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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Memories Unlocked #32

Chapter 32

Blair looked at the clock.  It was after one and she still had not heard from Todd about his visit with Larry Wolek.  Picking up her phone she called the cell phone she had given Todd.  There was no answer and Blair began to get worried and left a message. “Todd, I know you want to handle things yourself but I thought you would keep me in the loop.   I hope things went alright with Dr. Wolek.  Please give me a call soon.”  Blair sighed and headed out to get some lunch.  She entered the Palace Restaurant and was so deep in thought that she almost ran into Bo and Gabrielle.

Bo reached out to stop Blair before they collided.  “Whoa there, Blair.”

Blair blinked as she felt Bo’s hands.  She glanced briefly at Gabrielle before apologizing.  “Oh, I’m sorry.  My mind was elsewhere.”

“I’m sure. You’ve got Todd on your mind, don’t you?.  Nora told me you rescinded the restraining order.  Do you really trust Todd’s story?”   Bo looked over at Gabrielle, “I forgot to tell you that Todd Manning returned to town yesterday.”

Gabrielle looked back at Blair. “Oh dear.  Blair, no wonder you’re walking around in a fog.  Has he come back to make more trouble with the kids?”

Blair frowned, “No, Gabrielle, he didn’t come back to make trouble.” She looked pointedly at Bo. “What Bo also forgot to mention was that I brought Todd home.  He’s not here looking for trouble, he’s here to try and get his memory back, and yes, Bo, I do trust Todd’s story.  Really, Bo, you saw the shape he was in when you tried to arrest him.  Don’t you believe your own eyes?  If you’ll excuse me, I came for some lunch.”  She started to move away from them and then turned back. “Oh Bo, what are you going to do about the new crime problem in town?  I hear it’s a doozy.”

Bo and Gabrielle had been heading to the door but at Blair’s comment, Bo stopped abruptly and turned to face her.  “Blair, I don’t know what you’ve heard but whatever it is you need to stay out of it.  I don’t need The Sun stirring up a hornet’s nest with vague rumors.”

Blair laughed, “If they’re so vague, why are you warning me off?  You know me, Bo.  If The Sun prints something it will be because I have legitimate proof to back my stories.  You both have a nice day and Bo, leave Todd alone.”


Todd woke up slowly.  He felt a dull pain in his lower back and tried to roll over to ease it. Unfortunately, he quickly realized his legs were still dead weights.  His breathing escalated as panic set in.  Had he once again lost even the limited use of his right leg? He started to get up, reaching to touch his leg.

“Easy, Todd,” Larry touched Todd’s shoulder and pushed him back down on the bed gently. “It’s not what you think. We had to make sure you didn’t move at all so you were given a shot.  The effects should wear off soon and then we’ll be able to tell what, if any, progress you can expect.  Just take deep breaths.  The surgery went well.”  Larry held up a small jar.  “Here’s the culprit and I found no other bone fragments.  This had moved closer to the surface so I was able to snag it without causing additional damage to your nerves or muscles. I don’t expect any swelling.”

Todd held out his hand and Larry gave him the jar.  He shook the container and watched the small sliver of bone bounce around. “So, this is what has been keeping me from walking all this time? Amazing.”  His right leg began tingling with pins and needles and he sighed. Pain he could take because it meant the feeling was still there.  “Okay Doctor. what now?   I think, my right leg seems to be waking up.”

“Are you sure?” Larry flipped the sheet back.  He took out his percussion hammer and ran it down Todd’s right leg. When Todd jerked, Larry smiled. “I guess that answers that.  It’s clear you have feeling in that leg, but what about mobility. Can you move your foot?”

         Todd lifted himself on his elbows and stared at both of his legs.   He took a deep breath and attempted to actually move the foot. At first, nothing happened and then Todd watched as the foot actually moved. It was like the time when Joe had gotten him to move his toe only so much more. He willed the foot to move back and forth and it did. “Yes! Look what I can do Doc.” Even as he moved it, he felt a strange sensation in his whole leg.  For the first time since he woke up in Guam, his right leg felt like an actual part of his body.  Without thinking, he attempted to lift the whole thing.  He held his breath as the whole leg quivered and Larry watched, seeing what Todd was attempting.  Suddenly the leg lifted off the bed for just a few inches.  Todd dropped it down exhausted but pleased. “You did it, Doctor.”

“That’s good Todd. I’m amazed you were able to lift it, but knowing you I shouldn’t be surprised.  Any man who can take a fall from a cliff into the ocean and survive, wouldn’t let a sliver keep him down.  Now, let’s check out that left leg.”

Todd held his breath as Larry ran the hammer down his left leg. He wasn’t positive, but he thought he felt something then he sighed sure it was just wishful thinking.  He waited as Larry then moved to the sole of his foot.  “Wait! Do that again!”

Larry looked up. “Did you feel something? Close your eyes and tell me what you feel.”

Todd knew Larry was making sure he wasn’t imagining things.  He had to admit when Miguela had shown him the fallacy of his thoughts that first time she attempted to gauge his healing, it had been devastating to find out that he was truly was paralyzed.  To prove to himself and Larry that he really felt something, he closed his eyes and once more waited for Larry to do something. “I feel it.  You’re down near my heel, right?”  He opened his eyes and Larry was smiling.

“That’s good, Todd,.  It means you still have feeling in the foot, but I was hoping for more in your leg.”

Todd looked at the doctor.  “Being able to feel the foot like that tells me maybe I did feel something in the leg.  I didn’t say anything because I thought it was just wishful thinking.  Do the test again.”

Larry ran his hammer down the leg again. Watching Todd, he saw the look of joy and knew Todd indeed felt it

Todd leaned forward and ran his hand down his thigh.  It wasn’t his imagination.  He really was feeling some pressure.  The pins and needles started soon after and Todd couldn’t help but relish the pain.  His leg was coming back to life and it was marvelous.  He looked at Larry.  “You know, this morning I almost didn’t come see you.  I figured why bother, you were going to tell me to just be patient.  I never expected that I was going to get the feeling back in my leg.  I can’t thank you enough.  How soon do you think it will be before I can actually walk again?”

“That I can’t predict.  It will depend on how diligent you are with your therapy, and yes,  you will have to have therapy.  You haven’t used those muscles in months.  It will take some time to get used to moving them on your own power but it’s going to happen.  Now listen, Todd.  I don’t want you doing anything more today.  Although in terms of surgery, today wasn’t major, it was still surgery.  In your eagerness to actually move again, you need to remember that you have more scarring on your bones in your back leftover from previous surgeries.  The last thing you want to do is have another fragment break off.  I suggest you refrain from falling off any cliffs or swimming in reefs for a while.”

Todd laughed. Nothing the doctor had to say could take away his euphoria.  “Don’t worry, I intend to steer clear of any water for a while.  Is it okay, to use the brace and should I get another for the left leg?”

“Give the legs and your back a rest for a couple of days.  Come in later this week and we’ll start your therapy.  Now I’m going to do your discharge papers and have a nurse come and get you settled back into your chair.  There will be some discomfort down in your lower back for the next couple of hours so I’ll give you a prescription for the pain.”

Todd shook his head. “Don’t.   I can live with the pain.  It’s the absence of it that I hate.”

Larry nodded.  He understood where Todd was coming from.  “Very well, but at least take some aspirin if it does bother you,  It will help keep any inflammation down.”
An hour later, Todd and Williams pulled into the parking garage of the Manning building.  He rolled out of the van and turned to Williams.   “Do not, I repeat, do not say one word to Mrs. Manning about the surgery.  Oh and don’t bother buying a van like this.  Hopefully, I won’t be needing it in a few months, so we’ll just continue renting this one.”  With a nod, Todd rolled away from Williams and headed for the elevator to take him to the lobby.  He found himself grimacing as every bumped the wheelchair went over sent little shots of pain from his lower back.  Maybe I should have taken up Dr. Wolek on the painkiller. Man Up Manning, you’re a big boy, remember that pain means you’re finally healing.

He took several deep breaths and slowly wheeled out of the elevator and looked around.  Okay, Todd, now where?  He saw the building directory across the lobby and headed for it.  He was impressed.  The Sun took up at least six stories of the building. and the executive offices were on the top floor.  He exited the elevator a few minutes later.  He passed several offices until he reached the Publisher’s office.  When he entered it was clear the secretary knew him.

Suzanne looked at her ex-boss. She was shocked to see him in a wheelchair.  He started to move past her desk and she got up and went around to stop him.   “Mr. Manning, it’s been a while.  Does Mrs. Manning know you’re back in town?”  She was determined to protect Blair after everything she had been through.

Rather than bowling the young lady over, Todd stopped rolling and looked up at her and answered her question.  “Yes, she knows that I’m here.  Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to go see her.”

“I’m afraid I’ll have to check. Please wait here.”  Suzanne turned and opened the doors to Blair’s office.  “Mrs. Manning…”

Todd immediately rolled into the office behind her.  “Blair, tell your assistant that it’s alright that I’m here.”

Blair couldn’t believe the relief she felt to see Todd roll into her office. She stood up and walked towards him. “Suzanne, it’s fine.  I’m sorry I forgot to tell you he was home.”

Todd just smiled at Suzanne and waited for the girl to leave.  “She was determined to keep you safe from big bad me.  I can’t figure it out.  I’m in a wheelchair.  Just what do these people think I’m going to do?”

Blair looked at him. “Well, you do have a reputation.  Like Bo and Sam, most people probably think you’re pulling a scam.  Suzanne’s been with us for a long time, first as a nanny and now as my assistant.  She’s seen all your moods, you’ll have to forgive her for being a little protective of me and the children.”

Todd frowned.  He couldn’t defend himself with these people because he didn’t remember his past and it made him uneasy knowing in his heart that what Blair said was the truth.  “Let me ask you something.  You know all about my past and about every horrible thing that I’ve done to you and others in this town.  Why didn’t you just leave me in Guam once you found out where I was? You were getting on with your life.  By bringing me home you’ve placed yourself right in the path of all that hate for me.  Why would you do that?”

“It wasn’t much of a life to me.  I missed you more than I hated you.”   Blair moved to him, standing behind him for a moment. Her hand reached for his hair, her fingers carefully pulling it back behind his ear.  

Todd closed his eyes as he absorbed her touch.  It felt familiar and natural, like something she had done often. Not knowing why he reached and captured her hand and tenderly kissed it.  

Blair just held her breath, her heart fluttering.  Todd had never done anything like that before.  His tender gestures had always been few and far between.  She had always been the one to make the overtures.  This Todd was going to take some getting used too.  

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