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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hope from the Ocean: 60

The movie started, and Jack said, "This is my favorite scene.  There's a lady in here who looks just like my mom, Jenna.  Watch."

The family was gathered in the drawing room, which had the large screen tv that Todd had ordered put in.  Sam was in the oversized armchair and had his foot up on the coffee table, Jack and Jenna were on the floor, sitting against the sofa.  Dorian, Sister and Timothy had their places on the couch itself.  Dorian, whose head was on Timothy's shoulder on the other side of him, was dozing.  The nun said in hushed tones, "What did ya say to Sam, Broham?"

"I just told him his parents were all right, and they would be back, and that Santa wouldn't want to see him crying."

"He fell for that one, eh?" she whispered.

"Yes.  He seemed to.  Shortly after, I made the popcorn, talked about other things, and he seemed to move on.  He's a child, resilient."    Timothy said to his sister, "He trusts his grandpappy.  I believe he just needed me to say it, for some reason.  As if I would know any better than anyone else."

"He has a great amount of respect and love for ya.  Ya mean a lot to him.  He sees you as important; Todd adopted him, and Todd was adopted by ya."

"True.  I never thought of that."

"Well, it's clear he feels secure with ya.  Poor Jack.  He was beside himself," she whispered softer into his ear, because of the proximity of the teen.

"It will be all right.  As soon as this Ireland caper is over, their lives will begin to normalize."

"Are ya sure?  I haven't heard much promise for normal in this clan."

"True, again.  But something has to start to give them reprieve.  They need it.  Respite."

"I know.  Perhaps these good deeds Todd's been in will bring them peace for a while."

"With the new babby comes hope, Dear Creena."


"It's not so bad, now is it?"  Tina said, looking at Aiden.

He turned from the window to her.  "It's not, because y'ar not afraid.  It makes me feel like a gack to be fearing things in front of a lady."

"A gack?"  She asked.

"Ay.  A Jammy client.  A Muppet.  You know."

She smiled, "I'm getting the point.  The Muppet idea sort of rang true.  An empty-headed puppet?"

"That's the long and short of it."

"Todd, how did you learn to fly this thing?"  she shouted.  He didn't answer.

Aiden said, "I don't think he can hear ya."

"Probably not."

"It is a bit of beauty, looking over the world."  He looked back to the window.

"It's beautiful, yes."

"And ya are.  If ya don't mind me saying."

"I don't mind you saying."

"Ah, we'd call ya a Beor, we would."

"That sounds weird, but thanks, I think."

"Ya'r beautiful, Miss Tina."

"Thank you.  And you are, too."

He laughed, throwing his head back, "Me?  Beautiful?"

"Yes." She was serious.  Something about him had stirred something in her from the first time she saw him.  Maybe it was his dark, shining hair, or his ivory skin and striking blue eyes.  Whatever it was, she knew she was likely to get lost in his looks if she were not careful.

"Ah, thank ya.  I've not heard that one a'fore."

In the front seat, Todd piloted, and Blair sat beside him, her hand on her stomach, rubbing in small circles.  "She's kicking, Todd.  My God, I love her already, so much."

"Me, too.  She's part of you.  What's not to love?"

"Todd, are you . . . feeling anything about going back here?"

"What, to Innishcreg?"  She nodded, then smiled and slightly jumped at a small kick against her hand.  He interrupted the thought.  "She's going to be a punter, huh?  First female punter on the Patriots?"

"Maybe," she said.  Then, "I asked you something."

"I heard you.  What do you want me to say, Blair?"

"The truth, Todd."

"I'll admit, it messes with my head a little, yeah.  I don't know what I'll really feel until I get there."

"I know what I'll feel," she said, her voice suddenly turning cold.  "Starr was just as big as Jewel, inside me, when I was here before."

"Don't, Blair.  Don't start that."

"I'm just telling you, Todd.  It's true."

"I'm sorry, Babe.  That I left you that day."

"Oh, no, not so fast.  I'm sorry, I've already told you.  I should have gone with you that day.  I should have put Melador aside and gone.  We're not going over this again.  Both of us were wrong, at least a little."

"And now, everything's right."

"So right, Todd."

"No more Men of 21, so we have nothing to worry about.  Just think of it of as a mercy mission.  We'll help Aiden, and we'll go back, then get home to Unforgettable."

"When you said, that, she kicked really hard!"

"Oh boy, another Cramer woman, listening in."

"Manning.  She's a Manning woman."

"I'm lucky."

"Uh - huh," she nodded.

"Jammy," he said.


"That's how ya say it in Sister's lingo," he imitated her.

"Well, I'm Jammy, too, then."

"I suppose we all are."

"Just take it easy in Innishcreg, Todd.  No risks.  Nothing off course.  We go, help Aiden, we leave.  Promise?"

"Yeah, I don't see why not.  Sure."

"All right. Then let's land this puppy!"  she said, and laughed.

"I don't want to land it now.  We're over water.  But any time now, we'll be there, and set foot on the land of Innish."

Pulling the copter to the right, Todd circled the helipad, and without warning, a flush of recognition came over him.  Blair saw his expression, and said, "It's all right, My Love.  We're together."

He swallowed, and planted the machine down on its place.  Looking to her face, he said, "It feels so much the same.  But it's so different."

Aiden and Tina had already gotten out and stepped down, as Todd went around to Blair's side to help her.  All four of them stood, on Innishcreg soil, and looked around.  More green than anything else, it was quiet, with many trees surrounding, and the sounds of a small town could be heard not far off.  Aiden shouted, "Yeee-oooo!  The Isle of Green!  Cracker!"  He looked to Tina.  "It's home, Lass.  Home," and he rushed to her and lifted her off the ground in an embrace.

Todd looked at Blair, and she recognized the greyish hue of his skin.  She said, "Are you all right, Todd?"

"We're here.  This place.  It changed the path of my whole life."  His eyes were crystal with moisture.

She bit her bottom lip.  "But, look where it brought you," she said, moving his hand to touch their child, and then hugging him.  Birds flew over the four of them, as they embraced on the helipad, surrounded on all sides by the verdant countryside of Innishcreg.

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