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Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Shadows Fall: Chapter 6 (adult)

"Well, that is one thing behind us, and several more to go,"  he said, throwing his keys onto the desk.  The penthouse was dark but welcoming, as both of them were tired from their day.  "Are you sure you want me to stay here?  You know what everyone says."

"We're not worried about what everyone says.  Are we?"  She removed her shoes and strolled over to the windows, looking out over the brightly lit city.

He came up behind her.  "No.  Not this guy."

"What was the best part of tonight?"  she asked him.

"I don't think it has happened yet."

"I mean, the best part of the rehearsal dinner?  Was it Sam laughing at Roxy's hair ornament, basically in her face?"  She smirked.

"I don't know, that glass of iced tea that went down Auntie Dorian's dress was pretty...talk about a cold front..."

"Todd!  Oh my God, you're so corny!  Where did you get this stuff from?"

"Your son's rubbing off on me.  Or maybe it's your cousin, Kelly."

She playfully slapped him.  "Todd!  Stop it, leave Kelly alone.  She defends you, you know."

"This year."

"Remember the last time you flew them in for our wedding?"

"Of course.  I told you, I remember every little bit."

"I was so happy that day.  Just like today, except today I am happier, because I know this is the last one, really this time."

"I know, this is it.  The last wedding either of us will ever have.  Imagine?  Seven is our lucky number, babe."

"Yes.  Lucky.   The rest of those bad memories and break ups, those are just shadows from the past.  We are lucky."

"We are.  I never doubted I'd get back to you, though.  I knew  would, or at least, I hoped.  Every day.  Every day away from you," he said, and she touched her hand to his cheek, feeling the familiar edge of the scar.  With all his money, he had never gotten the scar removed.  She was glad.  It was so much a part of him now.  She knew that if it were gone, she would surely miss it.  "It kept me going, that one wish."

"I know.  I'm glad you held onto it.  When I first saw you at the premier, I thought I might die.  Just looking at your face, your eyes again...I just knew, Todd."

"I know you did.  When I kissed you, you kissed back, just as always."

"Like this?"  She elevated herself on her toes and kissed his lips.

"Maybe.  But I thought it was more like this."  He move toward her, passionately taking her mouth, exploring it with his tongue, and running his hands over her bottom and her back.  She stepped closer, pushing her body against his.  He responded by pulling her in, and almost lifting her off her feet with his intensity.

She pulled back long enough to look into his eyes.  In the light of the first of the nights of their new life, they were very green and searching hers for acceptance.  She recognized it; it was the same song with the same lyrics, just arranged in a new way.  He wanted...no, needed...to know she accepted him as a lover and that she wanted him.  It was something he had always done with her.  Having been considered a pariah and a man very few women would want to touch, let alone make love to, he had started from day one finding ways to assure her certainty.

She remembered, for a moment, his words to her on the night of their first lovemaking, "If you want me to stop, just let me know."  She knew that very moment who he really was, and despite her immature and desperate machinations and tricks, she had loved him, yes even then.  As their life went on, he sought her acceptance over and over again; the offering of his hand, and his patience in waiting for her to take it; his kisses starting in a smouldering, soft way and building to a crescendo of want; his slow, deliberate way of making love to her.  She whispered, "Take me, Todd.  Take me in your arms and love me."

He bent down and in one motion, he lifted her into his arms, and cradling her like a princess, he carried her up the winding staircase to their room.  His breathing began to take up speed, and his urgency increased, as he stripped himself of his jacket and silk shirt, while she removed her shirt and skirt, revealing red satin panties and matching bra.  "I love this room."  He said between kisses, "I love everything you did for me with this penthouse.  I don't think I ever told you, but it meant so much when I had so little."

She kissed along his belly, his chest and his waist.  "I wanted to make you happy.  I wanted to give you something back.  It killed me to see you with nothing."

"I didn't really have nothing, in some ways, I had so much.  The first moment after I returned that you kissed me, and I mean really kissed me, on your own, my life changed..."

She laughed softly.  "I'm glad, then."  She tilted her face to him.  He took it in his hands and kissed her until her lips were swollen and warm.  He still had his suit pants on, black, and she found him irresistible.  He was so sexy when like this; shirtless, belt open, and his hardness evident and strong.  She opened his pants and released him, and he lowered her to the bed, moving himself over her, their weak shadows falling onto the bed in the dim light.  She propped herself up, reached behind and unfastened her bra, tossing it over his shoulder.

She used her tongue to tease and excite him.  His fingers found her and cultivated her moans and whimpers, as she finally guided him fully into her mouth, wanting to please him with every motion.  "No, wait," he whispered, holding perfectly still, and stroking her hair, "it's too good.  Not yet."  He unexpectedly took himself away from her lips and kissed down her body.  Finding the perfect spot, he devoted his mouth and tongue to her.  She, who was relegated to shrieks of pleasure, put her hand on the back of his head and ran it through his hair.  She ran her nails over his shoulders and down his back as far as she could reach.  He heard her say in a gravelly whisper, "Don't stop."

He wouldn't stop.  He wouldn't ever stop until she asked him to, if she ever did.  He wouldn't stop until her muscles gave way, and her hands clenched the sheets.  Within minutes, he felt her peak, and heard her beautiful voice letting him know.  Without hesitation, he moved himself up and she tenderly accepted him into her, as she always had.  Tears came to him; something he could not control since his return.  The feeling of being united with her again, his body in hers, after years of separation and all his pain, flooded him, too close to the possible loss of it.  She called his name, touched his stomach, smoothed his hair, and spoke in hushed tones.  With her loving and total acquiescence below him, she expressed all of her dreams and hopes, and all were built on and around him.

When finished, he pulled her onto him like a comforter, and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her face, her neck and then the top of her head as she settled against him, until sleep came.  Before she drifted off, he heard her humming a familiar tune, but for some reason, he couldn't quite place it, as the dim calm of exhaustion overtook him.

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