going to say I told you so.”

Bo hung up the phone and looked, with disgust, at the coffee stains soaking into his good sofa.  Why was it every time Manning was in town something bad happened?


Vicki looked at Todd as she entered the library.  It was so strange seeing him in the wheelchair.  Surprisingly he seemed at ease with it.  It was clear he had come to terms with his condition, or so she thought until she saw him slam his hand down on his left leg.

“Damn it!  Why can’t I feel you?” Todd continued to rub his leg, intent on making something happen.


He turned abruptly at her voice. “I’m sorry I didn’t hear you come in here.  Um, don’t mind me. It’s been a long two days and I guess I’m feeling a little sorry for myself.


“Why! Look at me.  I’m sitting in a wheelchair in my sister’s house, avoiding Blair and the children, when I know what they want of me.  My legs might as well not be here.  One of them is barely functioning and the other one, well the only thing it’s good at is helping me fall flat on my face in front of two strangers.  Oh God, listen to me.  I thought I was past all this whining.  I should have stayed in Guam.”

“Were you happy there?” Vicki moved and sat down on the couch opposite him. “Blair told me, that you were fixing to come back to the states when she found you.  If you were happy there, why were you thinking of leaving?”

“Because I knew I wasn‘t any good for the kids, I remembered just enough about myself to know I’m not a good person.   I know what our father did to you.  And I know I’m guilty of something similar.  Is that the kind of man who should be around young children?”

“In most cases, I would say no, but you’re an entirely different person around children.  Your nieces and nephew would all agree that you’re great.  Starr adores you.  Todd, you’re more than just those few memories.  You’ve done some terrible things in your life, but so have a lot of other people.  I’m no saint either.”  Vicki stood up and walked over to the bar. “Would you like a drink?”

Todd had a sudden image of Vicki sitting at a bar and offering to buy a drink.  He reached up and found himself touching his upper lip as another memory surfaced of her reaching over and wiping it.  He was puzzled. The memory didn’t fit the Vicki in front of him.

“Todd, are you alright?”

Todd blinked and saw Vicki looking at him.  “What? “

“I asked if you wanted a drink and you sort of zoned out for a minute.”  Vicki poured herself some wine, “Can I get you something?’

“I guess.  I don’t really remember what I like.  I’ll let you choose.”  He watched as Vicki poured something into a glass with some ice and brought it to him.  He took a sip and let it flow down his throat. “That’s good, what is it?”

Vicki smiled. “It’s single malt scotch.  Clint likes it as does Asa and Bo.”

“Who’s Clint?”Todd asked as he drank some more of his drink.  He sat back into his chair and began to relax.

Viki sat back down and sipped her wine. “He’s my ex-husband. Asa is his dad and my ex-father-in-law.  Bo, well, he’s one of the strangers you met on the plane.  Bo is the Police Commissioner of Llanview.”

“Whoa. The Commissioner turned out just to arrest me for breaking a restraining order?  I’m guessing there’s a little bad blood between us, judging by his attitude and suspicions on the plane.”

“Let’s just say you aren’t friends and leave it at that.  Do you want another drink?”

“Sure why not, I’m not driving but don’t get up.  I can get it myself.”  He rolled the chair over to the bar and poured a second drink.   He toasted Vicki and took another gulp. “So, Clint’s your ex, is there a current husband?”

It was as if a shadow crossed Vicki’s face, and she suddenly looked sad. “Yes, his name is Ben.”

“Is he working late?”

“No, he had an accident not too long ago and he’s in a care facility outside Philly..”  Her voice broke a little bit as she explained.

“Sis, I’m sorry.  I didn’t know.”  he rolled over to her side and took her hand. And for a moment they sat there in silence with her hand clasped in his.  He wasn’t a super touchy-feely kind of guy, but it didn’t bother him to just hold Vicki’s hand.  It felt right. After a few moments, he looked into Vicki’s eyes and smiled. “I don’t understand it, but I feel really comfortable with you.  It’s like no matter what I say you understand me in a way no one else can. “

“Well, both of us have been through a lot and for some reason, we recognized kindred spirits in each other a long time ago.  When I first figured out you were my brother it wasn’t easy for either one of us.  But then you found out what happened to me, and things changed.  That night, you learned the horrid truth about Victor and it struck a nerve.  You were all prepared to live your life with Blair and the new baby that was on the way, but what you found out, tore open the bandage that had been keeping all that you had done hidden, and it exposed it out into the open in all its ugliness.  I found you that night in our father’s tomb determined to leave Blair and never come back.”

Todd stopped her. “And you told me ‘He’s gone.  Leave this place.  Leave him behind you.  Go get married. Believe in yourself.”, didn’t you?”

Vicki nodded. “You remember.  Do you know what happened next?”

Todd shook his head sadly.  “I wish I did. The memory stops there except I remembered your name.  Did I listen to you?”

“Yes Todd, that was the day you married Blair for the second time.  You were happier than I had ever seen you.  Even Joey commented on it.  You and Blair were deeply in love and ecstatic about the upcoming birth of your child.  That child was Starr.  Todd, you do know Blair loves you don’t you?”

Todd let go of Vicki’s hand, and backed away.” I know that.  She’s made that very clear. Vicki, how can I just go back to being her husband when I can’t remember the simplest thing about our lives.  So far the only memory I have is of her screaming at me for telling her Jack was dead when he wasn’t.  What man in love with his wife does something like that?”

“Perhaps a man so terrified of losing the one thing he loves the most that he foolishly does something horrific without thinking things through.  Todd, you are a complicated man.  You pulled yourself up from the hole you dug with your crimes and decided to prove you were as good as the next guy. You took the inheritance, left to you by Father. and started The Sun.  Then with perseverance you fought for some respect and found it with the people in East Llanview.  You made The Sun a paper to be proud of and Blair’s been keeping it going because it was your baby and Starr’s legacy.  I know the love you felt for Blair isn’t gone.  When the time comes, it will burn harder and brighter than before.”

Todd clasped his hands together. “I want that Vicki, I do.” Straightening in the chair he looked around and saw the time.  “Well, I guess we should call that Limo.  Umm. Thank You.”

“For what?”

“I don’t know, I just feel it’s something I need to say to you.  I trust you, Vicki, I can’t explain why but I know you have my back always.”

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