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BF4L: Old Habits Die Hard ||| CIMZ: R.E.M. ||| Cloud: The Way BackThe Shadows FallBattle the DarkThe Fourth LifeThe End of BlameDiamond in the RoughHope from the OceanFailings of the FathersChasing the Monsters ||| Karena:TM Return ScenariosTo Journey's EndPort Charles ChroniclesTodd's SagaMemories UnlockedThe Mysterious Samuel Toddman (Reissue) • Who's the Real Todd? (Reissue) • Thomas Lord: Cloaked (Reissue) • Enigma (reissue) • Don't Shoot the Messenger (link) ||| MONICA ANN: Dance with the DevilThe Devil You Know ||| MARIA: Spidey Sam


Monday, May 14, 2012

Battle the Dark: Chapter 4

Over the next few weeks, Todd and Blair worked at The Sun, playing off each other as they always had, to concoct and print the best possible paper they could.  They spent hours talking things over, and he would test his ideas on her.  The baby was with them, and Blair and Todd both spent a great deal of time in the nursery, and often worked in there as well.  

It wasn't until about three weeks after their return to The Sun that Ramon came in with a strange request.  "Excuse me, Mr. Manning?"  

"Yes, Ramon, what is it?"

"There's someone here to see you?  She's quite upset and needs your help.  She says you're the only one who can help her..." he paused, "She's a ... she's a nun."

"I'm certain they'll see me, and why in the world would a nun pose as trouble?  Devon, tell them, and you two young men may unhand me."  Todd looked at Blair, as they heard a slight commotion, and then a loud outburst as the mass of black and white blew into the room.  It seemed several security guards could not hold back Sister Rebecca Katherine.  She was followed by Devon, and two security guards.  One spoke, "Mr. Manning, we're embarrassed, but we didn't want to hurt the woman."

One of the men was holding his jaw.  "She packs a..."

"Mean right hook," Todd and Blair finished the sentence.  "We know," Todd said.  

"I"m sorry to cause such a ruckus, but they just would not let me pass.  When I said I knew the both of ya, they were, well downright rude."

"We originally thought she was in drag, sir,"  One of the guards said, as Sister Rebecca Katherine became quite indignant.

Todd said, "That will be enough, gentlemen."  And they exited.

Devon said, "They'd called me about a nun, I knew it was probably her," he said, "and upon your direction, I secured the area with the baby before I answered their calls."

Todd said, "You did right.  You can excuse us, Devon."

Devon turned to go, and the nun collapsed onto the couch.  "Oh Mannings, so good to see you both."

"And you, sister."  Todd said, looking to Blair.  When he looked back to the nun, she was visibly upset.  "I'm sorry those men bothered you.  From now on, you have a permanent pass in and out of here."

"Ah, it's not that, dear boy.  It's this letter I received from my dear brother."  She held a piece of paper in one hand.  "He's in trouble.  Wants to come to the states for safety.  I am ready to exhaust my life savings to send him the money to get a VISA and be able to afford transport here, but it's not quite enough.  I came to you for a loan, and for advice.  There's something in this letter about The Men of 21.  I heard you mention it before, in an article, I believe, thought you might..."  She stopped, seeing his expression go hard and white.  "Todd?"

Blair said, "It's all right, Sister.  Tell us the rest."  She rested a hand on his shoulder, and he finally breathed.

The nun continued, "Seems he has news on this clan.  He's afraid of them, in hiding, but feels he could be protected here if he helps your police."

Todd looked up, taking a checkbook out of the desk.  "Here's a check to cash, how much does he need?"

"It's a loan, mind you, I'll be able to pay it back slowly as we go,"  she said.

Todd shook his head, "No.  No loans.  You saved me that night when Blair was in trouble.  I won't ever forget that.  Now how much?"

She gave him a round-about figure, and he scribbled it out.  "I want you to cash this, and then wire him cash.  I included extra for the fees.  Does he say why he's afraid of them?"

"I'm sure you know, The Men of 21 have not all been captured.  In fact, recently, two of them are now on the loose.  I know this upsets ya, but it's fact,"  she said.

Blair squeezed his shoulder so that he was reminded she was there.  He looked gaunt and ashen.  She said, "Go on."

"Well, he has information about their whereabouts and identities.  Seems somehow, he knows who they are but also where they might be hiding.  This makes for some fright.  He's nervous they will seek him out and kill him.  I made a connection with that Finn woman's story that you published and realized he could be safe here under political asylum.  Not to mention the fact that it would get back at those scoundrels who tried to kill Jessica."

Blair looked at her husband who was sinking fast.  He had closed his eyes to shut out his own thoughts, and she said, "Sister, they've done worse than that and more."

Sister Rebecca Katherine was stunned.  "Todd, this does not have to do with whatever it is that makes you so deeply scarred?"

"No pun intended, I'm sure," he said.  "Yes, it does.  The Men of 21 are responsible for holding me captive for over eight years, Sister."

She remained quiet for a moment, which was unlike her.  Her stillness was almost uncanny compared to her usual on-the-go and quite noisy self.  She reflected, then, "My Dear Lord, whatever for?"

He swallowed, and Blair, sitting on the arm of his chair, slid her arm around his shoulder.  "It's...a long story, Sister,"  Blair said.

He spoke, "It's all right, Blair."  Pulling himself together, he looked directly into the older woman's eyes.  "For revenge against me, a many years-old grudge.  Goes way back.  They tortured me, daily, for eight years, they kidnapped me again, then kidnapped Blair, tried to hurt and torture her to get me to talk, and brainwashed and tortured others."

The nun began to shake, and her face twisted into a mass of tears.  "My God, I never expected to hear such a thing.  Todd, you're a very strong man.  God loves you, my dear, God loves your family."  She pulled a hanky from her habit and wiped at her eyes.  

Both Todd and Blair were touched by her sympathy.  "They're very evil men, Sister," Blair began, "and some are loose here in the United States."

Todd shifted his position, "Not so sure now, Blair.  After hearing this from Sister's brother, it makes me think otherwise."

"That they've relocated?"  Blair asked.

"That they've regrouped.  Back to their home.  Ireland."  He said, with a strong degree of certainty.  "Why stay here when practically the whole police force is out searching for them?"

The nun spoke, "Yes, exactly.  My brother's in Ireland, they are most likely in Ireland.  They always were based there.  It's the origin.  If you're referring to the two who escaped jail during our May Crowning, they most likely have gone as well."

Todd was not going to relax or assume.  He thought it was likely, but would not let his guard down.  He said, "Even if Carlo left here, he would have ties and contacts in the states.  We're not out of the woods by a long shot."

"I agree.  From what I have heard, they are ruthless and vicious terrorists."  Sister Rebecca Katherine said, standing up to accept Todd's check. "I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you."

"There is no repaying me.  Just as I cannot repay you,"  he said.

"Fair enough," she conceded.  "I have no way of knowing what's in your heart, or what my words meant.  That is only your decision, and your choice.  I just wanted to help, is all.  And now I see why you were so shattered that night."

"You haven't seen the half of it, Sister.  Someday, I'll fill you in."  Todd said.  He had grown to love and trust the woman; she provided him with light when he could see nothing but dark.  He was grateful.  

Sister Rebecca Katherine hugged both Todd and Blair as she went to leave. "Now take care of that little strapping boy, will ya?"

"We will,"  Blair said, looking after her as she left the office.  She turned to Todd, "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, of course I'm all right."  He looked at the letter and examined it, word by word.  "We'll go over this and see if we can get anything from it.  That's after I call McBain."

As Todd dialed, Blair went to the nursery to tend to Raymond.  He was healthy and strong and doing well.  The nanny was of excellent repute, and seemed to be getting along famously with him.

Todd listened for John's raspy voice, and upon hearing it, interrupted his greeting, "I know where Carlo is."

John said, "So do I."

Todd, shocked, responded, "What do you mean?  You never told me?"

"I am just finding out, today.  He was seen a week ago leaving a disheveled rooming house in Angel Square by a bystander, who responded to some wanted posters.  He just boarded a flight to Europe three days ago.  We tracked him, and spotted him, in disguise, on surveillance equipment."

"So, he's gone, then."

"For now, at least, yeah."

"Was he traveling with anyone?"

"Yep.  He had at least two others with him, all also in disguise.  They aren't easily recognizable.  We need your help to see if you can identify either of them."

"I'll be right down," he hung up.  He called Ramon and Devon to his office.  "Neither of you is to leave Blair or the baby alone until I get back.  Clear?"

Both agreed, and hurried off to the nursery.  Todd hit the elevator button and could barely wait out the ride, before he exited and raced to his car.  "Williams, the LPD.  And make all the lights."
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
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  1. You keep me on the edge of my seat. Will Patrick and Marty join with Todd and Cole to crush the Men of 21 for all time?

  2. Patrick! I can't say much for Cole....but we'll see who does what in Battle the Dark.


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