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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hope from the Ocean: 73

"What's that you have there, Bea?"  She held up the materials, and he recognized them as basket weaving items.  He said, "Well, are you making something?"

She nodded, and held up what appeared to be the base of an oval-shaped basket.  She pulled a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to him.  It was a drawing of a basket, elliptical in shape, with a tall handle for carrying.  The handle had pink ribbons tied within it and onto it, and inside it slept a very tiny baby, under a pink blanket.  She was smiling when he looked back to her.

"You're making a basket for Todd's daughter."

She nodded.

He said, "Bea, I think it's lovely, but I believe it might be too small, that base you've done."

She smiled, tilting her head to the side and shook her head, "no."

"You believe your dream."

She nodded.

"You believe there will be a very tiny baby girl."

She nodded again, and pulled out a piece of reed, and began to weave it through.  Ray watched her diligence and made a few notes.  Then he said, "What would you like to talk about today?"

She pulled a note from another pocket, and handed it to him.  He read it aloud.  "Going to live with Todd and Blair," he read aloud.  "I see.  This has been on your mind a lot."

She agreed.

He said, "Do you know if Todd and Blair want you to go and live with them?"

She put the basket down into her lap, and her face seemed almost annoyed with him.  She got up, took the pad off the table, and then wrote.  Handing it back, she had an expression he was not sure he'd seen from her.  She was teasing him, or at least, being playful.  He read:  Would I just invite myself to live with my son and his wife?

"I suppose you wouldn't.  I just wanted to make sure.  Everyone has their own life to live, Bea."

More writing.  He invited me.  Blair said so, too.

"Then this is good, right?"

Scribbling.  Yes.  If someone says I am good enough to go.

He looked up from the last note, and she was beaming at him.

"I see what this is all about.  You want to know if I am going to recommend outpatient treatment for you."

She shrugged, smiling adorably.

"Well, you're not wanting to 'go with the sparrows' anymore."

She wrote:  No, no.  I'm over that.  If I go with the sparrows, I leave my son and his family and the chance to know them all.  I'm especially excited about seeing the new baby.  I will cherish her, the precious little thing.  I can't wait for her to be born!

"You have not had a catatonic incident in months.  You're doing quite well.  Maybe in a few weeks, Bea.  I think it will be possible.  When Todd and Blair get back and get settled, I think it can be arranged."

I have to thank you, so much, from the bottom of my heart.  I must say thank you from the deepest place.  You have really helped me.  Todd was right about you.  You are a friend.

"Thank you, Bea.  I do wish you and Todd and the family all the best."

And I you.  I hope that things go just as we hoped.  When will they be back?

"I'm not sure, what was the last that Todd said to you?"

When he calls me, he doesn't answer my questions.  That's because he can't hear them or read them.  So he didn't know I wanted to know.

Bea laughed, and Ray did as well.  "Well, I can remedy that.  Would you like us to call him, and I can relay what you are saying?"

I would love that, could we?

"Absolutely.  I have a patient now, how about you come back in an hour and see me.  We'll call him then, all right?"

She nodded and picked up all of her basket materials.

"And Bea?"

She stopped and looked at Ray.

"I think it's a lovely gift you're making for the baby.  A very nice gesture."

She smiled, and walked out.


A while later, Tina, Aiden, Timothy, Todd and Blair were in The Wild Swan ordering an early dinner.  "Well, we'll be getting back to Courtown Demesne soon, eh?"  Timothy said.

"I guess we will."  Blair responded, then, "Todd, can all of us fit in the copter?"

He said, "Sure.  Why not?" and took a swig of his drink.

"What's next?  I'm ready for anything that sets my head straight."  Aiden asked the table.

Tina was quiet.  Blair noticed, but turned her attention to Todd, who began answering.  "I'll send you to Switzerland, the clinic I was in.  Brilliant people, the Swiss, at least the ones there.  I was good in no time . . ." he faltered, staring off.  

Blair touched her hand to his wrist.  "Todd?"

"Yeah, I'm here.  The clinic's great.  Just the place for you.  The bills don't matter, I've got that.  I'll bring you there."

"And I'll go with ya.  If that's all right."  Timothy said.

"I appreciate all of this, I do.  I feel humbled."  Aiden said, and then turned to Tina.  "Will ya come with me, please, My Lady?"

Tina's expression showed surprise and a hint of elation.  "I didn't think you . . . I wasn't sure . . ."

He laughed, and she smiled.  "Of course, what would I do without ya?"

Blair was smiling, and looked at Todd, who was fighting a smile himself.  She leaned over and kissed her husband's cheek.  "That's for being so generous all the time."

"Yes, Todd, same here, without the kiss, Mate," Aiden smirked, the twinkle back in his eye.  

How could I have not seen it sooner?  He's the spitting image of Timothy.  "I feel shunned, Buddy."  Todd answered.  Aiden laughed.

"In all seriousness, we'll bring him to the clinic, get him settled."  Timothy said.

"I . . . kind of already called."  Todd said.  "I've made arrangements.  It's just getting him there."

"I can go," Timothy said.  "And I think it's best I do.  He's going to need support."  He looked to Aiden,   "I'm y'ar father."

"That's true, Pappy.  But I'll need my brother along, as well."

Todd wasn't sure how to feel, but Blair felt relief.  She knew that with all he had been through, this was not the time for Todd to feel deserted by the only father he'd had who was worth the time of day.  She curbed a smile, and said, "I think that's a good idea.  I could use to rest up, be with my kids for a day or so."

Todd looked at her, and said, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah.  You're in good hands.  Tina knows how to use a pistol."

Aiden burst out laughing.  "Ya do?  Little Tina?"

"Oh, wait until she tells you the one where she fought off the big, mean, cult leader and saved our son."  Todd said.  He dug into his sandwich and let the conversation go.

As Tina told Aiden about the home invasion at La Boulaei, Blair watched how enchanted he was by her, and the twinkle in his eye brightened.  Timothy leaned over and spoke to Blair, in her ear, "I've got y'ar man, Bridgette.  He's fine with me, no worries."

Todd chewed, swallowed, and said, "I heard that.  I second it, Blair.  I'm all right, but will you be?"

"What?" she said, acting as if there would be no reason for her to be distressed.  "I'll be fine.  Sister Rebecca Katherine will see to it."

"Ay, she'll say her prayers over ya," Todd mocked.

"She likely will, and more," Timothy said.

"It's only a day.  I'll be all right.  When will you go?"

"What about tonight?  Can we make it? It's 4:00 p.m. now."  Aiden seemed anxious.

"Well, if I get the jet fueled now, we could be there by, say, 7:00?  I could fly back to Dublin by nine or ten."  Todd said, looking at Blair, and she didn't balk.  "And don't worry about clothes and things you need, I'll take care of that."  He handed Timothy a credit card, and said, "Don't let Tina get a hold of that unsupervised."

She sucked her teeth at her brother, and said, "Well, thanks, I guess."

"All settled, then," Todd said, wiping his mouth and throwing his napkin into his plate.  "Let's copter back to Courtown Demesne, drop off my beautiful wife, get on the jet, hit the Alps, get Aiden settled in his new digs, and I'll be back before you know it."

Blair surprised him.  "There's no need to take me all the way home.  Let's all go to Dublin Airport, I'll get a limo home.  No big deal, really.  It will save time," and she turned to look right into Todd's eyes, "and that will bring you home faster."

Everyone agreed to the plan, Todd paid the bill, and they headed to the copter.  Piling in, Timothy took pains to pull Todd to the side.  "Are ya sure this is what ya want to do?  Leaving Blair?"

"It's a few hours.  We were apart for eight years, Dad."

"All right.  And don't ya stop calling me Dad.  I'll be sorely hurt, My Boy."

"I won't quit that, if you don't quit me."

"I can't.  I am devoted to being y'ar father.  That stands."

"All right, then let's get going."

"All right."

They both took their seats in the copter, and as it lifted off, Blair looked across to Todd.  She said, "We're leaving Innishcreg."

"I know."

"We're together, Todd."

"I know that, too," he said, nodding slightly.  The green of the island became less vibrant as he pulled the helicopter into the sky.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
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