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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Shadows Fall: Chapter 3

Todd walked in to Rodi's and saw John behind the bar.  "Fancy meeting you here."

"Hey, Manning, what's up?  What can I do for you?"

"Well, most of it you're already doing.  Closing the place down for a Friday night is a big deal, Mr. McBain.  Or should I call you Lieutenant?"

Todd's bantering was no longer bothersome or irritating to John; he had come to understand better and accept the man as he was.  In fact, he was close to gaining respect for him.  "Either.  Just John is fine.  Or McBain.  Just not McPain.  And get your kid to stop calling me that, will you?  The little one is picking up on it."  Todd laughed.  John continued, "You look good.  It's good to see you smiling."

"I'm getting married to my one true babe.  I can't do anything but smile right now."

John looked into the man's eyes for a moment and saw the sincerity in them.  He really loves her.  Really.  "All right, so to what do I owe this visit?"

"I just wanted to double check the arrangements for the rehearsal dinner.  Blair's driving me crazy, trying to get it out of me.  I told her, when she picks the entertainment and the food, just let me know and I will siphon the info to my "consultant."

"Hmm, another job title."

"Yeah, I suppose."

John offered Todd a beer, which he accepted.  McBain said, "Is Ray all set?"

"Yeah, from what I can tell.  You're thinking how sad it is that the only guy who will be an usher for me is my therapist.  Don't worry, I've already thought about that.  I will be making new friends in 2012."

John smiled, a rarity for him.  "Is there anything else I can do?  I want this to go smoothly for you and Blair.  As much as I disagree with some of the things you've done, I see how much you love each other.  I wish you nothing but the best."

"Thanks," Todd said, extending his hand, and they shook.  "We've got it pretty much together I guess."

"Great.  The place will be closed down Friday night, the things you asked for will be brought in.  I can't promise it will be exactly like 1993, but I'll do my best."

"Whatever cost, no problem.  Just send me all the bills.  It just had to be here, it means so much to us.  Oh, and there will be a nice tip for you."

John waved him off as he left.  You'd never know he just went through total hell for eight years.  Never take him for a gang rapist either.   Aloud, he said, "McBain, you learn something new every day in this world.  Love has strange power."


All afternoon, Blair, Starr and Addie, with Hope in tow, had searched for attire for the wedding.  They decided on crimson for the color scheme.  Starr had a stunning, deep red gown with gold threads weaved within it.  Addie had a darker reddish gown that complimented Starr's.  Blair was excited about how they looked.  They put Hope in a golden gown with crimson accessories, and a large crimson sash and bow, matching her mother's gown.  "Now that's perfect, we're all set!"

Starr looked at her mother, "Except for one thing."


"YOU?  The bride has nothing to wear."

"Arrrggh!"  Blair was frantic the rest of the shopping time, looking for the appropriate wedding gown.  She'd been to the three largest bridal couture shops in Llanview and could find nothing that suited her.  Starr, the maid of honor, was putting up with her mother's nerves quite well.  Addie looked on, watching Hope as they made their way through stores, giving support.  But all three agreed, nothing really grabbed them at all.

"I quit."  Blair said, flopping to a beautiful fuchsia sofa in the dressing room of one of the shops.

"Mom, don't give up."

"Maybe just a suit, a plain white suit?"  Addie said.

"Been there, done that," she and Starr chimed together.

"Oh dear, I don't know Blair, I mean, when you picture marrying Todd, what do you see?"

Blair sat up as if someone had pumped some fresh air into her lungs.  "Oh my God, Momma, that's it!"

"What's it?"

"How I picture us.  Come on you two, let's get out of here.  I know just what to do."  She ran out the door, Starr, Addie and Hope trailing behind her.

She threw open the doors to La Boulaie and ran to the attic.  Addie put Hope down for a well-needed nap, and Starr waited for all of them in the living room.  She looked around.  It suddenly occurred to her that this was the home in which she spent most of her happiest days with her father and mother as a child.  And now, her father had been robbed of the chance to see her grow up.  She blinked back tears as her mom came into the room with a huge box.  "Ta da!"  Blair called out.

Addie was coming down the staircase as well, "What is it?  Wait for me!"

Blair carefully pulled the top off the box and revealed her gown from her second wedding to Todd.  "We were married in St. James church by Andrew.  Starr, do you know the story?"

"Uh, I think so, you've only told it to me several times a year since I was born!"  She laughed.

"Momma, you asked me how I picture myself marrying him.  I picture myself just like this."  She held the gown up in front of her.

"Mom, can you wear that?  I mean, does it fit you?  It's lovely."

"I don't know, Starr, I was pregnant with you when I wore it last.  I'd have to try it on and see."  She vanished into the bathroom, and Addie and Starr waited for the unveiling.

Blair came out of the bathroom with the dress on, but the back could not close by about 3 inches.  "Almost.  I guess I've aged."

"I hope I can age like you."  Starr said.

"I wish I could even get an arm into a gown I wore when I was 26 years old!  You're so beautiful, Blair.  My beautiful girl."

"Thank you Momma, but your beautiful girl does not fit into her dream gown."

"I have an idea!"  Starr got on the internet and came up with a phone number, which she ran into the lobby and called, immediately.

"I've got it!"  She ran back in, ending the call.  "I just called this place called "Vintage Vestments.  Don't ask about the name.  Anyway, they said they can look at the gown and make it over again, with any changes you want."

This made Blair's face light up.  "Imagine Todd when he sees me, like he saw me in his..." she stopped again.  Flopping to the couch, she uttered, "I quit."

"What mom?" Starr whined loudly and at the same time, Addie asked, "What's the matter, Blair?"

"I don't know if that's right for the wedding.  I don't know if it will....upset him.  He had a photo of this in his bloody hands when he was first kidnapped.  He sees me in his safe place like this."

"Safe place?"  Addie asked. Blair went on to explain to Addie and Starr about Todd's catatonia and what his mind had chosen as the protected harbor when he was in captivity.  Addie said, "My God, Blair, what terrible things must have happened to him.  But, if you think about it, it means that this is the most important memory he has.  Wouldn't it be perfect for him to relive it, if he chose it to live in all those years?"

Starr wiped her eyes.  "I'm with grandma on this one.  Look around.  The pictures of that wedding are all over the place.  Dad has one in his wallet that he had made."

Blair sighed.  "Do you really think so?"

"Yes," both answered.

"One more person to run this by, and then we decide."

She called Ray and explained the idea to him.  His response was overwhelmingly in favor.   "I can tell you from experience with Todd, Blair, that he associates nothing but happiness with that image.  I believe it would be perfect."

She hung up.  "Then it's all settled.  Let's go to Vintage Vestments, or whatever it is," and they left.  Addie remained behind to care for Hope, and Starr and her mother hit the road in search of the Gold Balloon Wedding Gown.


Todd was off doing errands of his own.  His first stop, Rodi's to clarify the rehearsal dinner plans.  His next stop, St. James, to try, somehow, to maneuver the ceremony there.  He just wanted them to be married there again; something in him wanted it more than anything.  He wasn't sure how to approach it, but he'd need to find a way.  He pulled out his phone.  "Viki?  It's me, your brother."

"Yes, Todd, how are plans going for the wedding?"

"Uh, okay.  Could be a little better.  I kind of need your help.  Can you meet me at St. James?"  He pulled the phone away from his ear.  "I know I don't belong to St. James, but you do."

Viki rolled her eyes.  "All right, Todd, I'll meet you, but you must understand, even I can't pull those kind of strings!"  And she hung up, having her driver bring the car around.

Arriving at St. James, Todd sheepishly waiting in the parking lot.  To his surprise, Viki made her way into the vestibule with the Reverend Andrew Carpenter.

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Our writers like to hear your feedback. Please leave a comment when you read.


  1. I love it. Both want to remember and celebrate their happy memories together.

  2. Thanks you for this. Love that we're getting our BGW in one form or another - just hope they manage to finish the ceremony before all hell breaks loose.

  3. Hey guys, thanks for the comments. I just wanted us to have something like that GBW at least once.

  4. It's not an Todd & Blair wedding without Andrew officiating. Hopefully all goes well and they're able to recite their vows.

  5. I agree, Miss J. Hope to see you reading more of the books.


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