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BF4L: Old Habits Die Hard ||| CIMZ: R.E.M. ||| Cloud: The Way BackThe Shadows FallBattle the DarkThe Fourth LifeThe End of BlameDiamond in the RoughHope from the OceanFailings of the FathersChasing the Monsters ||| Karena:TM Return ScenariosTo Journey's EndPort Charles ChroniclesTodd's SagaMemories UnlockedThe Mysterious Samuel Toddman (Reissue) • Who's the Real Todd? (Reissue) • Thomas Lord: Cloaked (Reissue) • Enigma (reissue) • Don't Shoot the Messenger (link) ||| MONICA ANN: Dance with the DevilThe Devil You Know ||| MARIA: Spidey Sam


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Way Back: Chapter 3

John took the pack of cards out of his pocket, and pulled up a chair. He also placed a stool between them as the table. "Well? Which will it be?"

Todd almost could not find words. Then he half-smiled. "You're kidding, right?"

"No. Not the kidding kind, really. I just figured, if I stayed here for a while, you wouldn't be able to get any ideas about leaving without permission."

"How would I do that? There are bars right there....sure, I didn't eat all that well in the torture chamber, but I can't fit through."

"From what I hear, you've been known to find ways. Now, what'll it be?" He shuffled.

"What if I asked for a different game?"


"Like you ask me a question, I answer it, and then I ask you one about my kids/Blair while I was gone, and you answer that."

McBain stopped a moment, holding the cards still. "That's not a bad game. In fact, I'm fine with that, if that is what you want. I'm not a talker really, but I guess this could work."

"I know some things I am certain you want to know."

"And I know things you probably don't want to know."


"This actually won't be half bad. What should I call you?"

Todd fastened his eyes on John's. "You have to ask? I'm Todd Manning. Always have been, since I was a child. Since soon after I was born, probably."


"I was adopted, Victor Lord gave me away. He took me from my mother, Irene, and gave me to Peter and Bitsy Manning. Big mistake, maybe. Victor was just as bad, I guess."

"You didn't like your adoptive family?"

"Let's just say Peter Manning had his own brand of torture. It is not really something foreign to me. I've been through it in so many ways throughout my life."

John was not sure what to make of this man in front of him. "Do you know anything about what happened when you were gone?"

"Yes. I read up on The Impostor when I was hiding out in town. He's screwed up, even for me."

McBain smiled. A rarity, but happened. "You could say that."

"You're not telling me anything, really. I've been doing all the talking. You don't want to give me any ammunition about my identity? You think I'll use it to convince everyone I'm who I say I am."


"Well then, deal. I choose Go Fish. Just one question?"

"Maybe, let me see what I can do." He dealt.

"All right. Did he love them? I mean, did he love my kids, did he treat Blair like she deserves?"

"I think he loves those kids. In his own way. As for Blair, I never was sure. I don't know if she was either."

"That's ok, really."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm back." John and Todd both picked up their cards like fans and studied them. "Just how long do you plan to stay here and play go fish?"

"As long as you can take losing."


In the morning, Blair dressed and got herself going early. After feeding the boys breakfast, she called Starr, letting her know her plans. "I'm going to the jail to see....him."

"Mom, do you think he's....is he Dad?"

Blair was careful about her answer. She did not want to toss Starr totally into a whirlwind. "I don't know." But Blair lied. Something in the pit of her stomach was crying out for her to believe. And, a bellowing voice in her head warned her not to hope or even think it. "I have to find out. I'm going there."

"Mom, be careful. Should I go with you?"

Blair was too quick to answer. "No. No, honey, I've got this. John will be there, probably Bo and others. I am all right."

"Are you sure? It's got to be...well, all I can say is...Mom, the way he kissed you."

Blair tried to put it out of her mind. "Listen, honey, I have to go.  I will talk to you when I get back, ok?"

"All right."

The conversation ended and Blair grabbed her purse. Telling Jack she would be back in a bit, she left her house behind and headed to the police department. On her drive, she felt herself on autopilot and faded into thought. She reviewed the last day's events and reran the meeting over in her mind's eye. His eyes. She was almost positive...no. He could be fooling her. He could be a dangerous plant, or some kind of assassin, come to kill Todd. Then her mind went to how strangely she had noticed Todd acting in recent times. No, I mustn't go there. I mustn't. There's a perfectly good explanation for this. But she could not ignore the nervous feeling in her bones, and how her body felt when she remembered the kiss. She'd find out. She'd know. Or maybe, she'd just accept the truth she was fighting. Either way, she was in front of the LPD and ready to go in.

Bo was clearing a patch on his desk in which to place his coffee when Blair pushed her way in his office. "All right, Bo Buchanan, fill me in on whatever you know about this."

Bo feigned stupidity. "What do you mean, Blair? And good morning."

Blair unfolded her arms. "Good morning." She sat in the chair opposite his and he followed suit. "Sorry about that but, the guy you've got in jail down there happens to claim to be my husband!"

Bo sipped his coffee. "I thought you were divorced?"

Blair was noticeably flustered. "Well, we are, you know what I mean! He says he's Todd."

"What can I tell you, Blair?"

"Who is he?"

"I don't know any more than you do. McBain might. Seems he's been down in that holding cell with him all night long."

"What? Why?"

"McBain might be going soft on me. Seems our prisoner was, let's say, a little uncomfortable about being locked up again. I don't know, John might have some kind of soft spot for the guy. He lived with him for a few days, maybe that's it."

Blair stood up and grabbed at her purse. "I'm going down there . . ."

Bo suddenly became more serious. "Blair, sit down. You don't want to do this."

"Why don't I?" She plopped down in the seat, crossing her arms again. Her indignant tone was growing.

"Because it might be too much for you. The guy's had his share of problems the last 8 years."

"What problems?"

"I can't really tell much except he's emotionally raw, broken, something like that. He talked about being held captive, being away from you and the kids...and being tortured."

Blair softened. I dare you to ever forget me. I dare you. Her eyes burned with the onset of tears, but she blinked them back. "Tortured?" She regretted how childlike she sounded saying it.

"Tortured. Daily, according to McBain. Now, do you see why I don't want you to go down there?"

Blair stood up, gathering her composure. She sniffed in and put her purse over her shoulder. "No. In fact, it makes more sense that I go now. Bring me to him, Bo. Please. I have to find out for myself. I have to . . . I have to see him," and then in a whisper, "please," eyes brimming.

"It's against my better judgment and you just get 5 minutes. McBain is already down there, just make sure you're careful and only 5 minutes. That's it, Blair!" He yelled after her as she raced to the elevator.

She walked into the familiar holding area, and through the bars, she heard low talking. Todd caught sight of her first over John's shoulder. He stood up, and the cards absently fell to the floor. John turned around, and seeing Blair, watched observantly, recording her motions and the prisoner's responses very carefully. She approached the bars slowly and grasped them with her hands. Her eyes were fixed on Todd's; her face had a look of sadness and desperation. She stared at Todd but spoke to John.

"John, can I have a minute, please?"

McBain looked from one of them to the other and realized this was no place for him. "I can't let you in the cell, Blair. You know that."

"That's ok. I can talk to him from here."

John turned and, signaling for her to step back, opened the cell and exited it. Locking it again, he turned to his prisoner. "Next time, best out of thirty. I'm securing a guard, he will be right outside this door."

Todd was silent as John left the holding area. He stepped a few steps closer to the bars. "You came."

She stepped back from the bars as he came closer. She let her hands drop. "I did. What happened to you?" Her voice was the melodic, breathy voice he remembered and dreamed of and memorized all those days away from it.

"I was taken."

Barely able to contain her emotions, a tear began to make a trail down her face. "Bo said you were..." She trailed off.

"A bastard?"

She sniffed, but tears still came. "No, he said you were...he said you were in trouble."

"I am. But that's nothing new to me, Blair, and not to you either." His eyes had not left her face, and hers had not left his.

"Do you believe me, Blair?"

She put her hands back onto the bars and moved closer to them. "I'm not sure. I don't know. I can't think. I can't...where were you?"

"A paramilitary complex of some kind, that's all I know about that. I hopped a plane to get back here."

"Who held you?"

"I don't know who was fully behind it, but I do know my keepers. One's dead, he tried to shoot your son, and I shot him instead. The other is called Baker."

"Sam? He tried to shoot little Sam?" Her voice almost vanished, and the whispers melted his heart.

"Yes, he was going to shoot Sam. You know, Blair, I wasn't fully aware of who I was then. I was still clearing the cobwebs. Sam said to me that day that he knew I was a good man."

She swallowed. His eyes. His scent. His face, his scar, his hands. Oh, his hands. They were at his sides but had just run through his own hair. How could he look this much like her Todd?

He stepped closer to the bars. "I told him I wasn't sure if I was a good man or not. My head wasn't right. And today, I still don't know, to be honest. They messed with it, Blair. Screwed me up." His hands balled into fists for a moment and his voice cracked. "All I know is, I did everything I could to get back here to you and to the kids."

Again, her eyes were imploring every inch of his face. "Are you . . . are you all right? Bo said, he said that you were tortured." Again, the whisper, placed on words she could barely say.

He looked down, avoiding her response. "Yeah, I guess so." He looked up again, "Just a little." He stepped closer. "But that's behind me now. And I am here, and I'm back, and I fought to stand this close to you again. I did everything I could to stay alive every day, to get back to you."

Blair could stand it no longer. Her tears flowed. "I'm so sorry you went through all this."

"It's over. And I'm here." He put his hands on the bars outside hers.

In the softest voice, she said through tears, "Todd?"

His face twisted with emotion, and he stared into her. "It's ok if you're not sure, I understand. But this will help." And at that moment, he reached his hands through, taking her face in his palms, then burying his fingers in her soft hair, and moving her closer until their lips touched through the jail cell bars.


  1. Man, do I WISH this had happened on the show. Absolutely heart-breaking. And beautiful. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you, laroc. I appreciate what you wrote here and that you came to read.


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