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Friday, November 2, 2012

Port Charles Chronicles: Chapter 31

       Blair stood up and stretched, then bent over and gave Todd a kiss on his forehead.  He was much cooler and appeared to be sleeping. The nurse would be coming soon to take him for the MRI and Blair stood remembering the time she had switched places with Todd so he could escape custody.  He had always asked the most outrageous things of her and she had done them.  “We’ve been there for each other in some of the strangest ways, haven’t we, Todd.  You’ve definitely had your moments.  Sergeant Starr and Sister Bernadette Peters were two of your nuttiest ideas, but they showed me you loved me in your crazy way.  I need you to hear me.  I haven’t given up on you.  I know you think I have, but it’s untrue. You need to come home.  You’ve been gone long enough.”

      The nurse came and took Todd for his MRI.  Blair followed, praying for a miracle.


      Todd pulled free of his mother’s embrace and struggled to regain his composure.  He reached for his forehead having felt the barest of touches there and a whisper of words swirled in his head. ‘You need to come home. You’ve been gone long enough.’  He looked around.  The park seemed to have gotten smaller.  He now saw two exit gates.  One was rusty and foul looking.  There was something almost sinister about it, in a creepy, haunted way.  The other was beautiful and glistening.  It seemed to lead to a happier more joyful place.  He looked at his mother and she smiled.  “Is it time?  I don’t remember seeing those.”

     “I believe we’re going to have to go soon.  The path you take has already been decided.  Just remember, you’re loved.”  She touched his cheek and the boys each gave him a quick hug. 

     He began to walk with them, uncertain whether or not he’d be allowed to follow them through the gate.  He began lagging behind his legs feeling like weights, and he was so very tired.  “Wait for me?”  He was worried they would leave without him.  Suddenly his path was blocked.

     “Did you really think, you could leave me that easily?”

      Todd froze. Irene was standing between him and his family.


      Dr. Drake and Dr. Webber were studying the pictures as the machine scanned Todd’s brain.  They had already spotted several lesions.  Most of them were localized in one general area.  They were just finishing the scan when Todd began seizing.

    “Get him out of there. Now!”


      Irene walked up to Todd and embraced him much the way Bitsy had done, but Todd felt chilled to the bone and wanted to pry her off.

    “Get away from me,” he growled.

    “That’s no way to greet your poor mother.  You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.  I’ve been waiting for you.  It wasn’t nice to keep me waiting.”

    “It wasn’t nice to hold me captive, but you did.  Why should I go anywhere with you?”

    “Why, my dear son, because you have no choice.  You don’t foolishly believe Bitsy, do you?  That’s a pipe dream and this is the reality.  You belong with me and your father.  You’re our son, not hers.  Look, your father is here, he’s waiting for you too.”     

      Todd saw his father standing just inside the gate.  He wanted to curl up and die.  Even from where he stood the memory of lying next to Victor’s body and the smell seemed all around him at that moment.  Grotesque shadows began filling the edges of the park. Some of them seemed to be making a beeline for Bitsy and the boys.  He was galvanized into action.  He had to get his family to the safety of the golden gate no matter what.  They were still walking, unaware of what was happening around them. 

       He took off running, determined to block the shadows if they tried to take any of them. He managed to shove one shadow out of the way. ‘Damn, they’re solid. Weird!’  Knowing that he went for a second one about ready to pounce on Brendan.  As he tackled it, he yelled. “Son, Brendan, get your grandmother to the gate now!   Shut it when you get there.”

       His son and Brendan looked around surprised to see what was taking place.  They quickly followed orders and hurried their grandmother along.  Bitsy turned and called out. “Todd be careful.  You don’t realize what you’re doing.”

       Todd smiled at his mother.  “Yes, I do.  You go.  I love all of you.”  As he took down another shadow he watched them reached the gate safely and shut it.  The shadows faded and Todd walked up to the now-closed gate.  “It’s alright, I don’t belong there, I know it.  Take care of each other.

       Bitsy reached through the gate and grabbed his hand, “Todd, look around. You have a third option open to you.  You don’t have to go with Irene.  Take care and we’ll see each other again.”  She blew him a kiss and walked away with the boys.

      Todd turned around.  He saw the other gate wide open and his mother and father standing there waiting.  A breeze came up and he heard someone calling to him.  He spotted a path leading back into the trees away from the gates. ‘You have a third option.’

     “Come along, Son, it’s time,”  Irene called firmly.

      Todd looked at her and turned his back and started down the path that led back to Blair.

       Blair was frantic, the doctors were giving up. She pushed her way into the room and went to Todd.  “Todd Manning, you son of a bitch, you stop this right now.  You can rant and rave at me all you want about betraying you with Tomas, but you have to come back to do that.  I’ve had about all I can take of you dying and leaving me.  You agreed to marry me.  I want that wedding.  I want that beautiful house we looked at and for you to get to know Jack.  Please!” She kissed him feeling how cold he had become.  “I need you, your dark humor and your obsessive love, I need it all.”  Her tears were falling on his still face.

       Dr. Drake puts his hands on Blair’s shoulders. “Ms. Cramer, we need to call it.  I’m very sorry.  Time of death is eight forty-...”

      Todd’s eyes fluttered open.  “Blair?”

      Blair laughed and began kissing and hugging him all the while crying.

     “Damn Blair, don’t cry.”  Todd reached a shaky hand up to her face, “I...I came back.  Irene was calling to me, but then I heard you.  I thought you were gone.”

     “No, I’m right here.” She touched his face gently, seeing the confusion in his eyes.

      Dr. Drake stepped forward. “Ms. Cramer, I need to examine him.  Please.”

      He was having trouble breathing, and for a moment, the room and Blair started to fade. Todd grabbed Blair’s hand. “Don’t go.” He still felt Irene’s presence attempting to draw him back. It was taking every ounce of energy he had to stay awake and with Blair.

     His plea and the desperation in his voice pierced her heart. He’s terrified of something.  “I’m not going anywhere. Todd, you’ve been very sick. They need to check you out.” She looked at the doctor.  “I’ll stay out of your way, but I’m not leaving his side.”


     Dr. Collins looked at his watch.  Todd Manning apparently had decided not to show.  He frowned as he closed the file in front of him.  He had been so sure Manning was serious about getting help.

      Lucy breezed in the door.  “Doc, I had the greatest time with Serena.  She’s going to be joining us for a visit soon.  I hope you don’t mind.”  She paused as she realized his attention was somewhere else.  “Hey,” She waved a hand in front of his face. “Woohoo. Remember me, your wife?  I didn’t hear any talking, I figured it was safe to come in.  What’s the matter?”

      Kevin blinked, his attention turning to his lovely but flamboyant wife.  “It’s nothing, my patient didn’t show.”

     "Well, that happens all the time.  Why does, this time, bother you?” She walked around the desk and planted herself on his lap.  “You know it’s not easy for some people to admit they have a problem.”

     “Now, Lucy, you know I can’t discuss my patient with you.  I’m just a little worried about this one.  Did I hear you say Serena’s going to visit soon?  Her father isn’t coming, is he?”

    “No, relax, Scotty’s busy elsewhere.  Still, I’m pleased she’s coming.  What’s this I hear about Kate Howard being arrested?  Who’s running Crimson?  I’m feeling at loose ends these days and I’d like to get back to work.  Maybe I can go to Kate and offer her my services.  That magazine’s been struggling lately.”

      Kevin looked up at his wife and saw the wheels turning.  “Look out, Kate Howard.”  He lifted her off his lap and stood up.  “I need to check-in at General Hospital.  I’m stepping in for Dr. Keenan, so I need to get caught up on his patients.  Don’t drive everyone nuts at the PCPD.”

        Patrick Drake moved in and began his exam.  He wasn’t happy with Manning’s color and could see he was struggling to breathe.  He appeared lucid, which was a good sign of no permanent damage from his encounter with death.  He nodded to the nurse and they hooked up the oxygen.  The man was lucky to be there.  Patrick envied Blair.  He was still mourning the loss of his wife Robin.  It looked like Todd Manning had more life to live.  “Mr. Manning do you know where you are?”

    With the help of the oxygen, Todd felt the pull of his mother weakening.  He looked around. “I’m guessing I’m in the hospital.  How?  The last thing I remember was standing on the dock.” He looked at Blair.  He remembered stepping off the dock.  It should have been all over.  His encounter with his son was proof it was a done deal.  Someone must have rescued him.

    “Starr and Michael pulled you from the lake.”

    Todd was shocked.  He wasn’t ready for that. “Starr saved me.  But I don’t understand, I thought she was with Michael and Zacchara.  How did she end up at the dock?”

    “They were looking for you.  John and Dante were too.  They knew you were sick and were afraid you were wandering around town delirious.  Michael and Starr spotted you and followed you to the Dock.”

    Todd’s heart beat faster as he realized Starr saw him go in the water.  Please tell me she didn’t know I did it on purpose.  “I remember thinking the water looked cool.  I’m not sure what happened next. I guess I must have lost my balance. So they went in after me?”

    “They found you and brought you up.  It was touch and go, because of the length of time you were under, and on top of everything else, your fever was raging.”  Blair could tell Todd wasn’t telling everything.  She was sure he knew exactly what had happened.

       Patrick moved up to his patient.  “Mr. Manning, you’ve been pretty sick.  I’m sure you were probably confused due to your high temperature.  You’ve been in a coma since you were brought in and we’ve been attempting to bring down your fever.   You’re a very fortunate man.  Michael and Starr’s quick actions saved your life.  You need to rest.  I’m going to review the result of your MRI, and the nurse will be back to draw some blood.”

       The nurse raised the head of the bed a little bit. Todd was able to look around easier.  He felt weak and slightly disoriented, but his eyes never left Blair.

       Blair watched as the doctor and nurse left and turned back to Todd, “I’m sorry, I should never have left.”

       Todd’s eyes narrowed as he remembered his conversation with Tomas.  “I wasn’t feeling good, but you said you were only going because of Jack.  I had this dream and when I woke you still weren’t back. I called and Tomas answered.  He said you were back with him.  Why did you lie?  Why did you ask me to marry you?  Were you just humoring the sick man?  God, Blair, I trusted you!  I thought you loved me!”  All the hurt he had felt came roaring back and he dropped her hand.

     “I do love you!” She grabbed his hand again and put her other hand on his cheek.   “Please listen to me!  Tomas lied to you.  I didn’t even know you’d called.  I was arguing with Jack.  Tomas brought Jack home from Tea’s.  I didn’t know he was coming over.”

      He closed his eyes and turned his face away from her touch.  His thoughts were in turmoil.  He kept hearing Tomas’ smug voice.  “She’s anxious to get reacquainted if you get my drift.”   He hated the man.  Blair said she hadn’t known about the call. You turned your back on her and pushed her away before. Can you trust her?  She sounded so sincere.  Bitsy’s words came to him.  “You have a third option open to you. You don’t have to go with Irene."  He wanted to trust Blair, he had come back for her.  He opened his eyes and looked into hers, sparkling with tears. “I … I can’t lose you again.  Not now.  I want to believe you.  Help me!”

      When he had turned away, she had been reminded of all the times he had pushed her away after seeing her with Patrick.  There was no way she was going to allow him to push her away this time.  Todd’s trust issues had been a barrier between them for so long.  There just had to be a way to break through it.  When she heard his words, she wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.  He was giving them a chance. She bent down and kissed him, trying to blink her tears away. “I’ll help Todd.  We’ll make it this time.”

       Todd put his arm around her and he kissed her back. There was no mistaking the longing in Blair’s kiss as her lips meshed with his desperately.   He returned the sentiment eagerly taking her lips, feeling their softness and the hint of salt from her tears.  No matter what, they were in agreement about one thing. They wanted each other.  He wasn’t going to let her go without a fight.

       They were interrupted by the nurse entering the room.  Blair released him reluctantly and moved aside, giving the nurse room.  Todd paled when he saw what the nurse was carrying.

      “Mr. Manning, Dr. Drake ordered a blood test.”  She reached for a syringe.

       Todd panicked.  “Get away from me.”   One minute he was seeing the nurse, the next Baker.  He shook his head. Oh God not now!

        Baker reached for him.

       “Now really there’s no need to panic.  We must make sure the drug isn’t an issue, I just need to draw a small amount.” Liz reached toward his arm.

       Todd slapped the syringe out of her hand.  His eyes on Baker.  “You’re not getting any more of my blood.  You’ve drained me dry!  Leave me alone!”

       Liz was shocked, she had never had such a response. “Mr. Manning, it’s alright, calm down.”  She realized he wasn’t really looking at her, as much as through her.  “Mr. Manning, look at me.”  Her eyes met Blair’s, as they both observed Todd’s strange behavior.

     The alarm on his monitor went off as his blood pressure elevated. The noise brought Todd back to reality.  He blinked.  Baker was gone and a young nurse stood beside him.

     “Todd, it’s okay.  They don’t need to draw the blood right now.” Blair looked at Liz. “You can do it later, right?”

      Liz nodded.  “Yes.  You just relax, Mr. Manning.  I’m sorry, we’ll do this another time.”   Liz walked out.

      He grabbed Blair’s hand in his again and began rubbing her palm with his thumb.  He needed to hold onto her before he lost himself in another vision. “I didn’t escape them, Blair.  I keep seeing them.  I’m right back there in the compound.  Will it ever stop?”

     “It will stop.  It’s just going to take time.  We’ll get you help.  Real help and I’ll be here.” She wrapped her other hand around his.

       He closed his eyes and leaned back on the bed.  “I thought it was all over.  No more Baker, no more Irene.  I thought you had gone back to Tomas.  There was nothing left.  I was down there just drifting and it was like falling asleep.” He paused, "I met our son, Blair.”

      She let him talk.  She knew he needed it at that moment. “What?   What did you say?” Todd wasn’t talking about Jack.  He couldn’t be.  That meant he was talking about ...

      Todd opened his eyes and smiled at her.  “I met our son.  He was waiting for me. Brendan was there too. They’re beautiful, Blair.  Brendan looks just like you. Our son takes after me.  He even likes football.  They’re with my mom, Bitsy.  I was surprised.  I don’t know what I expected but it wasn’t that.”

      Her eyes filled with tears again. Todd’s voice had softened as he talked about his son.  She had known how deeply he had wanted that baby.   When he mentioned Brendan her heart lurched.  The pain of those losses still lingered after all these years.  She didn’t know how to respond.

      “They love me, Blair.  Unconditionally, even Brendan.  He said he loved me because he knew how much I loved you.  He knew even though I denied it to you.   I felt so humble and unworthy in the face of their love.  It was so pure and untainted.”  He paused and closed his eyes again.  He felt their hugs again lightly around his shoulders as if they were watching over him.

        “I couldn’t go with them, but I didn’t want to go with Irene.  Mom said I had a third option, and that’s when I heard you calling.  Irene’s voice became nothing more than a whisper as I started following your voice.  It’s always been you, Blair.  The boys knew, even my mom knew.  I need you to live.  Don’t leave me.”

        She was crying uncontrollably, she heard the love in his voice for the family he left behind to be with her and realized how much he had just opened up to her.  She had never been loved so fully by anyone until she had met him.  He took her breath away.  “I’m not going anywhere.  I need you, too.  I’ve been floundering for so many years and didn’t realize until you came back what I was missing.  I was missing your love, every crazy little bit of it.  You were and still are the only one who really understands me.  Don’t ever stop loving me, Todd.”  Their lips met sealing the unspoken feelings of two soulmates.

  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
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1 comment:

  1. Great chapter. I hope Kevin finds Todd at hospital and helps him. Todd needs a protector more powerful and politically connected to cleanup the quasi governmental faction of the Lawrence/Baker/Tomas coalition so he just has to fight the individual men and his own demons.


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