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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Port Charles Chronicles: Chapter 11

            Todd looked at Blair with exasperation.  “You’re kidding right?”

            “No, I’m not.  I need to stop in the boutique at the Metro Court before we go see Starr.  There’s no way my daughter is going into court in blue jeans.  The least I can do is get her something nice to wear.”

             They entered the lobby and Blair headed for the shop.  Todd got as far as the door.  He took one look around and said. “I’ll be waiting in the lounge “  He walked into the lounge and headed for the bar.  After what had transpired earlier on the dock, he wanted to order something strong, but he decided he'd better keep a clear head.  “Give me some coffee.”  He was keeping an eye on the door to the boutique, so he didn’t notice who was behind the bar.

              Carly poured him a coffee and wondered who he was looking for.  “She’s not here.”

              Startled, Todd looked back to find Carly across the counter from him.  “Who’s not here?”

              “Blair.  She went out a short while ago to go talk to my son.  I told her I thought she was wasting her time, but she wanted to try anyway.” Carly met his eyes, she was trying to get a read on him.  He had only been back in town a short while, but he had already managed to rile Sonny up. Sonny was still upset about Kate, and Todd had gotten in his face when he found out Michael was Starr’s accuser.  The man was wealthy, charismatic and charming when he wanted to be, but obviously dangerous.  His first trip into town he had held a gun on Sonny.  That was a feat because he lived to tell about it.  Now he was back and still waving a red flag in Sonny’s face.  “Sonny told me about your last visit with him.  Are you crazy?  I’m still trying to figure out why he hasn’t had you killed.”

              Todd just smirked. “We understand each other.  In fact, I just saw him again this morning.  I found out something yesterday about his girlfriend.  I thought Sonny and I should have another talk.  I’m hoping Sonny can talk some sense into your son.  Oh and don’t underestimate Blair.  She can be very persuasive.”

             At the mention of Kate, Carly’s curiosity perked up.  “What did you find out about Kate? Johnny’s been here telling me some out-there story about her being someone else.  You don’t believe that’s true do you?”

           “Yes I do, I overheard her talking to Sonny’s lawyer.  She seems to be suffering from something called DID and believe me, I know firsthand how real that is.  According to what I overheard, her alter Connie has been up to all sorts of things.” Todd didn’t have any proof yet that Connie killed Hope and Cole. He only had Kate’s statement that she believed Connie was responsible.  He decided against mentioning that fact to Carly until he had time to talk to Starr. He spotted Blair headed for the lounge and ended the conversation abruptly.  Before Carly could say anything he was out the door.

           “Hey, you owe me for the coffee,” Carly called after him.  He ignored her and she couldn’t help smiling.  The man had it bad for his ex.  Her thoughts returned to their discussion.  He had been awfully cryptic about Kate and the Connie thing.

            Todd and Blair arrived at the police station with about an hour left until the hearing.  Blair handed the bag containing the outfit for Starr to the police and was assured it would be available for Starr before court.  She turned to Todd and rested her hands on his shoulders.  “Do you think Hallie can get her off?”

           “Hallie’s good.  I have faith that Starr will be free by the end of the day.  Come on, let’s go see how she’s holding up.”

            Starr watched bemused as her parents came through the gate together.  It was weird to see them that way.  Her mother had been so angry with her dad, Starr had thought it finally was all over between them.  She walked to the bars separating them. “Hey, I’m glad you’re here.”

            Blair hated seeing her daughter behind bars.  “This is so wrong.  You were distraught over your child, I don’t understand why that young man is so bent on putting you in jail.”

           “Mom I almost killed Sonny Corinthos.  I might have actually done it if Michael hadn’t stopped me.  I don’t blame him, I was out of control and he doesn’t really know me.”

           “But you didn’t do it and you’d never attempt it again.” Blair wanted to hold her little girl but knew Starr was now a young woman and she had made a conscious choice to take that gun.  She had to accept the fact that Starr was capable of that kind of anger.  She herself had tried to kill Max and Todd was certainly able to wreak havoc.

          “No I wouldn’t, but Michael doesn’t know me all that well.  It’s alright, I trust Hallie.  She was here just a little while ago and told me she’s optimistic.”  Starr looked at her Mom and smiled  “I’ll be okay.  Heck, she got Dad off and he really killed someone.”  She expected her dad to come back with one of his snarky comments the way he had the day she was brought in but this time he paled and turned away from her.

         “Excuse me, my headache’s back.  I’ll see you upstairs.” Todd moved away quickly and once around the corner and out of sight, stopped to lean against the cool wall.  What did you expect?  She loves you but can’t forget what you did. Pull it together.  Blair knows what’s going on, but if you keep letting little things get to you, Starr will too.  There was no way he was going to let his daughter know just how screwed up he was.  He moved away from the wall and proceeded upstairs to find Hallie Mitchell.

          Down in the cells, Blair looked at Starr horrified.  “Starr, how could you say that?”

          “What just happened?  If I didn’t know better I’d say Dad was bothered by the fact that he killed Uncle Victor.  But that doesn’t make any sense, he hated his brother.  Just the other day when he arrived here, he was all cheerful and telling me a jury of his peers found him not guilty by reason of insanity.  He was very proud of his lawyer.  I don’t understand, he looked sick just now.”

          “Starr, you have no idea what’s really been going on.” Blair was worried about Todd but now wasn’t the time to go into explanations.  They were interrupted by the officer who came down to take Starr up to prepare for her hearing.  Blair was allowed to give Starr a quick hug, then she followed them upstairs.

            Upstairs, outside the courtroom, Todd was in a discussion with Hallie.  “No deal, Hallie.  My daughter isn’t going to do any time in prison.  We won’t settle.  You should know that about me by now.”

            “I’m not a miracle worker Todd.  The prosecutor is determined to come in with a victory after the last few cases have ended up disasters.  Young Corinthos refused to talk to me.  What do you want me to do?  I can plead this down, but we’re still looking at some time served.  The only other hope is to ask for a trial by jury and show mitigating circumstances.   I believe a jury of her peers would sympathize with a young twenty-one-year-old who lost her child and in her grief went after a known mobster who had just been charged for the crime and freed on technicalities.”  Hallie could see the anxiety Todd felt for his daughter.  She had tried to make the prosecutor see reason, but the mayor was all over him and he had refused to budge.

              “If that’s our only option, I vote for the trial.” Todd spotted Michael and his father talking at the other end of the hall. ”What happens if the Corinthos boy retracts his statement.”

              Now she looked at Todd suspiciously.  “Please tell me you didn’t bribe anyone?”

              “I wouldn’t jeopardize my daughter’s case that way.  No, I’m merely asking what would be the outcome if the young man did that?”

             “The prosecutor has no case if Michael Corinthos recants.  Starr would be allowed to go free.  I don’t want you to get your hopes up, Todd.  The young man has been exceedingly stubborn.”  She looked at Todd trying to gauge if he really was listening to her.

              “So am I, Hallie” he said and looked her squarely in the eyes.  “I’m stubborn enough to believe that that young man won’t let my daughter go to prison now that he’s had time to think.  I know he spent time with her after the death of her daughter.  I’m sure deep down he knows she won’t go after his father again.”  Just then Blair joined them. Starr and her guard right behind. “You alright, Shorty?”

              “I’m a little scared but I’m ready.  I’m sorry if I said something earlier to hurt you.  I didn’t mean to.” Starr was nervous but it was her father she was worried about.  From her mother’s comment, she began to wonder just what the story was.  He appeared okay.

             “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.  Like I said downstairs, it was just a nagging headache giving me some grief.”  He smiled at her.  Sonny and Michael having that little chat cheered him up immensely.  They entered the courtroom.

             A short while later Starr walked out of the courtroom with her lawyer and parents.  “I can’t believe it.  It’s over and I’m not going to jail.”

            “I must admit I was caught off guard myself,” replied Hallie. “I never expected the young man to change his mind.  I should have known by now, that normal court doesn’t apply when I’m working with a Manning.”  She looked directly at Todd.  He had had a hand in his daughter getting off, of that she was certain.  “I’ll go finish the paperwork, Starr.  You’ll have to sign a few things and get your belongings but you’re free to go home now.  Todd, if I could have a quick word with you.”

            Todd left Blair and Starr talking and walked down the hall with Hallie.  “Thanks for doing such a good job.  I knew I could count on you.”

           “You know perfectly well I had nothing to do with today.  I’m not sure how you convinced that young man to retract and I don’t want to know.  I’m glad your daughter is free and I believe I could have won if we had gone to trial but that’s neither here nor there.  I’m headed home after  I complete all the red tape, but I wanted to talk to you one more time about your own sentence.” Hallie stopped walking and turned to confront her client. “You’re coming up on the deadline the court put in place for you to find your own therapist.  If they don’t get the proof that you’ve established yourself as a patient with a reputable psychiatrist, you’ll find yourself picked up by the Port Charles police and delivered back to Llanview and sent straight to St. Anns.   I urge you to take care of that this week, Todd.”

             Todd stared, a little shaken, he had been expecting a bit of a tongue-lashing from Hallie for interfering with Starr’s case, but not all that.  Damn.  She was like a pit bull terrier.  She wasn’t going to let up on him about getting the damn therapy.  “They can’t really do that, can they?  I mean I’m in another state and everything.”

            “Believe me, the police here have been fully briefed about your case and sentence.  Bo Buchanan sent word up here, the minute it became known that this was where you disappeared to.  He already received assurance from the commissioner here, that they would cooperate fully with any mandate from Llanview.  Todd, you need help.  Get it.”  She held out her hand. “It’s been nice working with you. Stay out of trouble and get me that information.”

             Todd shook her hand. “I’ll get on it in the morning.  Thank you.”

             “Do I have your word on that?”

             “For what it’s worth these days, sure you have my word.”

              Hallie met his eyes with hers. “I trust your word, Todd, probably more than you do.  Take care.”  She headed down the hall to finish taking care of business.

              He watched her go and pulled out his cell phone.  Dialing the number, he waited.  “Yes, could I please speak to the doctor?  Tell him it’s a life and death situation.”  It was a little dramatic but he hated being put on hold or asked to make appointments.

               “This is Doctor Collins.  What is this life and death situation?”

               “My name is Todd Manning and I need your help in saving a life.”

              “I don’t understand.  Why are you calling me?  Call 911.“

              “That won’t work.  If you can’t help, I don’t think anyone can.”

              “Mr. Manning, this is highly unusual.  Just whose life am I supposed to save.”

              “Mine.”  Todd listened to the utter silence on the other end.  He wasn’t sure why he had started the conversation the way he had, but he realized he was telling the truth.

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