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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Mysterious Samuel Toddman: Chapter 18

         "What the hell! How can Todd Manning be buying Blair's paintings? I'm Todd Manning, and I sure as hell haven't bought anything in quite a while. Has the whole world gone crazy?" Todd angrily got up from the table and threw the chair away. Anger and frustration rippled off him as he read again the names on Samuel's list. It wasn't just his name that had him upset. He knew the name Carlo Hesser and it wasn't in a good way. Every fiber of his being was shouting "That's Him! That's the Guy!" if only he could remember why. Not to mention someone was playing at being him. Todd wondered how long that someone had been him. God, what if that person had been him, as long as Samuel had been out. He didn't want to think about it. "Ms. Perkins, I need you." he shouted.

           Ms. Perkins stopped working on the wall, she could tell something had really upset Todd. He had never said those words before. Todd would never admit he needed anyone. Whatever had occurred had shaken him badly. "What is it Todd? What happened?" she asked. Todd just shook his head and gestured toward the window. She read what Samuel was reading and realized probably more than Todd what she was seeing. "Oh God," It had never occurred to her that something like this had taken place. Someone else had taken Todd's name and life. She didn't know who, but it was imperative now that they get Todd out. He wouldn't last much longer if he kept getting shocks like this one. She looked over at Todd, he sat on the edge of the bed and slowly his shoulders started shaking. Her poor Todd, he was no longer angry. He was her lost boy once again, trying so hard to be brave and failing miserably.

"Tom, Rodd, Pete come here now." The boys stopped what they were doing and came to her side. They all made their way to the bed. Ms. Perkins sat down on one side and Tom on the other and they put their arms around his shoulders, Rodd and Pete knelt behind him and each put a hand on his shoulder as well. "It's okay Todd, you're not alone, you never have been. We're here, take our strengths. We will get you out of here and when we do you'll be able to fight the ones who did this to you. We believe it, now you have to." Slowly his shaking stopped and Todd was finally able to raise his head. He reached up with his own hands and grasps the hands and arms of his alters. His eyes found Ms.Perkins' eyes and he smiled. She nodded and let go as did Tom, Rodd, and Pete. Then as quickly as everything had started he jumped up, turned to them and said, "Well what are you waiting for? Let's get me out of here."

            Samuel frowned as he looked at the list, Todd Manning, could that be Blair's Todd? It felt strange, and it felt wrong. "Okay, Mr. Manning, what is you're connection to Blair? If you're her Todd, then why did she think I was?" The list showed that Mr Manning lived in Llanview Pa. in the States. Blair lived in the States did she also call Llanview, home. "Hmm, maybe I should take this list to Blair, she might recognize some of these names. It would give me a chance to see her once more before she leaves." The cab arrived in front of his apartment and Samuel got out and paid the driver. He got back to his place and wearily put the list down. The excitement of the last 24 hrs had finally worn off and he knew he'd better get some rest. He would lay down just for a short while, then he would give Blair a call.

           Samuel fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. But his rest was anything but restful. Samuel found himself in that strange dark world again. He could make out talking but didn't see anyone. Images of Blair kept floating around him but he couldn't get a hold of them. He heard her laughter and then he would hear a portion of song but all of it was indistinct. Then he caught a glimpse of her moving away from him. He tried to get her attention but to no avail. Suddenly he saw a figure in the distance, it was a man. Blair was running to him. No, she belonged to him why was she running to the other man. He was gaining on her, just as he reached to grab her a man blocked his way. Who was this guy? Then as if someone had turned on the light, Samuel was face to face with Blair's protector. He faced Himself!

Blair saw him in the distance, he was standing there waiting for her. She couldn't believe it, she had been searching for so long and now he was here. She began running towards him. Then she heard someone behind her, whoever it was, they were gaining on her. Blair was almost in his arms when he suddenly pushed her behind him and stepped to meet the man following her. She turned to see who had been following and found herself facing Two Todds. What was going on? Then she heard another voice behind her. She turned once more and found herself confronted by a third Todd, but even as she looked at him, his features began to change. He no longer looked like the other two, but she still knew him as Todd. It was all so confusing. Only one of these men was the real Todd. How was she going to figure out the real one? Suddenly a fog came up out of nowhere and Blair lost sight of all three men. 'Todd!' she called and he stepped forward and pulled her into his arms. This was her Todd, she reached up to kiss that face but it changed first with one scar, then a second scar appeared, and then she was being held by the third Todd. No, this is not my Todd, it doesn't feel right. Even as she felt it, the third Todd disappeared. She spun around, "Todd, Please!' she pleaded. There they were. Standing there facing her once more. The only difference between the two were the scars they bore. She walked to them as they both looked at her. They were waiting for her to make the choice. She looked and knew there was only one choice. She looked at the Todd with the two scars so familiar but not. Then she looked at the Todd with one scar. He stood there daring her to make the wrong choice, confident in himself and her. She ran into his arms. This was the real Todd, she looked over to apologize to the other Todd. He looked at her and gave her a gentle smile and disappeared in the fog. Blair looked into those beautiful eyes. “You've been gone so long, when are you coming home?” Todd held her close, kissed her cheek gently and said. “Soon, I'll be home soon.” Blair reached up to her cheek and suddenly found herself alone again. Blair turned over in bed. She lay there crying. He was here and had been for eight long years. They hadn't come looking for him because they had been deceived. Who had done this to all of them? She owed it to Todd and Samuel. They belonged home and Todd needed to be whole again.

Blair dried her eyes, sat up against the headboard and hugged her knees. It was only a few hours ago that Samuel had dropped her off. She still felt the kiss they had shared. He was so like Todd. She knew that Samuel was unaware that he was Todd. That's what made him different from all the other alters she had met. Tom and Rodd and even Ms. Perkins had known about Todd. They had all appeared so they could help Todd cope with his horrendous life. Blair was pretty sure that Samuel was also there to shield Todd from something horrific. She was also certain that Mitch was responsible for the occurrence that had produced Samuel. What she wasn't so certain about was why Samuel had no memory of Todd's life.

Who was the man living Todd's life in Llanview? She couldn't call him Todd anymore. For her sanity she would call him Walker. Where had Walker gotten all the memories of Todd? He had known so many intimate details about her and Vicki and Starr. No one had thought to question him further. There had been all sorts of clues that Walker was Todd. They believed him when he admitted it and life had moved on. It was strange, Walker had all sorts of memories of Todd, and Samuel had none. How had this happened? Could Mitch have been the one behind the whole charade or had someone else been pulling the strings? If there was a third party involved, he had a reason for what he had done. How would that third party react if his plot began to crumble? Todd back home believed he was Todd but he'd been acting a little crazy lately. Samuel was starting to get back Todd's memories. Was it coincidence? She had to find away to convince Samuel to return to the States. If this mystery was going to be solved they would need to confront it head on. Blair climbed out of bed and reached for the phone. It was time to get this show on the road.

Blair had left a message for Tomas at the front desk when she had gotten back this morning. He hadn't called, so he must have received it. She hoped she would get a chance to tell him how much she appreciated his help. Blair felt a little guilty because she knew Tomas had wanted more than just a couple of days, but last night changed everything. She couldn't give Tomas what he wanted. There was no room in her heart for anyone but Todd right now.

She needed to alert Christian to what had happened. Chris's phone was ringing. "Hello. Cris, good you're up... Did you get my message yesterday?..You did...Yes, we found him...Yes I saw him last night. It's amazing, he's so like Todd... No, His name is Samuel Toddman. I can't tell you much more at this time but I'm making plans to return home. Did you and Layla work things out?... Oh Chris I am sorry. Why don't you see to the reservations. I want to leave no later then tomorrow. I need to get home to my kids." Blair hung up the phone and began gathering her belongings. On the table was the sketch of Samuel still sitting where she had left it. "Don't worry Samuel, I'm going to help you get those memories back. It's the only way I'm going to see Todd again." Picking up the sketch she rolled it up, hugged it close to her heart and put it safely away in her bag.


Carlo quietly put down the phone. He stood up and went to the window. "Damn!” Everything was coming apart. Samuel was no longer remaining in the dark." Carlo had always wondered how long it would last. When Carlo had seen that first portrait he had been sure that the experiment was a failure. He thought that Samuel's memories must be returning, but Samuel hadn't left Paris for Llanview. Just the opposite had happened. Carlo recalled sending someone to find Samuel, they had, but then they reported back that they lost him once more. Samuel had disappeared. But the paintings continued to arrive at the Gallery. Carlo figured out that Samuel wasn't aware his paintings were memories. All was well. Carlo's pawn in Llanview had successfully taken over Todd's life.

Now it was all changing. Simone had just reported meeting Samuel and giving him a list of all his patrons. That meant that Samuel was in possession of some very damaging information. Carlo knew his name was on that list. He could only hope his name would have no meaning to Samuel. Still if all the signs were right, Carlo feared Samuel was very near to getting his memory back. Once Samuel had Todd's memories restored, he would recognize Carlo's name, and then things were bound to get complicated fast.

Carlo had hoped that Alex was calling when the phone rang. Now he would need to call her. If Samuel was getting his memory back, Alex had to leave Paris. If Samuel realized who Carlo Hesser was, then he would put two and two together and he would know Alex had been sent to him. Carlo had learned the hard way not to underestimate Todd Manning. Samuel didn't know he was Todd Manning but he still had Todd's natural instincts for sensing when something wasn't right. That had been obvious to Carlo when Samuel had eluded Carlo's man and disappeared. Todd Manning was capable of wreaking havoc when he felt wronged. It was going to be necessary to start erasing anything and anyone who had had a part in the deception. First he would warn Alex.

Carlo pick up the phone and put the call through for Alex..  "Hello my dear, I calling you to tell you plans have changed. .. you say you saw him yesterday. Did he seem to know you?... Excellent then it's not too late. I need you to leave, have no more contact with Mr Toddman. Something has happened and if you remain there, I fear He will discover the deception. You don't need to know more than you've already figured out. You know what Todd Manning is capable of. Leave while you can. You won't get another call from me but I'd advise you to forget about what happened 8 years ago. Goodbye, Alex." Carlo abruptly ended the call. Alex was a survivor. He had faith that she would protect herself from any repercussions that would be imminent. He set about making preparations to close the Clinic and eliminate any paper trail that would link it to him. Then he made a call to his operative in Llanview who was keeping an eye on Todd Manning. He instructed his operative to cease all observation of Manning and ordered him to begin liquidating all assets Carlo had tied up in Llanview. If he was correct in his assumptions, it was probably a matter of days before the all hell broke loose.

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