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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Memories Unlocked #25

# 25

Blair watched Todd get into the car and immediately lean his head back on the headrest and shut his eyes.  It was evident he didn’t want to talk anymore.  After she got in, she closed the window separating the front from back.  It would give Todd space while she and Vicki talked.   Blair turned to Vicki. “I know all this came as a shock to you.  I’m sorry I didn’t call and give you a warning.  I should have told Todd about you but I was hoping if he saw you he would remember on his own.”

“I understand Blair.  You’re right, it was a shock but right now my concern is for Todd.  Tell me about the paralysis.  How did it happen?  What has he been doing all these months?”

“Vicki, I was so mad at him for even thinking about kidnapping the children, that for the first month he was missing all I wanted to do was punish him for what he had done to me and Jack.   Then I found myself angry because he made no attempt to even contact Starr.   I thought that he had fled and decided to go somewhere and forget us, and all that time he was stranded on an island in the South Pacific.” Blair paused to gather her thoughts.

Vicki leaned forward and patted Blair’s hand in sympathy. “You didn’t know that and you had a right to be angry with him for what he did to you and Jack.  I was furious when I heard it.  But wait, how did you find out about the island?”

“Todd wasn’t alone on the island.  Tea and a man named Ross Rayburn were with him.  The investigator I hired to find Todd, found Tea and Ross and it was Tea who told what happened next.  According to her, Todd was anxious to get back to his family.  Vicki, he ventured out into the ocean on some flimsy raft!” Blair’s voice broke as she realized just how desperate Todd had been to get home.

Vicki sat back picturing her brother on a raft.  She knew better than anyone just how deeply her brother loved Blair and his children.  In the end, there was nothing he wouldn’t do to keep his family which is why he always overreacted and ended up messing things up. “Blair, how did he end up in Guam and how was he injured?”

“The only thing the doctors know is that he was in bad shape when he was brought to the hospital.  They were informed that a broken up raft was found not far from where he was discovered but Todd has no memory of that or how he got on it.  They determined his worst injuries were the result of the battering his body took coming through the reef around that part of Guam.  Dr. Sanchez said he was in surgery for over fourteen hours because of the broken arms and his back.  His head injury was also severe and he had some bleeding on his brain.  She believes the damage to his brain caused the memory loss and his back injury is the reason he’s paralyzed from the waist down.

“But you said he was partially paralyzed.  Does that mean he’s getting some sensations back?”

Blair nodded.  “The morning we found him, he began to feel his right leg and for the last two weeks, we’ve seen some improvement.  He’s currently wearing a brace on it to help give him some stability when he exercises.  Unfortunately, the left leg is still uncooperative, and he gets sullen and distant sometimes.  The only other encouraging thing is that he is having memory flashes.  I think that’s why he knew your face.  His memories are scattered and most of them violent.  He knows he raped someone.  He knows he’s been in prison.  And he knows he gave away his son.  In fact, when he saw us, he tried to leave Guam. It wasn’t that he remembered us, it was more about his remembering all the wrong he had done in his life and he didn’t want to hurt us.”  Blair’s eyes filled with tears. “Vicki, I’m scared he’ll never remember the love he had for us.  He’s so polite and concerned for me and the children.  I know he wants to feel  something more for us, but I also feel he’s holding himself away from us because of what he has remembered so far.”  Blair broke down and quietly sobbed as Vicki pulled her into her arms to comfort her.


Todd kept his eyes closed as the car began to move.  His thoughts were in turmoil. Well, Todd, this trip keeps getting worse.  You knew you were a bad man, that’s why you wanted to leave the kids.  It seems like everyone here knows your past too.  It’s probably a record even for you, getting arrested before you even get off the plane. He opened his eyes to stare at his legs and rubbed his right thigh. You certainly put on a show for Chief Detective Bo and his baby detective Antonio.  Being helpless in front of those men had really gotten to him and he angrily accused Blair of setting him up.  He remembered the look of shock and surprise on her face when he did it.  You really are a royal Jerk.  She had no idea they were going to show up.  You should apologize. He turned his head slightly and saw Vicki talking to Blair in the back.  Vicki, the woman in his dream was real and she was his sister.  It just reinforced everything else he had dreamt.  Just another reminder that his past was as violent as he thought but it made him sick to his stomach when he remembered his dream about Vicki.  If she was his sister than that meant the man who raped her was his father too.  Gee, old man, thanks for the perverted genes.  Obviously, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree with me.  

Unable to think about his past any longer he took a deep breath and opened his eyes to look at the town he was currently riding through.  It was a pretty good size city.  He spotted a building to his left with a large M on it and a few blocks down from that he saw a sign saying The Banner, but nothing struck a chord with him.  He had finally allowed the psychiatrist in Guam to hypnotize him after Blair and the children arrived but he was unable to grasp any further memories than those that seemed to come to him in dreams.  Because of that, he hadn’t been able to deepen his connections with Blair although he knew there was something between them.  He could see the hurt in her eyes and it just frustrated him even more. He turned to the driver and told him to lower the window so he could apologize to Blair.  As he turned a little in his seat he suddenly saw where the Limo was headed.

“Damn it.Blair I told you I didn’t want to come here.  I’ve had enough today.  I thought you understood I was through being under someone’s microscope today.”

At his first words, Blair was all set to return Todd’s anger with some of her own and then his final words hit home.  She saw the set of his jaw and realized he really was at the end of his rope.  She took a deep breath and then spoke to him softly.  “I do understand, Todd.  Don’t worry,  no one else will be examining you today.  I just need to drop off your medical file to Larry Wolek the Chief of Staff here.  He’s already aware of your condition and has promised to be discreet.  No one else has to know of your condition until you’re ready. I’ll be right back. You just need to wait a little bit and then we’ll head home.”  As soon as the Limo stopped Blair exited and headed in to see Larry.  

Todd visibly relaxed at Blair’s words and then his eyes met Vicki’s.  “I guess Blair filled you in on everything that happened to me.  Again, I’m sorry I don’t really remember you.  So.you’re my sister.  It must have been a real surprise for our mom and dad when I showed up so late in life.  I’m curious.  What were Mom and Dad Manning like?”

Vicki hesitated for a brief moment then decided Todd need to know certain truths so he could start to heal.  “Todd, I’m your half-sister.  Our father was Victor Lord.”

“Wait a minute, I know my name is Manning.  Of that I’m sure.  How come I don’t have the Lord name?”  Todd got a queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.  “Wait, I get it, I’m a bastard aren’t I?”   

Starr had woken up and been quietly listening to her father talked to her Aunt Vicki.  Before her aunt could answer her father, she asked. “Daddy, what’s a bastard?  If you’re one, am I one too?”

Both Vicki and Todd were shocked at her innocent question.  Vicki knew it was a sore subject with Todd and that he had been bothered by it from the beginning, but she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Todd had done everything in his power to make sure his kids would never have that stigma attached to them. Still, she wondered how to explain the term to Starr.  Todd was pale and it was obvious he was also at a loss about what to say.

Vicki reached through the window and squeezed Todd’s shoulder gently then answered her niece.  “Starr, you are not and never will be anyone but the brightest star in your father’s life.  Your father used a word that simply means he’s a part of my family but he and I had different mothers.” While that explanation was true, Vicki hoped that Starr would never learn the real meaning of the word until she was truly old enough to understand it.

Todd looked at his sister and just reached and held onto the hand on his shoulder. The slight tightening of his grip on her hand was all that expressed his gratitude for her explanation.

Sam stood quietly as the Limo pulled away. “What the hell just happened?”  He shook his head.  Todd had looked at him and there had been no recognition in his eyes at all.  Was it possible?  Could Blair be telling the truth?

Sam dropped down onto his car seat.  You’re an idiot, Sam Rappaport.  If it’s all true, you owe Todd an apology. Todd’s blank stare at him and the very obvious need for a wheelchair made Sam a little sick to think about it. My God, what have I done? He remembered the young man who had played football under his guidance.  As a youth, Todd had been a live wire on the field and had developed a love of the game. He had always seemed like he was releasing some inner turmoil when he played.  It had been a little like trying to control a tornado when it came to Todd.  

When Todd first came off the airplane, his anger and his knee-jerk reaction to blaming Blair for Bo’s presence had rankled Sam.  It was typical Todd, the man who struck first and worried about consequences later. Sam was trying to protect  Blair from that Todd.  That was also why Sam had been sure Todd was playing everybody.  Yet when Vicki defended Blair, Todd had reacted totally out of character.  Instead of being snarky to his sister, Todd had seemed unsure of himself and almost gentle when he spoke to her.  It had made Sam pause.  Bo suddenly changing his mind and not going ahead of the arrest was also puzzling,  Just what had occurred on the plane.  Both Bo and Antonio had seemed uncomfortable and a little ashamed, not to mention surprised when Todd had wheeled his chair in the direction of the police car.

Sam sat back in his seat and started his car.  It was time to get some answers.  He had seen the daggers directed at him from Blair when she realized he had orchestrated the arrest.  She wouldn’t be any mood to talk to him.  He would just have to go see Bo and find out everything that happened on the plane.  “If you’re for real, Boomer, then I’m sorry but I need proof.” Sam put his car in gear and left the airfield.

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