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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Shadows Fall: Chapter 28

Weeks passed, and Todd rarely left Blair's side.  It was very early spring, March to be exact, and the days seemed a bit longer.  Being an election year, Super Tuesday had come and gone, and Mayor Finn had attained the nomination for the Democratic Party.  No one in town seemed all too happy about it; he recalled McBain having made snide remarks about her in the early days of his return.  In fact, she was the one who pushed for his arrest.

He doted on Blair, as he knew she deserved, and cared for her every need personally himself.  They were together all day, every day.  They would wake up late, have brunch together, sit in the living room, enjoying the fire.  Then, they would read over articles from The Sun on his tablet, editing and working together to develop the stories, essentially running the paper from home, with help from The Sun's senior reporters.  Vowing to never be apart from her again, the situation worked perfectly for Todd.

In evenings, they would have relaxing meals by the fire, bathe, make love, dream, talk and shop online for baby things and plan the nursery.  Todd made sure Blair was where she belonged; safe and cherished.  Aside from the weekend with Jack, which seemed a distant memory now, he'd barely been away from her.

Starr offered to move to la Boulaie with Addie and Hope, and had done so in early March.  Todd wanted everyone under one roof, but Blair convinced him it was probably best, space wise, and for them to focus on the boys and the new baby.  Starr was still there, daily, checking on her mother and visiting them.

After the first few weeks, he'd ordered a special table and chairs just for the two of them, that he placed right by the wall of windows, so they could sit and eat or just relax, while overlooking the city.  Anything she'd wanted, he'd gotten for her.  Sam was thriving; Todd had never mentioned the disturbing comments about 'the other father' that Sam had made to him.  He knew it was not the time for her to know of it, and Sam was fortunate enough not to have been harmed for a prolonged amount of time.  He had also checked this out with Jack, who confirmed his belief.

Jack was rounding a corner.  He had been attending sessions with Ray each week, and finding outlets for his anger.  As far as they all knew, he had not been drinking and his grades had stabilized at school.  He seemed to be getting closer to his father, and Blair as well.  Todd had also returned to Ray's client list, and continued to work on his anxiety and lessening the strength of the untouched horrific memories.

Now seven months along, Blair gave the accolades for these things, and more, to her husband.  She'd gotten stronger, and was exhausted less; she was working more at his side.  Soon, the fear of losing 'Moonbeam' was no longer pervasive; they had the typical concerns, fears and longings of other expectant parents, and nothing more.

Todd also had put into gear some of his high-tech research skills and uncovered a few interesting tidbits in The Break Bar story, although he had slowed down this activity a great deal since the last scares.  Still attempting to recover from his years of torture, he had made definite headway.  In sessions with Ray, they had toyed with the idea of The Fedora Man, The Grim Reaper, and the lighter wedding gift as possible realities, instead of imaginings.  And, reaping the strength from Ray's assertions that it might actually be happening, Todd had stood stronger than before, and moved ahead with the research and the story, but with restraint and limited involvement because of the fear for his wife and child.  That was about to change.

Walking out from the obstetrician's office hand in hand, Todd and Blair, the latter who was adorable in skinny leggings and a long pink tunic, made their way to the car.  "Lunch, Papa Manning?"

"Lunch?  We need to have a banquet!"

"I know, you're proud and relieved that everything is perfect with the baby.  It won't be long now, Todd."

"I know, and I'm just counting the days until dirty diapers."

She pulled herself close to his arm and hugged it as they walked.  "The weather's nice.  Springy, and nice and sunny.  I love March."

He put his hand over hers as they made their way to the limousine.  Opening the door for her, he carefully placed her inside, a cherished cargo.  Then, he hopped in, moving her over a bit on the seat, and then putting an arm behind her.  "Williams, home please."

As the ride continued, Blair rested her head on his shoulder, as she had done many times in the limo.  Reviewing their life, she would often think how so much of it could be tracked just in this place:  the night of their second engagement, planning their weddings, putting themselves back together after terrible times apart, making love, shopping for baby things; all these were things they'd done right there in this very car.  Or, at least one like it.  She drifted off to sleep.

Todd's phone rang, and he answered it quietly, knowing full well who it was.  "Briggsette, what have you got for me?"

Of course, it was Brigg's daughter, the eldest, who now was employed at The Sun.  She was a go-getter senior reporter with no ties, and spent a great deal of time at work.  She relayed to Todd a piece of information he had been seeking for weeks.  "You got it?  You sure?  All right, come to the penthouse, later today."

When they arrived home, Sam was waiting for them in the living room, playing with an assortment of toys.  He got up and ran, hugging Todd's legs.  "Dad!  Mom!"

"Hey, there, guy, you forgot to hug your mom."  Todd said.

"I can't, my head bumps into her big belly."  All looked at each other.

"That's okay sweetie," she said, walking to the couch.  "Now, come here and hug me."  He did. "We have great news," she continued.  "The doctor says the baby is perfectly perfect, and we're out of danger."

"Yay, Mom!  That's great!  Jack!  Jack!  They're home."

Ambling down the staircase in his teenager way was Jack, pajama-ed and grumpy.  "Hey, can't the noise be kept down around here?"

Todd said, "Jack, it's almost noon."

"Yeah, well, how will my hair grow if I don't rest a lot?"

Blair looked at her son.  His hair was almost brushing his shoulders.  Todd's had drifted just enough to ponytail it back, which he did often.  His goatee also graced his imperfect face, which she found, of course, to be perfect.  At times, when he pulled his hair back from his face, a strand would fall.  She loved him, and his hair, which of course, had gone through so many changes.  She looked from one to the other.

"Mom, can I grow my hair?"  Sam said.

"No, you're perfect as you are," she said.

"Aw, darn."

"Guys, let's get some lunch together for all of us."  Todd said.

"Tacos?  Please?"  Sam pulled Todd's pants leg.

"All right, I'll make my tacos, but only if I get the most."

Jack rolled his eyes, "Your tacos suck."

"I beg to differ, besides, Sam likes them, and so does your Mom."  The three of them made their way into the kitchen.  Blair, resting a hand on her stomach, leaned back and closed her eyes, comforted by being home with her men, and at peace from her doctor's report.

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