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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hope from the Ocean: 32

"Dad, where can we get a good pizza around here?"  Jack said.

"That one I don't know the answer to, Son.  I might have to get those caterer style ones from home shipped out.  Or something like it.  This is Ireland."

"Well, for a first dinner, this wasn't half bad."  

"Well, we were all hungry, and tired from the flight.  I think you'll be wanting to see that pillow early tonight."

Jack yawned.  "Probably."

"I love Ireland," Sam said.  "Sister Rebecca Katherine said I am Irish."

"Ya are.  At least a little."  The nun said.

"The mom who had me in her stomach and my first dad.  They were Irish."

"Yep, at least some Irish."  Blair said.

"So I might be Irish, too."

"You are, you're a leprechaun.  See how small you are, Puny?"  Jack teased.

"So?  I can run faster than you, and I can fit in small places," he looked down sadly.  "When I can run."

"You will Sam, it just takes time," Tina said.  The little boy was frowning.

Todd said, "Yep, your aunt's right.  It won't be long."

"How come Aunt Dorian didn't come to dinner?"  Jack asked.

"She wasn't up to it, I think she's in there feeling sorry for herself," Blair said.  "She misses Timothy."

"Aunt Dorian and Grandpa, sitting in a tree.  K-I-S-S-I-N-G."  Sam said.

"All right, Sam."  Blair said.

"Come on, we're going up to the bedroom," Todd said.  "It's time to read some books or do something quiet before bed.  Mom and I are really tired."  He lifted Sam off the chair, and carried him up the oak staircase.  

Jack followed.  "Hey  Dad?  How much would it cost to build our own pizza oven in here?"  Their voices faded as they turned the corner at the top of the stairs, and disappeared into the top level of the castle.

Blair looked at the women.  "I love him, so much."

"Ay, it's clear ya both do.  So grateful that we're here in Ireland, and he's got his life."  Sister Rebecca Katherine started to help clear dishes.

"You were here before, recently," Tina said, more like a question.  Ray was feeding himself the last of his Cheerios. 

"Yes."  Blair said, then she turned.  "When we got off that plane, I felt almost sick.  I could only think of the previous times I'd been here.  First, looking for Todd when he was presumed dead, the day after our wedding.  The one with the gold balloons.  Then, coming back to try and find him when . . . Leona tried to . . ." she choked up.

Tina said, "I didn't mean to start anything . . ."

"She's just emotional, Lass.  Leona had tried to take Blair and Ray with him.  Todd traded his life.  He was taken, kidnapped and  . . . well, mistreated.  We found him just before it was too late.  It was Patrick Thornhart who found him, in actuality."  The nun gave a brief history lesson.

"What do you mean, mistreated?"  Tina asked.

"He was . . . almost killed."  Blair said.  "And Tina, I can't explain more.  It's too much, and I'll be sick."

Tina did not say much more.  She noticed how green Blair looked, so she just swallowed, and put her hand on Blair's arm.  "What was the third time?"

"It was not long ago.  Timothy was dying of cancer.  Todd and I went to Ireland to say goodbye, which turned into Todd deciding that Timothy could be saved.  Sister Rebecca Katherine gave part of her liver, Todd paid for everything, Timothy was cured.  Todd was going through something really painful, and they gave each other reason to keep trying.  Timothy gave up drinking, and then adopted Todd.  He needed a father, so much."

"That one I like," Tina said.  "I like that a lot."


"All right, night, Sam O'Hearlihey."  Todd said.

"What's that?"

"It's Irish."

"Okay, night, Dad O'Hearlihey."

"I don't think I'm Irish."

"Well, then good night, Dad.  I love you."

"Love you, too."


"Yes, Sam."

"Mom said you've been here before.  Was it when I was alive?"

"Yeah, remember?  I was here when Grandpa was really sick."

"Oh yeah.  That's right.  I almost forgot that.  And Dad, weren't you here when you were missing?  When you were taken away?"

"Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm rushing to off you."

"I know.  You want to keep me around.  I'm your fun."

"You have been, yeah.  It's been a while.  Quite a ride."  Leona said with a very straight face.

"Dad, was that when?"  Sam repeated, interrupting Todd's memory.

"Yeah, that was it, Sam."

"Is that true, that I saved you, and Jack did?"

Jack walked in from the hallway.  "That's enough of that, Squirt.  Time for Dad to get some rest, too.  I'll beat you up if you don't go to sleep."

"Go ahead and try, Giant of the Dumbness."

"Oh, yeah?  Want some of this, eh?"  Jack said, holding up his fists as if boxing.

Todd said, "Thanks, Jack, for being a good brother, and son.  Anyway, night Sam, we've already said our goodnights."

"Okay, Dad," Sam said, picking up his book.  "I'm not tired so I'll read a little."

"Night, Runt," Jack said, bending down to kiss his little brother.  Todd looked gray, as he and Jack left the room together.  Jack looked at him.  "Dad?  You all right?"

"Yeah, sure."  He appeared sick.  "I think you got that conversation going in a better direction."

"You okay, I mean really, Dad?"

"Yeah, Son, I'm okay.  Really," he said, and Jack hugged him, patting him once or twice on the back, and headed for his room.

Todd went toward the master bedroom, hoping to find Blair there.  When she wasn't he sat, on the bed, and went through his phone messages.  

Todd.  Call me.  I've got news.  ~Dad

"Here we go," Todd said aloud.  He held the cell phone in his hand, and closed his eyes.  Picking up the phone, he dialed.  "Dad?"

"Ah, Todd.  Good evening."

"You said you have news."

"I do.  They believe they've found Thornhart."


"I'll bring Ray up," Tina said.  

"Thanks, Tina."   Blair was puttering in the kitchen.

"Bridgette, how have you been feeling?"  The clergywoman said.

"All right, I guess.  I'm just really afraid, still."

"Of what, Dear Heart?"

"Of losing what we have.  Ireland's been a place of loss for us."

"If ya look at it the other way, ya'd see not.  He returned to ya after the first time.  He was found the second.  The third, he saved Timothy and himself."

"I suppose all that is true."

"Of course it is, Dear.  It's all about how ya look at things."

"Maybe it's just what I'm expecting   I'm so afraid I'm going to lose the baby, and now, I'm scared I'll lose Todd."

"Ya have to stop that,  it's just not good for ya, or the tyke."

"I'm not sure how to stop it.  It just happens, Sister.  It starts right here, in the pit of my stomach."

"Have ya prayed?"

"No.  I haven't."

"Ya can try to pray, when ya get the feeling, or just remember how far ya both have come.  Look at all he's done to make it safe for everyone.  Think of everything he went through to get back to ya."

"I know.  I just can't shake it.  Especially this feeling of dread, like we're destined to have tragedy when we're here in Ireland.  Actually, when we're anywhere."

"Maybe that will change this time.  Maybe ya'll find something different here.  Maybe this visit is intended to bring joy, or success and break the mold, so to speak, eh?"

Blair didn't answer.  Sister Rebecca Katherine saw her hand resting on the small bump in her middle.  "I so want this child," she said wistfully.

"Ya will have her, if ya calm y'arself down.  No more anxiety.  Ya need to start to get y'ar head into the positives.  Stay away from the negativity.  The devil is hard at work on earth, ya know.  He moves in mysterious ways.  Trust in the Lord, Dear."

Blair wasn't sure she could exactly understand or utilize those words, but somehow, the last sentence was comforting to her.  "I'm trying."

"I know ya are.  And so is he."

"Todd?  I worry about him sometimes.  Like, he might be trying to keep me happy, and not telling me everything he's feeling."

"I'm sure that's the case, but he'll be all right.  Just let him know ya want to be there for him."

"Maybe I should just stop talking about myself and my worries all the time."

"No.  This is about both of ya.  Ya went that road before, being separate, but the same soul.  Now, it's time for ya to be together, always."

Blair wrung her hands.  "I don't know what to do, Sister.  I don't know how to stop this panic in my heart."

"Dear, you just must believe.  That is all.  And trust.  Trust him, and share everything with him.  The rest will fall in to place.  Trust, Dear Heart."

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