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BF4L: Old Habits Die Hard ||| CIMZ: R.E.M. ||| Cloud: The Way BackThe Shadows FallBattle the DarkThe Fourth LifeThe End of BlameDiamond in the RoughHope from the OceanFailings of the FathersChasing the Monsters ||| Karena:TM Return ScenariosTo Journey's EndPort Charles ChroniclesTodd's SagaMemories UnlockedThe Mysterious Samuel Toddman (Reissue) • Who's the Real Todd? (Reissue) • Thomas Lord: Cloaked (Reissue) • Enigma (reissue) • Don't Shoot the Messenger (link) ||| MONICA ANN: Dance with the DevilThe Devil You Know ||| MARIA: Spidey Sam


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hope from the Ocean: 7

Lifting the phone from the receiver, Sister Rebecca Katherine dialed and waited.  "Broham, are ya around?"

"If I weren't, I wouldn't be answering, Dear Creena.  Good afternoon to ya.  Are ya all right, over there?  It's a big accomplishment resting on y'ar shoulders."

"I know and I'm all right with it.  What are y'ar plans, are ya coming to support us?"

"Of course.  I'll make the rounds with my son and daughter-in-law, if that's okay.  Unless ya need something from me in the way of assistance."

"No, I'm ready for this.  It's been a good long time planning."

"Then I'll see ya later, when The Mannings decide to make their appearance."

"I'm looking forward to it.  And Broham?"

"Yes, Creena?"

"I have a decision to make.  Soon.  I have been asked to take a new path."

"Well, does it seem like something ya want to do?"

"Yes.  Somehow, I feel it might be my next calling, but I wanted to run it by ya first.  Seems Dr. Martino wants me to come work at Mountainview.  They would pay for my classes, and I'd become a counselor."

"Something ya've always wanted."

"Yes.  But I would not, if it meant taking away my vows.  I shall not benefit on the misfortune of others.  Dr. Martino said that I can refuse pay, if I like.  Possibly, with Mountainview having me become a resident counselor, I won't want for anything."

"And the rest will be given to ya by your nephew, Todd."

"I know he would give whatever I needed, but I don't want to rely on that."

"I know how ya are.  But if you're allowed to do this and not be paid, then why is it a question?"

"It will cause me to leave St. Anne's, and I love this place.  It would be months from now, but it still is on my head."

"I see."

"It will be a question of where I can do more good."

"Then, what are ya thinking?"

"I am starting to believe that I've done quite a bit here.  I've brought Hope Weekend to life and had a grand influence on the other nuns here.  Father MacNamara says that I am always welcome and that it will always be my home," her voice cracked with emotion.

"Ah, a twinge of sentiment.  But ya've always been about where ya could do the most good, and where ya can effect the most change and help the most people.  Ya know the answer, Creena.  I send my love, and I'll see ya in a few hours."

"Good-bye, Broham."  She hung up.


"You're back, I see," Mr. Basque seemed unhappy to see Tina standing in his doorway.  "Well, come in. take a seat.  Back to the drawing board, I assume."

"You assumed right.  I blew it."

"Well, let's continue to look."  He shuffled some papers.  "Construction worker?"

"Have you seen these hands, and these nails?"  she asked.

"Candy dipper, it's still on our list."

She shook her head.

"Christian Life Coach?"

"I don't think so," she grimaced.

"Canine Relocation Specialist?"


"Dog catcher."

"Yes!  That's me!  Dogs love me.  And it would honor my little lost David Vickers."

"David Vickers?  The movie star David Vickers?"

"No, his namesake.  She's been missing for over a year."

"Well then we've found a place for you."  He tore a note off his small pad.  "Here you go, here's the address.  Success is ours, young lady."

She excitedly went to the door, and then he called to her.  She turned.  "Yes, Mr. Basque?"

"Don't come back, Dear."

Todd and Blair brought Ray and Sam with them in the limo, and they disembarked at St. Anne's an hour later.  Blair spoke first when their feet hit the ground outside the building, "Jack's not with us.  It feels strange, but he's growing up."

"He's coming, though.  Timothy's getting him and Jenna."  Todd answered.

"Is this what it's going to be like now?  He's doing his own thing?"  She seemed wistful.

"More and more, likely.  But it's okay, he's a teenager now.  He's almost out of high school.  A few more months and he will be a senior."

"I know.  It just feels so strange, Todd.  With Starr, she was plummeted into adulthood earlier than I expected because of her pregnancy.  But this is so, I don't know."

He put his hand on her back.  "I know.  But remember, you've got these two and another one on the way."

"You're right, of course, it's just weird without my oldest boy."

They walked up the pathway to the door, and the snow surrounded them on all sides.  "Dad?"  Sam asked.


"Can I run and jump in the snow?"

"Not right now.  After we go to Hope Weekend, you can come out and jump in the snow, okay?"


Sister Rebecca Katherine met them in the lobby.  "I'm so glad to see ya!  Sam, you look very dapper."

"Thanks, Sister!"

"I'm very excited, and Todd, I can't thank you enough for what you've done to help us with this,"  Sister Rebecca Katherine said.

"No problem, Sister," he said, leaning in and kissing her cheek.  They all went to the main room, and admired the appearance.  The solarium had been transformed into a busy marketplace;  booths lined the perimeter of the room, people bustled around examining the wares, a guitarist played in the far corner.  Sam said, "Hey, he's playing the guitar!"

"Yes.  He's a great musician.  And we have a schedule of performers lined up," Sister said.  As they scanned the area, Todd's eyes rested on his mother, who was sitting sketching in a booth lined with her work.  She looks okay, better.  He pointed, "There's Grandma Bitsy."

"Grandma Bitsy!"  Sam called out, and waved.  Having never met her didn't seem to curtail the young boy.  Todd, whose hands were on Sam's shoulders, felt the little boy move onto his toes a bit, as if he were going to take off running.  In the slight distance, they could see Bitsy lift her head and smile, standing slowly from her chair.  

Sam looked up to his father's face.  "Can I, Dad?  Can I go meet her?"

"Sam," Todd said, kneeling so that his face met Sam's, "You remember what we talked about?"

"Yeah, she can't talk but neither can Ray, and we get along great."

Todd broke into a small laugh, and Blair did as well.  "All right.  Go ahead.  But no running."

"Okay!"  he said, and took off at a jog.

"He's running."  Blair said.

"Yep, he is.  He's excited."

They watched it unfold as they slowly sauntered to Bitsy's booth.

Outside, Timothy was just pulling into a space in St. Anne's parking area.  He said, "Jack, help Jenna get out of that car, and watch it, there's ice out here."

"You should watch it, Grandpa, you could fall."

"I'm as surefooted as the day is long, my boy."  Timothy said, stepping out onto the ice, and promptly slipping.  He grabbed onto the car door handle and stopped himself from going down.

Jack, holding back a slight smile, said, "Are you okay?"

"All right, ya got me, it's treacherous, so be careful, my boy."

Jack helped Jenna out of the back seat, and both of the teens flanked Timothy as they all walked to the door of St. Anne's.

Back inside, Todd and Blair were still approaching Bitsy when they saw Sam reach her and automatically hug her.  She put her arms around him and hugged him back, first sitting into her chair to face him directly.  She already had a piece of paper in her hand.  She looked at Todd and Blair, as they approached, and made a motion that Todd immediately understood.  He said, "Yes, he can read."

"Sure I can read!  I read really good, Grandma!"  Todd and Blair both noticed Bitsy's eyes filling with tears, and her hand gently went to Sam's little head and patted it.

She handed him the note.  He read it aloud:  I am so happy to meet you, Sam.  I've been waiting for this day for a while.

He looked up at her, and said, "Me too!  Grandma, I got a lot of spelling stickers.  For being a good speller.  You should get art stickers.  You draw really good."

She smiled into his face, and then looked to Todd.  Putting her hand well up above Sam's head, and questioning with her face, Todd said, "He's coming.  He's bringing his girlfriend."

She smiled, and made a little expression that struck both Todd and Blair as comical.  They smiled, and Blair said, "He's growing up."

"He's got a girl on the brain,"  Sam said, "He's acting crazy."

Bitsy laughed.  Todd had never seen it before, and it made him sigh, in a sort of melancholy way.  Blair noticed, and took his arm.  "She's happy, Todd," she whispered.  "It's going to be all right."

As they spoke, and Sam showed Bitsy the superhero collection he designated to his pocket, Todd and Blair noticed Timothy, Jenna and Jack coming into the solarium, and heading toward them.  Todd said, "Momma, Jack's here now."

Bitsy looked up and focused on the tall, young man coming toward them.  She smiled, and took Sam's Spiderman figure, placing it on her table near her sketch pad.  She kept one hand on Sam's head, and looked up toward Jack as the trio approached.  He was awkward, at first, but then, smiled and said, "Hi, Grandma," and leaned down, and to Todd's surprise, kissed her cheek.

She smiled, and watched him with her eyes as he stood back up.  Jenna stepped forward.  "I'm Jenna, a friend of Jack's.  Nice to meet you," she said, and Bitsy took her hand.  Jenna continued, "Your son has helped my family a great deal.  I'm an artist, too.  Your work is beautiful."

Bitsy took the smaller pad from her table, and wrote I would love to see it.  I am glad you're friends with Jack.  

Todd spoke, "You'll get a chance to see more of each others' work soon," and all eyes went to him, "when I open The Diamond Art Gallery."

Bitsy smiled, but had a question in her eyes.  Timothy stepped forward, and put his hand out, "Hello, Bitsy, I am not sure ya remember me."

She nodded, as if to say yes, and shook his hand.  

Todd said, "Momma, Timothy has adopted me.  Legally.  As a grown up.  I know, it sounds strange.  But he's been like family over the last months.  A lot has happened."

Bitsy wrote and then handed Todd the note:  See, Todd, this is good.  You need a father, at last.  You've not had one most of your life.  This is good.  Timothy loves you, I can see it in his eyes.  They glitter and they're all blue.

Todd smiled, handing the note around.  Sam said, "Grandma, Grandpa is really cool to play with.  He takes good care of us."

"That he does,"  Blair said.

Bitsy looked at Blair and read her expression, and wrote, Something is troubling you.  In your heart.  What's the matter, Blair?  Are you okay?

"Yes, Momma, I am okay.  Is it all right to call you 'Momma?'"  Bitsy was elated and shook her head vehemently.  Blair continued, "I'm all right, really."

Bitsy directed her attention to the Spiderman figure, and within a few minutes, she crafted a small drawing for Sam and signed it, handing it to him.  He said, "Wow!  My own art!"

She nodded, and he hugged her, "Thanks Grandma!  Mom, can I go look around?"

"Not alone."

"We'll take him," Jenna said.  Jack agreed.  The three kids went off, and Blair unbuckled Little Ray and handed him to Bitsy.  She was all smiles and wet eyes.

Todd and Blair watched her with the baby, then turned to Timothy.  "Thanks for bringing them, Dad,"  Blair said.

"It was easy.  They're a joy, these children you've raised."

"Don't look at me," Todd said, "Aside from this little bugger, it's all Blair's doing."  He looked into her eyes, "She did this herself, on her own."

"Todd underestimates his role with these children," she said.

"I've only just gotten here, Blair.  It's all you, when you think about it."  Todd said.

"She's a gem, this Bridgette. She's a rare one."  Timothy added.

"She is," he said, and Bitsy tapped his arm.  Handing him a paper, he read it and then said, "Read this," handing it to Blair, with Timothy looking on.

I love Blair, for everything she does for my grandbabies and for you, Todd.  She loves you so much.  We are so lucky, Todd.  No matter what happened before.

Timothy, sensing emotion building in The Mannings, said, "That's bang on!  Bitsy, ya got the wisdom of the ages."

Bitsy smiled, and returned to her drawings.  Todd and Blair, letting her know they would be back, began to mill around, and headed to Addie's booth.  Todd said, "Addie," and kissed her cheek.

She said, "Hello, Todd.  Hello, Blair, my beautiful girl."

"Hello, Momma.  Momma, have you met . . ."

"Bitsy?  Of course.  We're fast becoming friends.  Blair, here's a blanket I made, especially for today, for Little Ray."  Addie handed her a beautifully knitted miniature blanket, in shades of blue and green, that fit perfectly into Ray's stroller.  The baby looked up and smiled.  

"Thank you, Momma."  Blair said.

"You're welcome. And thank you, Todd."

"For what?" he asked.

"Taking care of my girl, giving her love, more babies, everything she wants.  You've always loved her, Todd.  I know that."

"You were always wise, Addie,"  he said, putting his arm around Blair's waist.

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