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BF4L: Old Habits Die Hard ||| CIMZ: R.E.M. ||| Cloud: The Way BackThe Shadows FallBattle the DarkThe Fourth LifeThe End of BlameDiamond in the RoughHope from the OceanFailings of the FathersChasing the Monsters ||| Karena:TM Return ScenariosTo Journey's EndPort Charles ChroniclesTodd's SagaMemories UnlockedThe Mysterious Samuel Toddman (Reissue) • Who's the Real Todd? (Reissue) • Thomas Lord: Cloaked (Reissue) • Enigma (reissue) • Don't Shoot the Messenger (link) ||| MONICA ANN: Dance with the DevilThe Devil You Know ||| MARIA: Spidey Sam


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Shadows Fall: Chapter 29

"So, tell us, Mayor Finn, what your plans are if you attain the Governor's Seat?"  The reporter from WVLE flashed a microphone in her face.

"I will be working on many projects to enhance this community," she began.  "My first will be dedicated to leniency for model prisoners in our jails. This kind of extended imprisonment is costing tax payers thousands each year.  I also will be working to increase school reform and beautify the neighborhoods."

"Ugh, I can't stand her smugness," Starr said, watching the broadcast on her father's tablet.  "She wanted to throw the book at you!"

Todd was engrossed in his own work, with the investigation of The Break Bar back room still looming.  Who could have started this ring and why?  Who was benefiting from it?  In his heart, revenge still called to him at times, and he was learning that the best kind was the legal kind.  Nothing would separate him from his wife and family again.  He searched and employed his best people, and still nothing.  That is, until his call from 'Briggsette,' as he sometimes called her.  She was on her way over with new information.


Mayor Finn walked back into her office after the press conference with her trusted assistant, Mac.  Plopping into a chair, she pushed the hair back from her face.  "Hate the public," she said.

"I understand, but you have to do what you have to do," he said, pouring a glass of gin over ice and handing it to her. 



"What did you forget?"

He looked to the glass, "Oh, sorry."  He took it from her and added a curl of lemon peel and a wedge of lemon.

"That's better.  Anyway, that's behind me.  I'm this much closer to realizing this dream."

"Yes, indeed."

"Now for the problem of the Lords and The Mannings."

"Such a bother," Mac said.

"Yes.  I just discovered something today that might change the face of everything if I am not utterly cautious."

"Of course."

"You do understand that nothing can get in my way, not Viki Lord whatever it is or her smarmy brother, Todd Manning."

"Isn't he dangerous?"

"He can be, but in this case, I fear him less than I would have, say, seven or eight years ago?"

"That's true.  I've heard he's been through quite an ordeal."

"It's clearly made him softer.  Don't be too concerned about his danger, Mac.  He's washed up as far as badasses are concerned.  Has the actor been deployed?"

"Yes.  He's all set and in place.  Cost you a nice coin."

"Money is less of an object right now than one would think."  She sipped her drink.

Mac had often wondered who was her major 'contributor' since at times, she seemed to be an endless pit of funds.  He settled down on the leather sofa in her office, with a bottle of beer.  He was a large man, very tall, quite young, and very dark.  Kathleen was in her bitch mode; he recognized it instantly, so he backed off, allowing himself to fade into the background for a while.  Later, he would take her, over the desk.


Briggsette came into the penthouse in a smart gray suit and flats.  She was rather tall and preferred not to bring that to the attention of people around her.  She crossed the living room and sat down on the leather armchair.  

Todd wheeled around in his desk chair, directing his attention toward her.  "What have you gotten for me?"

"Something I think might interest you."  She put her hand out, offering a folder.  He got up and took it from her, landing on the couch across from her.  

He opened the file, and at first glance, he said, "This is something."  Inside were a list of financial dealings related to The Break Bar establishment in Llanview, Pennsylvania.  "Good work, Briggsette."

She rolled her eyes, "Are you ever going to call me by the right name."

He didn't take his attention away from the file, "Let me think about that.  No, probably not."

She knew he had a prevailing affinity for her father, who had passed away while he was gone.  "All right, then.  What do you want me to do next with this one?"

"Get over to The Break Bar.  See if you can get in to that backroom, as a hooker."

"What?  I'm not a cop or a private investigator!"

"No, you're on The Sun's payroll.  Don't think you can handle it?"

She sat upright, "Them's fighting words, Mr. Manning."

"Then, go give it a try.  You don't have to do anything, just act like you're going to.  See if you can get any further info on the owners of the place.  Better yet, go the 'I'm with the Health Department' routine.  That oughtta really get them going."

She smiled, "There's something utterly vicious about the way you think."

He didn't smile back.  "Whoever these people are, they had my niece in their clutches.  They've taped her in compromising situations with strange men.  They're prostituting young women.  They are turning a huge profit.  They are getting juicy secrets to hold over the heads of prominent men.  And, they had someone most likely mess with my head and steal back a shitload of tapes.  I have to be vicious," he said, thinking back to the events at The Break Bar the night of Blair's second near-miss.  When he had returned home and checked the bag, all of the tapes had been replaced with blanks.

She stood, "All right then, Health Department it is.  Except..."


"Isn't that illegal?  To impersonate someone?"

"I don't know.  I do it all the time."

She laughed, despite the seriousness of her question.  "No, I mean it."

"I do, too."  Then thinking better of it, and remembering his old friend Briggs, he said "All right, here."  He pulled a business card from his wallet.

She read it aloud.  "Sam Vance, Private Detective.  What's this for?"

"If you really don't want to impersonate anyone, go to her, she'll do it for you.  Send the bill to The Sun.  I want to get this owner information right away so I can figure out this financial stuff.  That Health Department threat ought to make mincemeat out of that putz of a manager."

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