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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Mysterious Samuel Toddman: Chapter 26

         Samuel sensed it, the moment when Todd awoke. He was becoming very attuned to his original self. He headed back to his car, thinking of the earlier talk with Ms. Perkins. He realized that he and Todd were going to have to face the Cemetery soon. Before they attempted it though, he had to get all the pieces of the puzzle in place. Samuel knew he couldn't come back into this town as Todd until he knew everything that had gone on in his absence. Reaching his car, Samuel made a decision. One person in this town already knew of his existence. If he was going to get the information he needed, the first place to start was with Blair. But he would wait till later to contact her. He drove to the area where Vicki's house was. 

        There it sat. Llanfair, the house his father built. Samuel parked down the road, he entered the estate from the back of the property wandering past the garden shed and headed toward the back patio. He looked in through the patio doors. There she was, his beautiful sister. She was rocking a baby in her arms. He remembered her holding Starr and rocking her the same way. She had accepted him unconditionally even though he and her older son hated each other. For reason's he had never quite figured out, she loved him. He wanted so much to knock on that door and see her face to face, to talk to her and tell her where he had been all this time. Regretfully he knew it wasn't time yet. There was another man in this town whom she believed to be him. That fact hurt. Anyone else in this town might have been fooled, but he had always thought Vicki knew the real him. Knowing that even she had fallen for the lies, this other man told, felt as if she had stabbed him in the heart. God, whoever did this to him was going to pay. With tears in his eyes, he turned and left, Vicki. He needed to get home. Right now, he needed the comfort of his three Muses more than ever.

        He got back in his car. Samuel realized he still had one more stop before he could go home. He turned his car and headed for the area of town where he would find Todd Manning's home. He pulled up across the street from the entrance, turn off the car and sat there watching. Hopefully, he would catch a glimpse of the man with his life. He watched as a couple of teenagers headed into the house. He didn't recognize either of them. I wonder who they're visiting. Maybe Starr is there? He thought. Then he saw her. His breath caught. She was as stunning as he had remembered. What was she doing here? The last time he had seen her, she was standing on a beach. The wind blowing her hair as she waved goodbye to him. He had been a fool to leave her. No, please don't go in. No, had Manning taken her too? Samuel felt totally bereft as he watched Tea enter Manning's home. He couldn't take much more of this. Then Samuel saw Manning.

       He turned on the car and the interior lights and stared at him. Manning stopped and turned towards him. Samuel looked Manning in the eyes. As soon as Manning began to walk toward the car, Samuel start driving slowly by him, as he got right next to him, Samuel smiled and nodded his head, then he drove away leaving Manning in the road. There, that got his attention. thought Samuel and he smiled. He hoped Manning had a very uncomfortable night. Manning had recognized him of that he was certain. He would let Manning think about what he had just seen. Starting tomorrow there were going to be others that were going to be seeing Ghosts.

       Samuel entered the penthouse and went into the living room. He walked to the fireplace and looked at his girls. " My beautiful ones I'm losing you." Even as he said it he could feel his connections weakening. He knew that the reality of the situation was worse than he had imagined back in Paris. He was back on that raft floating and praying that someone would throw him a lifeline. Blair was his best hope right now. She had been here the whole time and she was aware of his situation. He had to believe that she would help. Samuel believed that Blair still cared something for Todd. That was the lifeline he and Todd would have to cling to if they were going to come out of this in one piece.

       Enough.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself, thought Samuel, Feeling that way isn't going to help. He shook his head and realized he was hungry. Taking the cell phone he had purchased earlier that day, he called a pizza joint he remembered and ordered some Pizza. While he waited, he poured himself some wine and took out the list of contacts he had put in his wallet. He called one that was in the local area and got him started on the Kipling Research facility. He wanted to know everything that could be found on the backers of the Facility. Also anything that could be found about some of the projects that the facility had worked on in the past. The doorbell rang and Samuel paid for his Pizza, he hadn't recognized the delivery boy, so he figured the young man hadn't recognized him either. He would have to be careful calling some of the old numbers Todd had used frequently. He had gotten lucky with the delivery boy. He might not be so lucky the next time. As he sat there eating. He picked up the phone book and search for a number. Then he called it. It was ringing.

       Who would be calling this late? Blair wondered as she picked up the phone. She didn't recognize the caller.  "Hello?"

       "Hello Blair, This is Samuel." replied Samuel.

        Was she hearing right? "Hello, Samuel is that really you?" asked Blair. "My goodness, It's got to be the early morning there. What's going on? Is everything alright?" She had been thinking of Samuel for most of the day. She wanted to see him again but knew he was probably better off in Paris. She still hadn't been able to wrap her head around the fact that Walker wasn't Todd and Samuel was.

        "Everything is fine. I trust your journey home was uneventful," said Samuel.

        "The flight was fine. Strangely enough, I ran into an acquaintance who has a connection to someone that was on your list. Remember I told you to be careful of Carlo Hesser. Well, I ran into his ex-wife Alex Olanov. It turns out she was in Paris too. I found it unusual that I should meet her just after talking to you about her ex.. Have you thought any more of possibly coming to the States?" inquired Blair.

        "Actually, that is why I have called. I'm already in the States. I have been for several days. You see, I need your help. I'm here Blair. I'm in Llanview." Samuel paused. "We need to meet and probably the safest place would be here."

        "My God, you're here in Llanview. Samuel, you must be careful. There are a lot of people who know my ex-husband. I'm not sure what would happen if you were to run into any of them. Where is this safe place you want to meet?" asked Blair

         "Blair, come to the Penthouse. I'll be waiting. Hurry." Samuel hung up.

         Blair put the phone down. She replayed his last words over again. 'Come to the Penthouse, I'll be waiting.' Was it possible? Had Samuel remembered something? Was it possible he was at Todd's old penthouse? Blair grabbed her bag. "Momma, I'm going out. Jack get off that computer and get to bed," she yelled and headed out the door. She made record time getting downtown. Blair pulled into the parking garage and took the elevator up to the Penthouse floor. Stepping off the elevator she walked hesitantly toward the door. It had been years since she had gone through that door. Is Samuel really here?" She knocked. She had butterflies in her stomach. Who was going to answer?

         Samuel heard the knock and went to the door. He hoped it was going to be Blair. After the day he'd had he wanted to see one of his Muses in the flesh. He opened the door. She stood there as beautiful as always. But he saw a look in her eyes as she looked at him. She was searching for Todd. As he watched, he saw the expectation die. Blair smiled tremulously. "Hello Samuel, may I come in?" Samuel moved aside to let her enter. He closed the door and followed her into the living room.

       “Welcome to our humble home Blair."

        She walked into the living room.  It looked different but familiar. Then it registered what Samuel had just said. She spun around and stared at him. Questions tumbling through her head. Before she could ask one, he said.  "Yes, Blair, I know and yes, he's here."

       Samuel let her absorb his revelation. "Please, sit down. Much has happened since we saw each other. I'll get some wine and we can talk." he went to the cabinet and poured two glasses of wine and walked to Blair. He handed her one glass and taking a sip sat down opposite her so they could chat.

      "My journey to here began after we parted in Paris. I had told you of my memory loss and we had discussed your ex-husband Todd. Something occurred when we kissed goodbye that afternoon. There was a moment during that kiss when I was no longer kissing you instead I was watching it. When I left you a number of memories suddenly filled me but I realized they were happening to someone else. That is when I met Todd. I'm telling you this because I believe you already know what I just found out. I'm an alter, Blair, just like Tom, Rodd, Pete and Ms. Perkins but until recently I didn't know this. I'm here because something horrendous happened to Todd in 2003. The trauma was so bad I came into being and Todd retreated. You should know that Todd is once more aware but still trapped except during your kiss. My memories are returning rapidly but there are parts that haven't filled in yet. I'm here now because we believe that someone gained access to my memories and gave them to the man currently calling himself Todd Manning. It is the only explanation that would answer how he has been fooling you all these years. We don't know if this man was a willing or unwilling participant in this plot, so for now we'll hold off judging him. I am here to get Todd's life back for him. Will you help me?" Samuel sat back and waited for her reply.

      Blair was just trying to take it all in. Samuel knew he was an alter. He, Todd and the other Alters were working to get Todd free. If she didn't know DID was real, she would have thought she had entered the Twilight Zone. There was one other thing Samuel had said. He said, Todd had come out during their kiss. Oh God, she had known it. She knew he had kissed her. She would help. Todd deserved to be free. He had been trapped long enough. "Samuel of course I'll help. But you do know getting Todd out and getting his life back are two different goals. I don't know what I can do to free him, I thought all he had to do was want back in charge, are you telling me something is preventing that?" asked Blair.

       "Unfortunately, We've encountered a stumbling block in the system. It seems that whatever sent Todd inside himself is still tied to him somehow and it is preventing him from coming forth. That is my main goal, we are trying to find that particular memory. When we do, Todd and I are going to have to face it. One of us will emerge victorious. The other will not." Samuel replied. He met Blair's eyes. He knew her next question.

       "Are you telling me, Todd might not get free? But what of his life, will you all die?" asked Blair.

       "No, Blair we won't die but we'll probably never see Todd again. We'll also never be completely whole again. So you understand, I must endeavor to get his life and family back, no matter what. You see. I promised him." 

      "Samuel, surely there is some way for Todd to survive without losing you. All the other alters still survive and are a part of Todd. Why do you think only one of you will make it past this memory?" Blair asked searching his eyes for some glimmer of hope. All she saw was sadness.

       "There's always hope that Todd will emerge and retain me also, but I'm fearful that won't be the case. When the time arrives to face what is out there I'm not sure if I'll be strong enough to protect and support Todd and save myself at the same time. But that is my worry not yours. For now I'm here and I've found out a few facts already. I believe I've figured out where I was the first three months following my accident. I have reason to believe I might have been in the Kipling Neuroscience Research Facility which is outside of Philadelphia. I have some people working on that but I need someone here who can find out things about the people of interest here. The first one of interest is Todd Manning. You and I know he's an imposter and I can't confront him yet. We need to know if he's been acting any different lately. And on a more personal note. What is his relationship to Tea Delgado?" Samuel looked at Blair expectantly .

       "Oh Samuel, I'm sorry to tell you but they are married." Blair felt dreadful, She had an inkling that Samuel loved Tea. Why not? Todd had loved her. "If it's any consolation she thinks she's married to you."

      "I was afraid that might be the case when I observed her entering his home. I've been gone for eight years.  The world did not stand still. It is wrong to expect all of you to stop your lives for me. In my head, I understand the dilemma you faced, but in my heart I'm having a hard time understanding how you thought he was me. I have one other question and I really need the answer to this one Blair. Where is Starr? Where is my daughter?" Samuel asked quietly looking at her.

       Blair looked back at him, tears welling in her eyes. He had remembered his daughter. "Starr lives with me at Dorian's. She's well. She graduated from high school last year. A lot has been going on in her life since you saw her last. For one, Starr knows about Marty. You have been spared the anguish she went through when she found out. Your impostor was not so lucky. One thing you should know about the man you call impostor. He's been through a lot in your name. I'm not ready to consider him a villain. Samuel, there is one other thing you should know and it concerns you, daughter. Starr has a daughter of her own. Her name is Hope and she's your granddaughter. But you haven't asked me about Jack, Do you remember him?"

         Samuel had been taking in what Blair said about Starr. His little girl was all grown up and a mother. He was a grandfather. But who was Jack? His mind wandered back to a painting he had done of Blair and a Child. As he pictured it in his mind, the scene took on a whole new look. He saw Todd helping Blair, she was in labor. Then the baby was there, it was a boy. He remembered giving away the boy only to go searching for him later. Samuel stood up and began pacing. God, Todd what were you thinking, your own son, how could you? He really didn't expect a reply from Todd, in his heart he knew what had driven Todd. Are we so screwed up we can't trust at all? Samuel turned and flung his wine glass at the fireplace. He turned from Blair and walked to his sister's portrait. He rested his head on the cool bricks. He had a son too. Most likely a young man, who had been raised not by him, but another man. He feared too many years had past. How could he possibly step back into Starr's and Jack's lives now. Was this task too insurmountable?

        Blair had watched silently. She saw the pain and anguish cross Samuel's face as he remembered his son and the circumstances surrounding his birth. She recognized the anger and self recrimination she had seen in Todd's eyes so many times. Blair got up and walked to Samuel. She embraced him and held him close, "Don't do this Samuel. I don't believe any of this is hopeless. It's just complicated. We'll figure it out, like we always have. You and me together. You'll see!"

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