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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Who's the Real Todd? Chapter 41

       Todd spent the next couple of days getting familiar with the house and getting around it when Blair was otherwise occupied with the boys. He discovered that Blair had purchased a state of the art computer with voice recognition and reading capabilities so he was able to access the Sun and hear the articles as they were written.  He called and talked to Kelly and they had a conference call with her undercover reporter and Todd found out several key pieces of information. One thing he was able to find out was that the reporter had been everywhere in the facility and as far as he knew he had never encountered a hallway similar to the one that Todd and Samuel remembered. But the reporter did say that Kipling had a number of ambulances taking a few select patients to and from Dr. Kipling's home.

       The reporter talked a little longer and then Todd made a request, "I need you to be extra careful, but you need to try and get into Kipling's good graces and see if you can begin helping with those patients. It's imperative that I find out more about them. It's possible that Kipling is working with these patients in a way that has nothing to do with the purpose of the research facility. I think Dr. Kipling has his own experiments, that he's doing on the side and it's very likely those patients are in a great deal of danger for the sake of Kipling's research. Do you think you might be able to do that?.... Great, get back in touch with Kelly when you find out." Todd ended the conference call and decided to take a practice walk on the grounds. He was still struggling with range perception when colors blended outdoors.

       He opened the front door and stepped out. It had now been a couple of weeks since the surgery and he had seen no further improvements since the inclusion of color. Todd was beginning to think he would never be able to see Blair clearly again. He looked out across the lawn and the colors blended till everything dissolved into a mishmash of greens and browns with no definition of shape. It was no use attempting to walk the grounds until he had Blair or Starr along. He walked back into his house when he smelled the cigar smoke. It could only mean that one person had arrived again. His steps slowed as he entered his living room looking around for the source of the smoke.

      Todd wondered if he could keep his blindness a secret from Carlo or if Carlo already knew about it. Todd located him sitting under the portrait of Blair in the 2001 wedding gown. He felt a breeze and realized Carlo had entered from the terrace. He had the living room memorized so Todd put away his laser. " My dear sir, you startled me I wasn't expecting visitors. To what do I owe this visit."

       Carlo had known, through his sources, that Samuel and Blair had returned from their honeymoon. He was curious why they hadn't been back to town for a while, and he had heard some rumors that there was something wrong with Samuel. Carlo wanted to find out if the implant or Samuel's heart had caused trouble on the honeymoon. Besides he still wished for Samuel to paint him another portrait. Carlo felt he got better information a lot of times when he looked into things himself, and Samuel's new home had proven to be bug proofed. Not exactly sure why, but the bugs placed on the property while Samuel and Blair had been gone, were not operating properly. There appeared to be some natural interference in the area that made those items useless. "Samuel, forgive the intrusion, but as I hadn't heard from you, I decided to come find out if you've managed to start my portrait of your fair wife, for my collection. I also wanted to give you an update on our mutual friend Tomas."

         "Most assuredly I would love to hear about our friend Tomas. Tell me, is he recuperating from his accident."

        "He is but now it appears someone destroyed his art gallery. They say it was unrelated to Tomas's accident. I fear Tomas is out of business for now. It really is a shame." stated Carlo coolly, he watched Samuel for some signs of any anger.

        "That is very distressful, whoever did this to Tomas needs to be caught." Todd could feel both Samuel and Pete close to the surface, strangely enough, they were all feeling the same anger. All he really wanted to do was go to the Blob that was Carlo and wring his neck, he gripped the laser in his pocket almost crushing it, but the pain from that brought him to senses and he knew he was once again going to let Hesser walk away. His hands were tied until the all clear came from Tea. In the meantime, he had to continue to pretend to only know Hesser as a patron. "I wish I could do something to help my friend but perhaps I can still help you. I received word that my paintings have arrived in the States and I'm expecting the shipment here in a couple of days. Alas, I haven't been able to start on the portrait you wanted. An unfortunate incident occurred on my honeymoon that I'm still dealing with. However, if you would still like to purchase the piece you were interested in before Tomas's accident I might be able to accommodate you."

        It was really the last thing he wanted to do, but he was unable to paint at this time unless his vision returned. If he didn't offer Carlo something he would continue to press for the new painting.

         Carlo looked at Samuel and frowned. He hadn't expected Samuel's offer, in fact, he had thought hearing about the gallery would have elicited a stronger reaction. Samuel was proving to be quite a challenge and it was indeed becoming interesting trying to figure out what the man might do next. Samuel Toddman was as shrewd as Todd Manning but much more civilized. Carlo had never been one to turn down a good offer and he had really wanted the " Sunset" Portrait. "Samuel, I agree, it is a great shame about Tomas's situation. I do hope they find the culprits."

        "Like hell you do you bastard! You sent the culprits because he was a link to us. Damn it Todd, take him down now. What are you waiting for?"  Pete interrupted.

          Todd ignored him and answered Carlo. "Indeed. Well Mr. Hesser do we have a deal? I will sell you my portrait "Sunset" as I cannot at this time paint the other portrait, due to doctor's orders. Forgive me if I don't go into details, I'm afraid I did something foolish while on my honeymoon that I'd rather not talk about at this time."

         Carlo nodded and said. "That will be quite satisfactory Mr. Toddman. I do apologize for letting myself in. I've been out of the country for some time and where I come from people tend to come and go as they please. I must learn that isn't so here. I'll see myself out and I'll be in contact with you concerning the painting soon."

        "Excellent I should have the portrait in the next couple of days." Todd watched Carlo's blob exit the way he entered and knew he had to contact John soon with this latest development.

       "Why Todd, why did you let him go?" Pete asked.

       "Because until we find the lab we can't bust him and he's gone back into hiding. I need to find that lab and you know why, Pete. Hang in there, I just hope he doesn't present me with anymore surprise visits before I come out. I don't know how many more of these surprises I can take without wringing his neck. I think I might have an idea about the lab."

        Todd was nearly as frustrated as Pete but he couldn't afford to be. "Damn I wish I had my sight back, this is torture right now. Give me some help, Samuel keep Pete off my back for a while. I almost lost it earlier, it can't happen again." He walked to the Terrace door and stared out not really seeing anything but imagining his hands around Carlo's neck, watching the man die a slow death.

       Later, Todd was standing in front of his own portrait of Blair in their bedroom.  He reached behind the side of it and hit a button and the portrait moved aside to reveal his wall safe. He punched in his code and the safe door opened. Todd reached inside to remove the box from Michael and took the case over to his end table. Todd sat down and open the container and removed the two jars. He couldn't see them clearly but when he held them close together the jars vibrated and tried to connect with each other.

       The first time he had held the jars he had almost dropped them because he hadn't been ready for the movement. They literally felt like there was something alive in them. Something that wanted out. He held them tightly this time and wished he could make out the contents. Todd recalled the scan Larry had showed him of the obscene little item sitting on his brain. Then Michael had told him about the second part they had realized was in him, he remembered feeling ill as Michael had describe what the two parts had done once free of his brain. If he hadn't needed them so bad for his case against the man who had just left his house, Todd would had destroyed them. As it was, he found himself drawn to them with a kind of morbid curiosity and sick fascination, knowing they had been the cause of a lot of pain.

        He wasn't sure what made him do it, but he found himself opening a jar. Todd reached inside with his fingers and captured the smaller of the two implants in them, grasping the plug that was slowly moving back and forth in the jar. He felt a little electric jolt go through him and suddenly found himself actually seeing the implant caught in his fingers. He was so startled, he let go of the jar the implant was in. Like slow motion, he watched the jar drop to the floor. Dangling from his fingers was the implant moving or swinging in a strange fashion but he realized he could see it clearly for the first time in days. He looked around the room, amazed at the colors and shapes he had taken for granted all his life. Something in him was responding to the implant even though it was no longer a part of him. Todd sat down on the bed shaken to his core. Just by holding this implant he was seeing. It made no sense. He brought the implant up to better inspect it and saw the minute and intricate ball of circuitry and engineering in its design.  Something inside it was still powering it, even though it was no longer attached inside him.

         Todd wanted to see if it continued to provide him with vision as long as he held it do he got up to leave the room. As he entered the hallway outside the bedroom suite the implant stopped moving and Todd stumbled as his vision reverted back to just the blobs of color and vague shapes. Luckily he knew where he was or he might have accidentally fallen over the banister. He took a moment to think and knew what he had to do he turned and retraced his steps this time counting his steps til the visions cleared it took four step to reach the entrance to the suite, as he crossed the threshold his vision returned and the implant came alive again. He stopped again and began his count back to the bed where the other implant was vibrating in its jar. It had taken about nine steps or approximately 25 feet to get back to the bed.

        Todd sat down and pondered his next move. What was he going to do now? Suddenly the little implant wrapped itself around his finger forming a little ring with the cord of wires the ring and the little ball comprised of some sort of nano technology and sensors resting on top of his finger like a unusual gem vibrating and feeding small jolts of electricity through sensitive nerves in his finger. It looked all the world like a very unusual ring and it gave him an idea.

      "TODD NO!"Blair screamed as she saw what Todd was doing. She still had visions of the one implant moving across the floor toward Todd in surgery, and now it looked like one of them had attached itself to his hand. "God Todd, what did you do? Are you okay? I'll call Larry, we'll get it off you I promise."

       "Blair it's alright I swear. I'm fine. It's not attached to me but something marvelous has happened, Blair I can see you." Todd got up and walked to her without hesitation and really looked at her. "My God you're beautiful." he just stared at her unable to take his eyes off her face until he realized she was actually blushing because of his stare. "I'm sorry it has seemed like forever, and I was sure I was never going to see you again. Blair, it's helping me see. Do you understand?"

       Blair hadn't felt his gaze in so long that it took her a moment to understand what was happening. Todd was really looking at her and seeing her, not just a colorful blob, but her. Then she realized what else he had said. Was he serious? She stared at the thing on his finger and wanted to cringe. She remember so well everything that wretched thing had done to him and now he was standing there with it wrapped nonchalantly around his finger. She shivered as a chill went down her back "Todd you can't be serious, that thing almost killed you. Do you know what you're saying?"

        Todd could tell she was really spooked by the implant so he walked back to the bed and carefully unwrapped the implant keeping his body between it and her, so she wouldn't see it moving. "I know exactly what I'm saying, and I assure you that it was not hurting me. I will put it away but the minute I do I'll lose my sight again." he glanced over his shoulder one last time at his beautiful wife. "You are worth every second I have and I won't have you upset." he dropped the implant back in the jar and immediately everything got fuzzy once again.

         Blair had watched as he walked back to the bed but noticed how his shoulders had suddenly drooped when he had put the implant back in the jar. She watched as his movements became less sure and fumbling as he reached to place the jars back into the container, and her heart went out to her husband. She hated the things but she went to her husband and and gave him a hug. "You meant it didn't you. You really can see when you handle that awful thing. Let me put them away and we'll talk, I promise I will listen." She picked up the box and placed it back in the safe, closing it and letting the portrait come back into place and then she returned to Todd "Okay, first tell me what made you get the container out. Then we'll talk about this latest development." she sat down next to him and waited for his story.

         Todd turned his face to Blair's and began his story about Carlo's latest visit. Even though he couldn't see her face, he could tell from the stiffness of her fingers in his hands that she had tensed up at Carlo's name. She wanted to call John immediately to report it but Todd stopped her. "He was fishing again Blair and because I couldn't let him find out I was blind, I promised him one of Samuel's pictures and got him out of here but it made me think of what he had done and I found myself up here getting the case. When I took the jars out and felt them vibrating I remember everything you told me about how they had reacted to each other. I don't know why I opened the smaller implant's jar but I thought if I held it I could get a better idea what it really looked like. What I didn't expect was what happened when I touched it."

         He gently rubbed her hands with his thumb "Blair, it was unbelievable. The moment my fingers came in contact with the cord of the smaller implant, a current ran through me and I suddenly saw the implant and everything around me clearly. I decided to see what would happened if I just walked with it. Unfortunately as soon as I left the room the implant went limp and my vision was lost. It was jolting to say the least but as soon as I returned to the room the implant came alive and my sight was restored. There is a twenty-five foot working radius that the implants seem to be sending and receiving, beyond that and they are inert. I understand your revulsion with the implants and I admit I felt just the way you did when I held those jars the first time. Blair, Carlo and Kipling took so much from me and almost killed me with those things.  They're out of me, yet for some reason I still have a connection to them, and that connection allows me to see." He stopped talking and just sat there waiting for Blair's reaction to it all.

       Blair wasn't sure how she felt after listening to Todd. She was mad that Carlo had once again gotten into her home and she wanted that stopped. She blurted out "John needs to know about Carlo, I don't like the idea that he got in here. How do you know he wasn't watching you the whole time? You say you didn't want him to know about the blindness, but you can't be sure he doesn't already know. Todd, you can't keep playing this game with him. I think it's time to let him know the truth."

        "I know you're frustrated by Carlo and our current inactivity, but until I know that Manning is free of his devices we can't let Kipling or Carlo know the truth. But you're right, Carlo might know I'm blind but I don't think so. Don't you see though, with the implant in my hand I'm no longer handicapped?" Todd couldn't believe how needy he sounded just then.

         She looked at her husband and heard him. He wasn't afraid of the implants that had almost killed him. He saw them as a means to an end, a means to get his life back on track using the very items Kipling had used to hurt him and making them help him instead. Maybe it was time to get past her fears of the day when she had lost him, he was here in front of her and trying to be brave and remain unsighted but he had found a way to see and it was killing him to not use it. She got off the bed and went back to the safe. Opening it she retrieved the container and brought it back to the bed and then she opened it. Blair steeled herself and looked again on the terrible items that had been inside Todd's head She opened the jar with the smaller implant and forced herself to drop it into her hand. " God, Todd it so unnatural, it's moving and it shouldn't be. It's disturbing. These things almost killed you and that's all I see. I love you so much and I lost you, but I have you back and you should have your sight back. Here" She reached for his hand and dropped the moving implant into it and looked into his eyes. They focused on her and she smiled." Hi Todd"

         Todd beamed back at her. "Hi Blair. Thank you." he leaned over and showed her just how much she meant to him, his hand wrapped tightly around the implant.

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