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Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Fourth Life: Chapter 31

The next day, Todd and Blair were due at the doctor's office for her ultrasound.  He had fueled up the copter, and because there were no clouds in sight, she agreed.

"You're getting to me with this flying thing you've got going on," she said.  She was not waddling yet, but it was the end February, and she was more than beginning to show, and she was due at the beginning of June, she was now almost six months along.

"Eh, it's nothing.  Sure beats waiting in traffic and an hour drive.  Just sayin.'"

"Yeah, just sayin,'" she mocked him.  "You talk like your son."

"I can't help it.  He rubs off on me."

"He told me about a very interesting talk you had.  Todd, he loves you so much."

"I know.  And I love him."

"He sees you as this....this unbeatable force."

"Badass.  I know."

"He also hangs on your every word."

"I know where you're headed, Blair.  I won't kill Carlo.  It would influence Jack too much, right?  Hurt the kids?"

She stopped, "Yeah, I guess so."

"I want to, but I won't.  You got through to me."

"The kids?"

"No.  The other night, when you made me see that I'd lose the ability to touch you, be with you.  It kinda hit home."

"I see," she said, smiling.  "I have that effect on men."

"What men?" he said, helping her into the cab.

"Sam, Jack, You, probably Ray someday.  Those are the only men I'm interested in."

He strapped her in, "You'd better say that."  He kissed her.  She had graduated to sitting in the passenger seat, with the 'no door,' as she put it.  After all, she was with her badass husband.

He took his place in the driver's seat and said, "Addie starts her lessons next week."

"Todd??  How can you do that?"

"What?  I didn't do anything!  She wanted the lessons."

"Momma's going to fly this thing?"

"You never know.  She might be good at it."

"Oh, you!"

"What happened to 'I love you, Todd?'" he mocked her voice.

"Oh you! I love you, Todd.  There."

He leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose.  "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

"We're off."

She never got over the feel of being up over the world with him.  He was so right about it.  She put her head back and drifted off, between sleep and waking, and found herself reviewing their lovemaking from the last time.  He, so beautiful, almost breaking apart in front of her, then putting all of his love into her with his body and words, and she, falling into tears when he slept.  There had never been a couple like them, she told herself.  There had never been a man like Todd.

In the city, they hopped a taxi and got to Llanview Hospital just in time for their appointment.  They sat, in the waiting room, him reading something on his tablet, and she, dozing on his shoulder.  Larry approached them, "Well. Hello, Mannings."

Todd said, "Hey, Larry."  Blair continued to nap.

"They'll be ready for you in the ultrasound room in a few minutes."

"All right, I'll wake her."  He gently shook her, and she lifted her head.  

"I fell asleep."  She said.

"No kidding, " he said.  "It's okay.  You haven't really been getting the sleep they said you needed."

"I am.  At least I am trying."

"I know, Babe.  No more worrying about me.  I'm done with Carlo Hesser.  There are more important people in my life to worry about."

She felt comforted by his words.  He seemed to mean it.  "Okay.  Let's go see our baby."

"All right, let's go see our baby," he repeated, standing, and offering his hand, as always.  She took it and they proceeded to the room.  

Inside, the technician made it easy and quick.  She had taken off her clothing as directed, and was in a front-split johnny coat.  He sat by her, watching as she rested back on the exam table, and did as she was asked.  A few moments later, the tech asked him to spread the clear jelly on her stomach, and he did, with instruction.  Then, the machine was turned on and applied, and they waited.  Soon, the shape of who would become their fourth living child, as well as their fourth life, appeared.  Round-headed and very tiny, Todd's eyes watered watching it.  He could clearly see one little hand, reaching out.

The tech said, "Well, you got lucky.  Do you want to know what gender the baby is?  I've got a clear shot and think I know."

Todd said, "It's up to The Mom here."

She looked at him, "Do you want to know?"

"Do you?"

"I think I already do," she said, turning to the tech, "It's a girl, isn't she?"

The woman said, "Do you want me to answer?"

He looked at her, and shrugged.  To him, it didn't matter, either way.  He just wanted Blair to be healthy and happy, and the baby to be the same.  

Blair turned to the screen and said, "Yes, go ahead.  We've never known before."

"Yes, it's a girl."

Todd and Blair looked at each other, her eyes tearing.  He said, "A girl?  A little girl," and kissed her.


"Visitor, Hesser,"  the guard said, opening his cell.  Again, he lifted his hands for the chains.  "Expecting someone important?" the guard asked, then followed it with a sneering laugh.

"I'll advise you not to cross me."

They walked the rest of the way in silence, and Carlo entered the visitor room, knowing who it likely was.  There, sitting across from his visitor table was Mac, Kathleen's assistant.  He said, "Well, Mr. Hennesey, quite the surprise.  I see your loyalty to Kathleen has extended beyond her Mayoral tenure."

Mac kept his face stonelike, as Kathleen had instructed him.  She knew more about this dangerous creature, Carlo Hesser, than he did, so it was, in his book, advisable for him to listen to her suggestions.  "She asked me to come.  Said that you have instructions for me."

"I won't hazard a guess at your motivations.  I can only assume what I know of her.  But you, it does surprise and interest me."

"You wanted?"

"I have a great deal of work for you, my man."

"I'm interested.  I heard there are funds available.  That we might be able to start over, somewhere, with large sums of money at our disposal."

"Oh yes, millions of that.  And many perks, I should say.  Becoming a member of my team is a step in the right direction.  Let's just say, up."

"Fine."  Mac wasn't sitting there for only for the money.  He was sitting there, across from this evil, detestable man for Kathleen.  Despite everything, he loved her with everything in him.  "Kathleen has said we are to help you escape.  At the courthouse.  That seems rather simple."

"Yes, that is what she said.  However, I have other plans.  Kathleen will be set free in a matter of weeks.  Her parole hearing is coming up, and she's been a good little girl, at least in their eyes."  Carlo licked his lips, remembering a moment their tryst in the dank recesses of the underground tunnels, against a wall in the darkest corner.  She never could resist his touch and likely never would.  

He went on, "There will be a trial, in mid to late March.  You are to kill Zeus Zelenko before that date.  He is the detriment to my case.  Following his death, the trial will be a flop.  He's the only man who can connect me in any way to Leona."

Mac reacted, "Kill Zeus Zelenko?"

"Yes, familiar?"

Mac felt small sweat beads form on his forehead.  The only things he knew about Zeus Zelenko were from reports of his kidnapping and brainwashing.  "Yes, I've heard about him."

Carlo laughed, bellowing from the gut, "Who hasn't at this point.  I'll admit, he got the job done, and held on for about 8 years, in a sniveling way that a father could just not be proud of.  Mr. Manning, that poor, epicene freak of nature."

Mac did not falter, but inside he wanted to run.  He had never sat across from death before, and he was certain that was exactly what he was doing at that moment.  "Zeus Zelenko, dead, then the trial, and how does this help you?  You're already an inmate."

"It helps me rid myself of this traitor offspring of mine.  Then, I  make my escape, during trial time.  When no one is prepared.  I'll be in public and can make my exit."

"Zelenko is your son?"

"Why, yes, didn't you know that?"

He shook his head no, and said, "We're talking about all this as if we are alone in here."

"We are, for all intents and purposes.  I've paid my guards here handsomely."

Mac shifted his eyes to the door and back.  "All right, step one, the murder of 'your son.'"  he thought, if he would do that he would kill us instantly.  "What do you want me to do with Manning?"  He was not sure why he asked.

"Ah, nothing. Mr. Manning and his beastly brood are mine.  When I am free to do so, they will get theirs.  And Zelenko's identity is to remain secret, unless you want to end up in the same boat as he is."

He swallowed, ignoring the comment, "How did you want this done?"

"Surprise me.  Just be certain it's quick, to the point, and trackless."  Mac stood to go, and Carlo said, "Uh, wait one moment.  I forgot to tell you what would happen if you failed, or if you happened to let someone in on this."

He gulped.  "Sir?"

"No payment, of course.  And no Kathleen.  You'd have to pick her shredded body out of the sewers.  I'm more perceptive than you think, Mr. Hennessey.  But then again, it will be interesting to see what she does when confronted with the two of us."

He went cold.  Hesser knew?  Or was he taking his best shot?  "You won't be disappointed," he said, walking off.  Carlo sat back in his chair and laughed.  "Mr. Manning, we will be meeting again soon.  This time, I won't need a robe and a lighter."


The copter ride home was filled with plans for the new baby and a discussion of names.  "Tea had her baby girl, and Zeus finally got to see it."  Todd told her.

"I know about her having her, just not the Zeus part."

"Seems she let him see her.  Her name is Isabella."  Todd reported.

"Oh, that's sweet.  I am glad they're moving toward each other.  She loved him very much, and he loved her more."

"I agree.  The guys deserves something good in his life."

"Like you do."

"I have so many somethings to be thankful for.  Now, what shall we call her.  I vote for Sunny."

"Oh Todd, that's so corny!"

"Why?  Her full name could be Sunny Manning."

"No, come on now.  That's silly."

"What about Sommer?"

Blair stopped.  "Sommer Manning.  Sommer.  I do like it."

"Me, too.  The kids will be Starr, Jack, Sam, Ray and Sommer.  With an 'o.'"

"That's an idea.  It grows on you.  What's her middle name?"

"I don't know.  Can't we wait on that?"


"I keep thinking how I'll get to live that prom stuff that I missed, and the first date stuff, and the broken heart stuff."

"Todd, you didn't miss much.  Some of that is so difficult."

"I want it all.  I want to share everything with my kids, Blair."

"I know you do.  And you'll get your chance.  Sommer likes her name, she just kicked me hard in the side."

"I'd cop a feel, but I'll crash."

"Just drive, Mister."

In landing the helicopter, and getting Blair out of the cab, Todd noticed that Sister Rebecca Katherine's limousine was parked out front.  He said, "Hey, the nun's here."  Then he said, "Only I would have a nun for an adopted mother."

Blair walked to the glass door, "She loves you."

"I know she does, like a good Mommy.  I guess we have to go entertain.  Are you tired?"

"I am.  I was going to ask if..."

"Don't worry about it. I've got this.  You lie down.  No problem."  He helped her over to the bed, and went on his way to the first level of the house.

Sister Rebecca Katherine was sitting in the kitchen already, and Starr had made her some tea.  "My dear, you're a wonderful tea maker."

"It's just boiling some water in the microwave."

"Ah but what a nice treat."  She consumed her tea and a few cookies before Todd got into the room.  She said, "Todd!  So happy to see ya!"  And jumped up, hugging him around the neck.

"How are you, Sister?"  he said.

"I'm fine.  I came to talk to ya, if that's all right with your daughter."

"It's fine with her, I'm sure.  Starr?"

"Sure thing.  I want to go talk to Mom anyway, if she's not asleep."  Starr disappeared to the second level, and Sister Rebecca Katherine was directed by Todd to bring her tea into the sitting room.  

"So, what brings you here?"  Todd asked her.

"I'm going to be honest with ya, lad, your wife does.  She came to see me and she was quite beside herself."

"I know.  It's my fault.  There's been so much stress for her."

"Lad, she tells me you're wanting to take Carlo Hesser's life, to make up for the things you lost.  I can say, there's no good that can come of that."

He looked to his hands, and then back to her face.  "I know.  I just...I can't stop myself.  The desire to do it, it's so strong.  Scares her, and scares me."

"Have you told Ray Martino about this?"

"Yes, I have.  We work on it every week."

"I know you're hurting inside, and that the pain from what you're going through can be all consuming, but can you compare that to the pain of never seeing Blair again, or never seeing yet another one of your children grow up?"

He swallowed, "I've thought about that, too.  I don't think I'd actually carry it through, I just think about it a lot.  Obsess. Sometimes, it gives me, I don't know, pleasure to imagine it."

"That's not God's doing, Todd, and you must reject it.  God wants you happy, healthy.  That's not his work.  Aside from that, have you ever thought of what tempts you and drives you toward these feelings."

"I've tried.  It's....the things that were done to me when under his reign, I guess."

"She told me.  I'm so sorry, dear heart."  She touched his arm.

"Thank you."

"But I thought of something the other day.  Now, me, not knowing you your whole life, I've only got this slice of pie I'm seeing and it's a sweet one.  What Bridgette tells me, it's not always been that way.  You've made terrible mistakes and you've done horrible things."

"It's no secret.  I don't hide my past."

"This I know.  But it makes you feel less deserving of happiness, eh?  That you can't earn redemption?"

He was awestruck.  "Yeah, it makes me feel that way."

"And do you believe you're redeemable?"

"I don't know.  I never did.  Lately, I have thought about it, yeah."

"There's something stopping you from accepting redemption, Lad.  Everyone else sees that you have overcome those demons and that you are making a life for yourself and your family.  You're a decent father, a fine publisher, a cherished husband.  Yet, you hate Hesser beyond the limits.  You detest and despise him."  She sipped her tea and went on, "You felt compassion for that killer, that sick man who did these horrific things to ya.  You felt some sort of guilt in taking his life, even though it was you or him.  You understand your father, and the things he was, the sickness he had.  But with Carlo Hesser, you can't do the same.  Did you stop and think why he pulls such grand hate from you?"

"He arranged my kidnapping."

"He did not know what Leona was capable of.  Your own story said this.  I read it, Timothy told me the same."

"All right.  He took eight years of my life."

He did.  So did Zeus, and ultimately, the keepers are the ones who are responsible, even if it was Hesser's idea."

"Okay, Sister, I'll bite.  What then?"

"You hate him so much because you see yourself in him.  Both of you have been cruel to Zeus, and manipulated him when he was down.  Both of you have caused the rape of someone else.  And if your assumptions are right, about Kathleen Finn, both of you have taken a child from the woman you love and gave it away.  And both your sons were damaged because of it; his being Zeus, and your being Jack, who turned out to accidentally take the life of someone."

Todd sat, looking at her, puzzled and staggered at the same time.  He stopped and analyzed what she was saying, before she went on, "You see the things you hate in yourself in this man.  You see the things you want to eradicate from yourself in him.  But I can tell you one thing; you will surpass him if you take his life, and leave your family, and separate from them with that knowledge to bear, Todd.  And, the evil one will have won."

I'm like Hesser.  She's right.  The parallels are all there; I never saw it before. I hate him the way I hate me.  He's everything about me that I hate.

"How did you put all of this together?" He said.

"I didn't.  Your wife did.  She was afraid to talk to you about it, because she did not want you to feel she was accusing you. She did not want to hurt you.  I told her I would talk to you, but she didn't know exactly what I would say.  Me, I'm more about the truth, myself.  I feel it's best, always."

He said, "Sister, I love her so much, I can't put it into words.  She knows me better than anyone ever has.  She understand me.  She comforts me.  She loves me, even though I'm not whole."  His voice cracked, and she patted his hand.

"There now, you're whole.  You're just looking for glue, my boy.  Now you know what you have to do.  And taking another man's life won't take these things you've done off your soul.  All you can do is keep doing right, and keeping loving.  And Todd, accept what the Lord's given you.  You're redeemed in the eyes of those who matter most:  your children, friends, that beautiful wife of yours, and especially God up above.  You are redeemed simply by wanting it so badly."  She put her tea cup down.  "Now, I must go.  And you have something to do, upstairs, don't you?"

As she made her way to the car, he jumped the stairs two at a time.  He saw Starr sitting on Blair's bed, and his expression made Starr feel she should go.  He sat by Blair on the bed.  "You, are my life, Blair."

"Oh what brought this on?  Sister Rebecca Katherine?"  She said.

"And you.  You know that."  He got up and went to the hiding place and taking the knife, he showed it to her.  "I want to be a good father to your babies, Blair.  I'm...I'm going to bring this to John and admit what I did."

"Todd, you'll be arrested."

"I think I can guarantee that he'll understand.  I'm bringing it back, there's no case against Leona, he's dead.  I have to face what I did, and I have to let go."  He walked to her, and put his hand on the back of her head.  "I want to be your husband, more than I want anything else.  I'll be back in a while."  He kissed her and left.  

As he walked out, she turned her eyes upward and said, "Thank you, God, for this," and she cried.

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