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BF4L: Old Habits Die Hard ||| CIMZ: R.E.M. ||| Cloud: The Way BackThe Shadows FallBattle the DarkThe Fourth LifeThe End of BlameDiamond in the RoughHope from the OceanFailings of the FathersChasing the Monsters ||| Karena:TM Return ScenariosTo Journey's EndPort Charles ChroniclesTodd's SagaMemories UnlockedThe Mysterious Samuel Toddman (Reissue) • Who's the Real Todd? (Reissue) • Thomas Lord: Cloaked (Reissue) • Enigma (reissue) • Don't Shoot the Messenger (link) ||| MONICA ANN: Dance with the DevilThe Devil You Know ||| MARIA: Spidey Sam


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hope from the Ocean: 17

Jack was sobbing, and Shaun walked to his side, and knelt beside him, taking Ray from his arms.  The toddler was not dressed for winter weather, and Shaun instinctively wrapped him in his own coat against his chest, and said, "Jack, come on.  Let's go inside.  We'll get Williams to bring the car around."

Jack couldn't move.  Sobs racked his body, and Shaun, struggling to keep the little boy warm, put an arm around Jack.  Mixie was circling them, and licked Jack's cheek.  "The baby's cold, we have to go inside, Jack.  Come on."

Jack stumbled to his feet, and almost as if drunk, grabbed on to Shaun's arm to steady himself.  "He . . . just jumped, Shaun.  I've told him so many times, he insisted the snow was soft.  We were getting out of the copter. . ."  Jack began to hyperventilate, and as Shaun got him into the house, he grabbed a Dunkin Donuts bag on the counter and made him breathe into it.  The dog was behind them, pacing nervously.

"Easy Jack, take it easy.  And you too, Mixie."  

Jack's face was red from the cold and covered with tears.  His nose was running, and he was trying to catch his breath.  Finally, he was able to talk again, and breathe normally.  He continued, "He always talked about doing this.  I never thought he would.  We've all told him no.  We were getting out of the copter.  He said, 'Jack, watch this,' and . . ."  he broke off, crying.  After a few minutes, he started again, "I didn't look right away because I was too busy texting.  When I looked up, he was already at the edge and counted.  When he hit three, he  . . . he jumped."

Shaun took Jack in his arms.  "It's all right, Jack.  It's not your fault.  Let's go, Williams is here.  Grab the baby's stroller and put his snowsuit on over his clothes."  He lovingly bent to the dog and said, "And you, you little numbskull.  You're not as stupid as you look.  I saw you out there, digging for that kid.  You're a good boy.  You're a good, good boy," he petted him and scratched behind his ears.  The dog's tail wagged, and Shaun got him a small pile of treats to eat.

Jack did as he was asked, and Shaun helped lock the house up as they went out into the driveway.  In the limo, Ray fell asleep, and Jack, sullen and defeated, sniffled, red-nosed and still wet-eyed.  Shaun took his own cell phone and contacted Dorian, telling her briefly what had happened, and asking her to spread the word to Starr and Addie.  Jack said, "Call Aunt Tina.  She's Ray's nanny.  We might need her if, well, if . . ."

"There's no if, Buddy.  But I know what you mean.  I'll call her."


In the waiting room, Blair stood by Todd, her coat open, her camisole and lounge pants wet from the snow, and her skin whitish.  She was visibly trembling.  Both were standing, as if in shock, as their middle son was taken into the emergency room for treatment.  He finally looked at her.  "Blair, you're trembling," he said.  Her lips were bluish and quivered against each other.  Her hair was completely disheveled, and he opened his coat and pulled her into it.  She huddled against his chest, her untied shoes soaked with cold water.

He went to touch her face, and she said, "Todd?  Your hands."

He looked at his palm, which was covered in abrasions and cuts.  Lacerated in various places, his skin was raw and open.  Both hands were the same.  He said, "So?  I didn't even feel it, I just . . . wanted to dig him out."

"My God, you're our protector, Todd.  You're meant to keep us safe," she said.  He closed his eyes and felt her sob against him.  "Please, God, don't take my son," she cried against his chest, and he pulled her as close as he could.  Over her shoulder, he saw the doors slide open, and Jack came in, with Shaun who had Ray in his stroller.  Ray was fast asleep.  
Jack said, "Mom, Dad," upon seeing them, and Todd, keeping Blair inside his jacket, put an arm out to bring his oldest son in as well.  Shaun went to the desk and asked for blankets for the family.  Ray, still asleep, didn't fuss or stir.  He just kept himself in baby dreamland, as the rest of the chaos continued to unfold.

Shaun, taking the blankets to The Mannings, directed them to the seats.  He bundled Blair in one of them and expressed to Todd his concern about her violent shaking and off-colored skin.  Todd agreed, and Shaun quietly went off to get a nurse to actually see Blair.  Meanwhile, the doors opened to another group.  "Sam's popular," he said, aloud.  "He's got the biggest entourage in the place."  Through one set of doors, in rushed Addie, Dorian and Starr.  Hope was in tow, without someone to watch her.  Through another set of doors raced Tina and Viki, both frantic and rushing to the front desk, Tina having Beanie poking his head out of her carry bag.  

"It's been too long, Todd.  I'm scared."  Blair said.  He could feel her body trembling.

"Blair, you have to stop shaking, you have to calm down," he said.

"Mrs. Manning?"  A nurse said, standing suddenly in front of them.


"Come with me, the doctor wants to see you, check you out.  You've had quite a day."

"I can't leave here until I know my son is all right."

"That's easy to solve," a voice said, and coming toward them was a tall, dark-skinned doctor, who continued, "Your son seems to be out of the woods.  We've had to heavily sedate him, but it is nothing to be alarmed about.  It's likely the best way for his body to deal with the traumas."

Todd and Blair had both stood up, and she leaned onto him for support.  "What's wrong with him?"

"Mostly broken bones.  Two cracked ribs, one of which punctured a lung.  One leg is broken, one arm dislocated, and one wrist fractured.  He also has some contusions here or there.  He has no brain damage, that we can surmise, from the lack of oxygen.  You got to him very quickly, it seems."

Blair turned and without words, looked at Todd, who said, "That you can surmise?"

"I think he will be fine, honestly.  With the exception of the broken bones, he's not had any long-term or life-threatening damage."

Viki said, "Oh thank God," and she and Tina hugged each other.  Beanie watched from his place in the carry bag, and whimpered.

Todd turned to Blair and said, "Babe, go with the nurse, please.  I can't lose my partner in crime."

She nodded, and hugged him.  Her voice husky with tears, she said, "Thank you, Todd."

As she made her way into the examining room, Dorian said, "Todd, what happened to your hands?"

At this point, his hands appeared grotesquely torn.  They stung and burned, but he had not really begun to notice until the doctor walked off.  "I . . . was digging."

Shaun stepped in and relayed the events of the afternoon.  Both Todd and Jack were too emotional to speak, but sat together, the father's arm around his son, his bloody hands covered in make-shift bandages from paper towels from the men's room.  Starr said, "Dad, you need to be treated.  Your hands."

Dorian took one of his hands and turned it over.  "She's right.  These are all open wounds," she said, and went to look for a nurse.

"This place is hopping tonight," Shaun said.  "I heard them say they are short staffed."

"As long as my son is all right.  They said they'll come and get me when I can see him.  I . . . have to get the image of him all blue and still out of my head, you know?"  Todd said, his voice splintering.  Tina sat beside him.  "Listen, my brother, I am so proud of you.  Let me take Ray back to your house and put him to bed.  When you all get home, I'll be there to help.  How's that sound."

He looked at her.  "You just love that kid, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do.  But do you mind Beanie?"

"No.  He'll be company for Mixie."  Then he remembered.  "My God, Mixie was digging, too.  Do you remember that, Jack?"

"Yeah, Dad.  I remember.  The little nut was digging beside us.  I think he got one of Sam's feet free before you pulled him out."

"Go ahead, Tina.  Williams is still outside."  Tina took Ray in his stroller and Jack's set of house keys and left to tend to Unforgettable.

Dorian returned, holding materials in her hand.  "Looks like I'm playing doctor today, Todd."

"I want a real doctor!" he called out.

She said, "I am a real doctor, just not practicing.  Let me see those hands."  She carefully cleaned and wrapped Todd's palms and fingers, and at one point, she looked up into his face.  "You were scared."

"I was.  He . . . wasn't breathing.  He was . . . blue."  His voice was not steady.

"He's all right now.  Thanks to you.  If you weren't who you are, Todd, that boy could have died.  We all think you're crazy because you have a helicopter as a toy.  It saved his life.  And you're out there, without gloves, digging through piles of ice and snow to get to him.  Do you think these things will ever go unnoticed?"  Dorian said.

"I don't know.  I just did what I had to.  I've been cut up worse than this in places that hurt thirty times more.  Believe me."

She did.  She knew he was telling the truth, and on his wrists, she could still see the faint bands of tanner skin where the electrode cuffs were.  She looked back up to his face, and took it in her hand, directing his eyes to her.  "Thank you, Todd, for loving Blair and the children."

Viki was looking on, and said, "Seems Dorian might be starting to see the light, Todd."

"Finally," Addie said.  "It took long enough."

"She might be right about this one, but she wasn't wrong about the rest.  I'm not perfect.  I've brought Blair some tough times."  Todd said.

Starr chimed in, "But you're the love of her life, and that's all there is, Dad."

Minutes later, Timothy, bringing some extra blankets and some hot coffee, walked toward them all.  The waiting room was filled with The Mannings and their extended family, and it began to appear like a commune.  Todd got up, and seemed to wilt when his eyes rested on his adoptive father.

"Son, come here, Boy,"  Timothy said, putting his arms out.  In doing this, he dropped the entire stack of blankets onto the floor, and had quickly handed off the coffee to Shaun.  

Todd's body almost seemed to deflate as he stood in the man's embrace.  Pulling back he said, "Dad.  Almost lost him."

"Nonsense, he has the likes of you for a father.  We all should be so blessed."  The older man said.

Todd was interrupted by the nurse.  "Mr. Manning, would you come with me please?"

"Why?  Please.  I can't.  Please.  Did she lose the baby?"  Todd said, and Dorian put her forehead into her hand, as Viki gently touched Todd's arm.

His sister said, "Todd, it's going to be all right.  Listen to her and she'll let you know what's going on."

The nurse said, "No, she didn't.  But we want you to come in, and help calm her.  She's quite upset."

Todd flashed a look to Dorian, who said, "I'll come with you, Todd, if you want."

He didn't answer, but couldn't say no, so she got up, and said, "Starr, Jack, check on your little brother.  Your parents will be there momentarily."

Todd and Dorian both went to Blair's cubicle, and she was sobbing, with a hand on her belly, protectively.  She looked up and she said, "Sam, Todd.  Sam?"

"Blair, he's all right," he said, stroking her hair, and kissing her forehead.  "Babe, you have to stop crying.  It's not good for you and the baby."

"I'm cramping, Todd," she said through her sobs.  "I'm going to lose her.  Our miracle baby."

"The cramps are from the cold.  You're not losing the baby, Blair," Dorian said from behind Todd.

"No, see, you're not.  You have to stop crying, Babe.  You have to.  You're upsetting yourself, and the baby.  There's nothing to cry about.  The baby's here.  I'm here, Sam is fine, he's resting.  The family is here for us.  Ray is at home sleeping with Tina, Mixie and Beanie.  Everyone is okay."

"Don't lie to me, Todd, please."

"Blair, stop this."  Dorian interjected, and stepped close to her, almost pushing Todd aside.  "Stop it now.  You're a Manning, aren't you?  Now, get it together and fight.  Everything is all right, Sam is fine, your husband here saved him.  Your baby will be fine too, if you let her.  Stop that crying right now!"

Both Blair and Todd looked at each other and then back to Dorian.  "Did she call you a Manning?"  Todd said.

The older woman said, "You, go see your Son.  I've got to get this one under control!"

Todd said, "Yes, Ma'am" before kissing Blair and whispering, "I told you I'd never let anything happen to you or your babies again."

She hated to let go of his hand, but she did as he left the room.

Dorian, waiting a few minutes for Blair to finish dreamily watching Todd leave, said, "Now, where were we?"

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
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