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BF4L: Old Habits Die Hard ||| CIMZ: R.E.M. ||| Cloud: The Way BackThe Shadows FallBattle the DarkThe Fourth LifeThe End of BlameDiamond in the RoughHope from the OceanFailings of the FathersChasing the Monsters ||| Karena:TM Return ScenariosTo Journey's EndPort Charles ChroniclesTodd's SagaMemories UnlockedThe Mysterious Samuel Toddman (Reissue) • Who's the Real Todd? (Reissue) • Thomas Lord: Cloaked (Reissue) • Enigma (reissue) • Don't Shoot the Messenger (link) ||| MONICA ANN: Dance with the DevilThe Devil You Know ||| MARIA: Spidey Sam


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hope from the Ocean: 13

"Marty?  This is Blair."  Thinking of what Todd wanted, Blair had decided, even though he relented, to at least find out what was going on.

"Yes, Blair, hello."

"How are you?  Todd and I noticed the article in the paper, about Patrick.  He . . . wanted me to call you."

"He's missing.  One morning, I woke up, and he wasn't beside me.  I haven't heard from him since the night before that discovery.  He's just . . . gone, Blair."

Her heart jumped, and she said, "Any idea what happened to him?"

"You know as well as I do what this is about."

Blair closed her eyes, as if to block it out.  "The Men of 21."

"Yes.  Just because Hesser is dead, does not mean they don't exist.  And they have long memories."

And they have long memories.

"Can it be anything else?  At all?"

"You mean did he just up and leave me?  Does that sound like Patrick to you?"

She thought about it.  "No.  He wouldn't.  I wanted to say . . . so sorry, Marty."

"Thanks," her voice cracked.

"Is there anything we can do?"  she offered.

"No.  Every day, I wait and see if I hear something.  Inside, I'm dying."  

Blair pictured herself, on the bed at the penthouse, doubled over from the pain of Todd missing when Leona took him at knife point from her.  "I understand."

"I know you do, you've been through it."

"Yeah, I have."

"Then you know.  You know."

Marty's words reverberated in her head.  "Yes, I know."

"Thank you for calling, Blair.  I really appreciate it.  Well, tell Todd."

"I will tell him," Blair said.  The phone went dead.  Blair held it to her ear for a while after the dial tone  began to hum again.  "I will."


"Bea!  I'm so glad to see ya!"  Sister Rebecca Katherine said, embracing the woman.  She handed the nun a picture.  "Ya drew this?"

She nodded, as if to let her know it was a gift.  

"For me?"  The nun asked.

Bea agreed.

"It's beautiful."  It was a picture of the altar at St. Anne's, adorned with flowers.  "I do love this."  The nun could not help but realize it was poignant in reminding her that soon, St. Anne's would be a part of her past.  "Now, Bea, Dear, get your pad, I want to talk to ya about your art and your upcoming art show at The Diamond Gallery."

Bea eagerly went to the desk, and Sister Rebecca Katherine went with her.  Both sat down, and Bea began to write.  Todd named the gallery because of me, he told me.

"Yes, he is just smitten with ya!"

I'm the only Momma he's ever had.  He named it The Diamond Gallery because you said I am a 'diamond in the rough.'  Remember that?

"Yes, of course I do.  And I meant it."

Bea wrote more, and handed it to the nun.  I think Todd is a diamond in the rough, too, Sister.  He's still trying to shine.

The clergywoman could not hide her emotion at Bea's words.  "Well, he's on his way, Dear."

He is very strong.

"I agree.  Very strong.  Now, what are ya going to wear to the opening next week?"

Bea wrote.  I don't know.  What do you think, Sister?  Shall I wear the dress todd bought me for Christmas?

"If ya want, but maybe he'll just buy another."

He has a lot of money, doesn't he?  He got it from Victor.

"Yes, and he's made more of it.  Much more.  He's quite wealthy."

I am excited about the art show.  Do you think people will like my sketches?

"I am sure they will."

I hope they do. I keep thinking of my dreams, Sister.  They are so real sometimes.  Like the one about the tiny baby in Todd's hand.  Dr. Martino says they are not real, but they seem to be.

She had underlined "seem."  Sister Rebecca Katherine said, "No, they aren't real.  They're a part of ya, in your mind, but not real when you're awake."

I want them to have a healthy baby.  Blair cannot lose another one.  But I know she won't.  I saw the baby, she was so small, but beautiful.

"It's in God's hands, Dear.  I am sure the baby will be fine.  Can I see some of the sketches you're going to display?"

Bea nodded and opened the large portfolio folder that Todd bought for her.  Inside were several drawings, it almost seemed like hundreds.  Bea spread several out of the desk, and the nun was intrigued.  "My goodness, these are lovely."  She noticed, as she thumbed through them, that there were many of Todd, his family, his childhood, or something related to that past.  There were also landscapes, portraits, still life representations of various slices of life, beauty and also sadness.  "You are ready, Bea.  You'll do wonderfully."

Bea smiled, and folded her ams, nodding.


"I'll ask Lynnette, don't worry.  Trust me a little with this."

"She's not going to let me come over your house, Jack.  She's already said no."  Jenna said.

"I really want you to come.  It would be good for you to get out of your house and do something else.  Be around people.  My parents would love for you to come there and have dinner."

"I know, I just don't think she'll say yes."

"Just leave it to me, okay?"

"I will, but don't say I didn't warn you."

They pulled up in front of Jenna's apartment building, and exited the bus, hand in hand.  Walking into the building, Jack kept her hand in his, not giving way to the letting go.  He loved the feel of her hand in his, and even at times when it got awkward and would make sense to let it fall free, he didn't want to, and kept it in his.  They got into the elevator, and he said, "It's going to be okay."

"All right," she said.  "We'll see."

Lynnette opened the door to the apartment and said, "Jack, nice to see you."

"Hi, Lynnie.  Good to see you, too."

"Are you guys going to stay a while?  You both still have your coats on."

"We were hoping to go somewhere, with your permission."


"My house.  I really want Jenna to be able to relax a little and see Unforgettable.  It's beautiful there, we're on Llantano Mountain.  I  . . . was thinking she could use a change of scenery, if it's okay."

Lynnette looked at Jack, and then at Jenna, and back.  "I . . . guess you know that I've had problems with the idea before."

"Yeah, I know.  But that was before.  Now you know me, you know I really like Jenna and care about her.  And, you know my father now, and my mother.  I promise, nothing bad will happen to Jenna while I am around."

Lynnette was not sure what to say, so she swallowed and said, "I know, Jack.  Yes.  Yes, Jenna can go.  Just make sure she's home at a decent time.  All right?"

"Sure.  Thanks, Lynnette.  I promise she'll be home by ten, is that okay?"  Jack said, smiling.

"Yes, that's fine.  Jenna, just stay in touch."

"Okay, Lynnie."  They headed out and back to the elevator and she looked at Jack.  "You did it."

"I don't think it was me, she already had gotten over things about my father.  From before."

"Maybe, but thanks, Jack.  I can't wait to see Unforgettable in person."

"It'll be cool.  Just one thing."


"Want me to call my dad and we take the copter?  It's quicker."

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  1. I know. I am enjoying writing this material with Jack his girl and his Dad as well.


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