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BF4L: Old Habits Die Hard ||| CIMZ: R.E.M. ||| Cloud: The Way BackThe Shadows FallBattle the DarkThe Fourth LifeThe End of BlameDiamond in the RoughHope from the OceanFailings of the FathersChasing the Monsters ||| Karena:TM Return ScenariosTo Journey's EndPort Charles ChroniclesTodd's SagaMemories UnlockedThe Mysterious Samuel Toddman (Reissue) • Who's the Real Todd? (Reissue) • Thomas Lord: Cloaked (Reissue) • Enigma (reissue) • Don't Shoot the Messenger (link) ||| MONICA ANN: Dance with the DevilThe Devil You Know ||| MARIA: Spidey Sam


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Chasing the Monsters: 17

I went to work this morning.  It sucked.

Jack waited, with his phone resting on his chest.  It was almost time for bed, and he wanted to spend a little time catching Jenna up on what he'd been doing.

It buzzed against his abdomen.  He picked it up and read:

Why did it suck?

He answered, using his thumbs rapidly, because I'm copyboy.  It's a shit job.  Dad is doing it on purpose, to make me have to earn my way.  Start at the bottom, that kind of thing.

He's really doing that?

Yep.  He means business.  I mean, I sort of don't blame him.  But I do really hate it.

Are u going 2 quit?

No.  At least, not yet.  I'm going to try and stick with it.  You know, show him I'm not going to wuss out.

But is it really wussing out?  If u hate it, u hate it.

If I quit, then you know what's next?

College.  Not a terrible thing, u kno?

No, but it's not what I want to do.

U have to help me think of something 2 do for ur parents.  He paid the bill already.  I'm just going 2 show up the first day, that's all.  It's like I don't even have 2 think about anything like paying loans, or financial aid.  I just go.  I owe your family something, just not sure what.

It's not all that much, since you decided to go to Llanview U.  It's not that much money.  It's like pocket change to Old Money Bags.

That's not that nice.

Not in the mood to be nice about him today.  Except, well, he did kind of make Aunt Dorian look dumb earlier.  I like that.

She showed up?

Yeah.  She was here.  Trying to, I don't know what she was trying to do, but she was doing something.  He called her on her attitude, in his own way.  Mom bitched her out, seriously.

I luv ur mother.  She's freaking awesome.

She's cool.  She's the one who got him to see the light about the college thing, I think.  Aunt Dorian thought he was going to be all up on her side, but he wasn't.  She was all shocked, I think her mouth almost hit the floor.  He kinda defended me a little.

Listen if there's 1 thing I kno about ur Dad it's that he luvs u and wants the best for u.  He puts u first.

I guess he sort of does.

Jack put the phone down on his chest a minute, when he heard his father and mother outside his door.  Blair called, "Jack, time to get some rest.  Big day back at school tomorrow.  Remember to get all the missing assignments."

"I know, Mom."

Todd stuck his head in the door, "So, good night, Pal.  See you tomorrow."

"Okay, Dad.  See you tomorrow.  And Dad, thanks for sticking up for me with Aunt Dorian. I know you don't really like the idea of me working instead of school."

"I don't, but I like sticking it to Auntie Dorian when I can.  Night."

"Night," he said, and he had been ignoring the buzzing going off against his sternum.  Turning the phone over, he saw more than one message.

I don't think it's sort of.

U kno?


Did I piss u off?

Come on, he's a good father.  Ur lucky.

Jack Manning?!?!?!?!?! <3

I'm here.  They just came to say goodnight.  Yeah, they're not so bad, I guess.

U guess.  Goodnight, u nut.  I luv u.  <3 <3 <3

Night, I love you, too. xo


"So, I guess that's about the size of it," Tina said.  She'd come in, a few minutes after Cord had arrived, and they'd been talking ever since.  She smiled at Cord, and pursed her lips.

He said, "So you didn't steal the diamond."

"No.  I meant to, but, I didn't."

"Okay.  Seems like I may have missed a lot, then."

"Yes, especially me being the hero.  I single-handedly . . ."

"I know, you single-handedly saved the Mannings.  Would they agree with you?"

"Of course!  Call Blair and ask her!"

"Maybe tomorrow, Girl."

"Hmf.  You always called me that, Cord Roberts."

"Yeah, I guess I did, didn't I?"

She smiled, and crossed her leg over the other, swinging it a bit.  "I had Mitch sweating bullets.  He fell for it, hook, line and sinker."

"Not sure it's smart to piss off Laurence," Cord said, and she could sense concern.

"Are you worried about me?"

"Maybe.  I do have our kids to keep in mind, Tina."

"Yep.  CJ and Sarah . . . our babies.  They're all grown up now."

"Yep,"  he said, standing, "they are."

She attempted not to show her disappointment.  "Are you going somewhere?"

"Home, I guess.  As long as you're all right.  Just wanted to share my condolences, and let you know I felt for you."

"I appreciate that," she said, scrambling in her head to think of something . . .

"I plan to catch the morning flight back West."

"I see," she said.  "But why not just ask Todd to take his jet?"

"Todd?  Why would I do that?"

"Uh, he's my brother, he won't mind."

"Girl, you know Todd and I have not much love lost.  I don't think I'd be asking him that."

"Well, I could ask.  We're very close now.  I take care of his kids."

"Viki told me.  That's a good thing.  I read a lot about his . . . situation.  The guy needs a break.  He's always needed a family, and you're part of that."

"I know.  I've come to see him differently, and appreciate him more.  He's been through . . . it's just total Hell, Cord.  So awful."

Cord found himself lingering in front of her, and she looked up at him with her china blue eyes, and he noticed they were wet with sadness.  "You really mean it, don't you?  You really sympathize with Todd, for the first time, maybe."

"I do.  I was there for some of it.  Heard a lot of it from Timothy, and from Aiden, Blair.  Even some from Viki.  I don't know how he survived.  They lost another child, you know."

He sat back down, "No, I didn't.  When did Blair lose another baby?"

"It was, maybe 2 years ago?  It was a girl.  Blair was shot, in a courthouse.  Bullet was for someone else.  Actually, for the man who had assumed Todd's life for the 8 years."

Cord's face bent into a frown.  "Poor Blair.  I remember when she lost her first child."

"I know.  This one was a little girl."  She paused, and sized up his reactions.  "I didn't really like Blair very much, but now, she's starting to grow on me.  We ought to have them over for lunch, and you should come, too.  It might be nice for you to see her again, and for us to all mull over old times.  What about tomorrow?"

"I'm leaving, Tina, in the morning."

"Well, not if you take Todd's jet.  You can leave anytime if you do.  In fact, I can call them right now and invite them.  They'll love a good meal with you, catching up on old times.  I'm sure they would."

Cord looked at her, disbelieving.  "Not so sure, Tina," he said.

"Oh, no, things are different now.  My brother's different.  Trust me."

"Trust you?  Girl, you pushed me over an ottoman the last time."

"Well no pushing this time, okay?  I'll call Blair, let's do this!  It will be great talking over the old days."

He half-heartedly agreed, and then made his way to the door.  "Night, Tina."

"Night Cord," she said, stepping very close to him and fixing his collar.  "Sleep well."


"Okay, we'll be there," Todd said to Ribsky, on the phone, still feeling slightly awkward.  "Day after tomorrow, then?"

"Yes, we'll be expecting you," Ribsky said.

"I won't be alone."


"I'm bringing my wife, with me, this time.  Chicago didn't sit well with me on my last visit.  I'll need her . . . well, her support."

"Fine.  I will be glad to meet her.  And Todd?"


"Don't spend too much time worrying about this visit.  Since Pamela found out the truth, or at least, more of it, she even more so doesn't blame you.  Neither do I."

Todd swallowed, then said, "Thanks.  I'll call you from the airport when we land.  We'll be taking my private jet, and I'll get a rental car, so you don't have to worry about us getting there."

"Fine.  Goodnight."

"Night," he said, hanging up.

Blair had been standing in the doorframe for a few moments, and said, "You okay?"

"Yep," he said, resting the phone down.  He fiddled with it for a moment, and she knew he was distracted.  

"What?" she asked softly.

"His wife found out 'the truth' as he puts it.  She must know everything her sister was involved in now.  Maybe the journals."

She leaned on the desk. "I wonder what her truth is?"

He shook his head.  "I don't know.  Could be anything.  Things we don't even know, maybe."

"Maybe.  You have a right to stop now, and not go."

"I know that."

"And you certainly don't need to know what she knows or listen to her.  You don't have to hear about Connie or Peter."

He finally let the phone go, and stopped spinning it.  "Yeah, I don't.  But can I live that way?"

She touched his shoulder, and sighed.  "Oh, Todd.  I'm not sure about this."

"I'm okay.  If you're with me, it will be all right."

"Who's babysitting?" she asked.

"Probably my sister," he said.  "Should we send the kids to Llanfair this time?  Viki wouldn't mind.  It's only a few days.  Tina's there, she knows the babies' routines."

"It's sweet that you call them babies, but Ray's not a baby, Todd.  Not really."

He sighed, and said, "I know.  He's almost a full-blown kid.  Time just . . . gets by us, you know?"

"Yes.  Starr's a woman.  Jack's almost a man."

He looked at her, and for a moment, she felt her heart would crack at his expression: lost, longing and loving, all at once.  She reached out and touched his face.  "It's all right.  They love you, and you have plenty of time left with them, Todd."

He nodded, and covered her hand with his.  He said, "Day after tomorrow?"

"Whatever you want, My Love."

"Need to have a day with the kids before we go.  Tomorrow is declared family day around here."

"It's a Saturday, that's perfect."

"We'll camp out in the house again, this time our room.  The fire, and everything."

"That sounds like a Manning thing to do."

"Okay.  Then it's settled."

"Todd, are you okay, going to Chicago again?"

He picked up his phone again, this time shining it on his shirt and putting it into his pocket.  "No, but it has to happen, Pamela wants to set things straight, in her mind, it's probably her sister's fault that our baby was taken.  And all the other stuff.  But, I don't want to be alone, not this time, Blair."

"I'll be there," she said.  "I wouldn't let you go without me again."

"My One True Babe," he said, slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her to him.  

She embraced him, putting her head over his shoulder, and held on tight.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

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